Who is associated with the dynamic systems view of how people develop their motor skills?


Dynamic systems theory (DST) outlines three constraints (i.e. individual, task, and environment) that influence the emergence of behavior. These constraints interact with one another to self-organize and create a spontaneous behavior. For many researchers studying motor development, this spontaneous behavior refers to the production of motor movement. DST provides an explanation for the variability and spontaneous movement that occurs from individual to individual. While this theory is accepted as one of the major explanations of motor development, it is unknown how it is being utilized to inform the research on motor development or the development of interventions. In this review, the author found 18 instances in the literature where DST had been used to analyze, test, or manipulate motor patterns and movement. Overall, the studies report a positive effect from the manipulation of constraints with respect to a change in motor pattern. Only one study was found that sought to positively improve behavior through the directed use of constraints; the majority of studies sought to understand the influence constraints have on the production of movement.


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Received: 2016-2-24

Accepted: 2016-6-29

Published Online: 2016-8-10

©2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

Who created the dynamic systems theory?

Dynamic systems theory originated in mathematics and physics. It is credited to Henri Poincaré (1854–1912) who developed the foundations of modern chaos theory, a precursor to dynamic systems. Chaos theory, and subsequently dynamic systems theory, began when Poincaré sought to understand the three-body problem.

What is the dynamic systems view of motor development?

Dynamical systems theory (DST) emphasizes that it is the interaction between the person, the environment, and the task that changes how our movements are, also in terms of how we develop and learn new movements. The interplay between these factors will, over time, lead to changes in motor development.

What is Esther Thelen theory?

Through watching and recording babies' behavior, Thelen's 19 years of research demonstrated that infant movement develops through a complex interplay of factors, including changing bodies, growing brains and nervous systems, and interactions with the external environment during a dynamic period of brain development.

What is dynamic systems theory OT?

Dynamical systems theory provides the clinician with information about how systems interact to influence motor behavior. The task-oriented approach helps the practitioner to clinically improve motor behavior.