Startelf SBC FIFA 22 ohne Loyalität

As part of the annual ritual at the start of any new FIFA game, players are tasked with working their way through a pile of foundation Squad Building Challenges. FIFA 22 is no different, and one of the toughest and most expensive to solve is the First XI SBC in the League Hybrid set. This requires a squad hailing from 11 different leagues, but all must be of the same nationality.

While the other SBCs in this set are relatively straightforward, First XI is renowned for leaving players frustrated, and often coinless, if they attempt it at the start of the game. This SBC is so renowned that it can see prices for bog standard players inflate massively on the Transfer Market if they are useful in solving it.

However, we’re on hand to help, with some solutions to the First XI SBC in FIFA 22. So take a browse through this guide and save yourself the hassle, stress, and expense of trying to solve the dreaded First XI SBC all by yourself.

FIFA 22 First XI SBC requirements

Here are the requirements to complete the First XI SBC in FIFA 22:

  • Exactly Gold players
  • Exactly 11 leagues
  • Exactly 100 chemistry
  • Minimum 8 Rare players

This SBC is made particularly tricky by needing 100 chemistry – which means no one can be out of position – and needing the majority of the squad to be rare.

That 100 chemistry requirement also means that at least one player in the team has to have a loyalty bonus. That means the player has either been pulled from a pack or has played more than ten games for your Ultimate Team. This means you can only buy ten of the eleven players straight from the Transfer Market.

As a result, there are only a handful of nationalities compatible with this SBC.

FIFA 22 First XI SBC best nations

The First XI SBC in FIFA 22 requires a team that is all the same nationality. So far, we have only found two nationalities with which you can complete this SBC without having to use several position change items. They are Brazil and Argentina.

FIFA 22 First XI SBC solution

Before we show you some solutions to the First XI SBC in FIFA 22, remember: at least one player in your team must have loyalty. If no one has a loyalty bonus, then you can only achieve 99 chemistry. Right, time for some solutions.


Here’s how to solve the First XI SBC with Brazilian players in FIFA 22. This method should only set you back around 20,000 coins and requires no position changes.

Startelf SBC FIFA 22 ohne Loyalität

It’s worth having a look through your Ultimate Team club to see if you already own some of these alternative players you could use instead of some of the players in this solution.

  • ST: Instead of Wesley, you could try Johnathan, Junior Negao, Arthur Cabral, Vinicius, Alan Kardec, or Soares.
  • CM: Instead of Gerson, you could use Rafinha or Lucas Paqueta.
  • CB: Instead of Pablo, you could use Doria.


Here’s how to solve the First XI SBC with Argentinian players in FIFA 22. The players in this solution are slightly cheaper than the Brazilians, with the cost of this solution being around 15,000 coins. It will however require one CAM to CM position change item for Robertone, or if you have more than one player with a loyalty bonus you can keep Robertone as a CAM.

Startelf SBC FIFA 22 ohne Loyalität

So there you have it, two solutions to the First XI SBC in FIFA 22. Have a rummage through your club to see if you own any of these players already, before you head over to the Transfer Market to pick them up.

More FIFA 22 guides:

  • Best FIFA 22 strikers – the men leading the charge
  • Best FIFA 22 wingers – pacey players perfect for your team
  • Best FIFA 22 goalkeepers – never let a goal in again with these players
  • FIFA 22 best kits – send your team out in style
  • FIFA 22 5 star skillers – the players who have all the moves

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Was bedeutet Startelf FIFA?

Startelf ist eine von vielen Squad Building Challenges (SBC) in FIFA 23 und auch hier müsst ihr wieder verschiedene Karten zusammenstellen, um die euch gestellte Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Diese spezifische SBC findet ihr in FIFA 23 im Bereich "Fortgeschritten" bei den Hybrid-Ligen.

Wie funktionieren SBC FIFA 22?

So funktioniert das SBC Crafting Das Ziel des SBC Crafting ist das Freischalten eines wertvollen SBC Spielers ohne abertausende Coins auszugeben. Auf dem Weg dorthin öffnet ihr eine Menge Packs und mit etwas Glück ergattert ihr hierbei eine teure Promo-Karte oder den einen oder anderen bedeutenden Spieler.

Wie kann man SBC in FIFA machen?

Wähle im FIFA 23-Hauptmenü den Abschnitt FIFA Ultimate Team..
Manche SBCs bestehen aus mehreren Challenges mit individuellen Boni und einem größeren Gesamt-Abschlussbonus. ... .
Manche SBCs sind wiederholbar..