Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh


There is a time gap of 2 hours, in Arunachal Pradesh sun rises 2 hrs earlier than Gujrat.

  • Answered by: Yogisree V. from Visakhapatnam
  • Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh


The time lag from Gujarat to Arunach Pradesh is of 2 hrs.

  • Answered by:

    Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh

    Avinash K. from Delhi
  • Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh


there is a time gap of 4min between two consecutive longitude. And the longitudional difference between Gujrat and Arunachal Pradesh is about 30. so we can calculate the time difference----

  • 30*4min = 120min = 2hour.

  • Answered by:

    Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh

    Kausturi M. from Kolkata
  • Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh


Time lag between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh is 2 hrs. 

  • Answered by:

    Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh

    Sonika K. from Kolkata
  • Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh


The longitudinal difference between India's eastern and western boundaries is of 30°. For every 1° there is a time gap of 4 minutes. So for 30° there will be a time gap of 30*4= 120 minutes or 2 hours. So there is a time gap of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh.

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Why is there a time difference of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh


Related why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location

The sun rises in the east as sun is ahead 4 minutes every meridian while going from west to east. kuchch in gujarat is located at 6 degree 8 minutes longitude while the eastermost point of arunachal pradesh is at 97 degree 25 minutes east longitude.this is almost 30 degree longitude away from each other.does the difference is 2 hour (30x4=120 minutes/2 hours).but the local time 82 degree 32 minutes longitude is taken as the standard time throughout the country. all the watches in the country run according to the standard time.thus there is a time lag of 2 hours from arunachal pradesh to gujarat but the watches shows the correct time.

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why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location for Class 9 2022 is part of Class 9 preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Class 9 exam syllabus. Information about why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location covers all topics & solutions for Class 9 2022 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location.

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Here you can find the meaning of why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location, a detailed solution for why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location has been provided alongside types of why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice why there is a time lag of 2 hours between Gujarat and arunachal pradesh? give 3 reasons Related: Short Question Answers : India: Size and Location tests, examples and also practice Class 9 tests.

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The sun rises in the east as sun is ahead 4 minutes every meridian while going from west to east. kuchch in gujarat is located at 6 degree 8 minutes longitude while the eastermost point of arunachal pradesh is at 97 degree 25 minutes east longitude.this is almost 30 degree longitude away from each other.does the difference is 2 hour (30x4=120 minutes/2 hours).but the local time 82 degree 32 minutes longitude is taken as the standard time throughout the country. all the watches in the country run according to the standard time.thus there is a time lag of 2 hours from arunachal pradesh to gujarat but the watches shows the correct time.

Why is there a time lag of 2 hours between Arunachal Pradesh and Dwarka?

There is a time lag of two hours between Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, due to the longitudinal extent of India.

Why does the sun rises 2 hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than Gujarat?

How does this happen? The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show at the same time, this happens because of the “Indian Standard Time”. Indian Standard time is the standard time followed all over India.

What is the time difference between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat Class 9?

Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat have a time difference of 2 hours .

Why is the local time of Arunachal Pradesh ahead than the local time of Gujarat?

Complete Step by Step answer: There is a difference of two hours in the Local time between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh. This is because there is a 30 degree difference between India's extreme east (Arunachal Pradesh) and extreme west (Guajarat).