What type of exercise that improves flexibility which increases the ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion?

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Dixie L. Thompson, Ph.D., FACSM, is the director of the Center for Physical Activity and Health and a professor in the Department of Exercise, Sport, and Leisure Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness. Flexibility refers to the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion (ROM) with ease. Flexibility is joint specific. This means that good flexibility in one joint is not necessarily related to that of other joints. A person could, for example, have excellent ROM in her shoulders but have limited flexibility in her hips. Athletes such as gymnasts and hurdlers clearly must have exceptional ROM to excel in their competitive events, but for all individuals, good flexibility makes everyday movements easier. Although having good flexibility often is touted as being protective against injury, the scientific evidence is lacking. Good ROM in hips and low back along with strong abdominal muscles may help prevent or alleviate low back pain, but this point is controversial.


Flexibility in a joint is limited by several factors including the bony structures of the joint. For example, the elbow (a hinge joint) cannot move in the same way as the shoulder (a ball and socket joint). Other factors that impact ROM in a joint include age, activity, sex, disease, and characteristics of the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.). Females often have greater ROM in joints, but there are exceptions to this generality. Regardless of sex, flexibility tends to decline with age. Some of this decrease is due to the aging process, but some of the lost ROM may be reflective of being less active and not aging, per se. A joint that is not routinely taken through its ROM will become less flexible. There also are characteristics of the soft tissues that vary among individuals making some people more flexible than others. Although there is a genetic component to flexibility, training to improve ROM is effective in increasing the ability of soft tissues to extend beyond their resting lengths, thus providing greater ROM.

A disease that frequently decreases flexibility is arthritis. In arthritis, the cartilage within a joint is worn away, making movement restricted and painful. With this disease, it is important to perform gentle stretching exercises to maintain as much ROM as possible.


Slowly moving a joint to the end of its ROM and holding it in that position is called static stretching. This type of stretching is the most commonly recommended approach to improve ROM. Soft tissues move more easily when warm, so for the best results, light-to-moderate aerobic activity leading to increased muscle blood flow and elevated temperature should precede static stretching. After this warm-up, the joint should be moved through its ROM until tension, not pain, is felt. This position should be held for 15 to 30 seconds. A total of two to four repetitions should be performed. Range-of-motion exercise should be performed a minimum of 2 to 3 days per week, or optimally 5 to 7 days per week. Individuals should devise a program to improve overall ROM. Some problem areas that often deserve special attention are the following: hamstrings, hip flexors, low back muscles, the Achilles tendon, and the muscles controlling shoulder movement. Some discomfort may result when beginning flexibility routines. This discomfort, often felt as stiffness, should subside within a week of beginning stretching exercises. It is important to progress slowly and consult a health care professional if pain or joint swelling occurs.

A number of movement forms focus attention on developing good ROM. Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates improve flexibility when performed correctly. Individuals can learn these techniques through classes or even using exercise videos. It is important to remember that if joint injury or disease is present, it is best to consult a medical professional before engaging in new exercise routines.

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For serious and not-so-serious athletes alike, stretching is a crucial part of playing or practicing a sport. Stretching increases your range of motion and flexibility by making your soft tissues, such as muscles and ligaments, longer by decreasing stiffness. It can also help improve your performance in your sport, help with soreness after exercise and lower your chance of injury.

There are two main types of stretches: static stretches and dynamic stretches. Static stretches are those in which you stand, sit or lie still and hold a single position for period of time, up to about 45 seconds. Dynamic stretches are controlled movements that prepare your muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues for performance and safety.

Both of these have different purposes and should be used at different times in your workout. Read on for more from HSS physical therapist Leigh-Ann Bramble, PT, DPT, of the HSS Sports Rehabilitation and Performance Center, on the benefits of static and dynamic stretching.

Dynamic Stretching

This form of stretching improves speed, agility and acceleration. It involves the active tightening of your muscles and moving your joints through their full range of motion throughout the stretch. These functional and sport-specific movements help increase muscle temperature and decrease muscle stiffness.

Dynamic stretches should be used as part of your warm-up routine before any athletic event, whether competitive or not. A complete athletic warm-up should incorporate about 5 to 10 minutes of low- to moderate-intensity swimming, jogging or cycling, followed by dynamic stretching.

Here are some types of dynamic stretching.

Torso twist

Stand with your feet facing forward, as wide as your shoulders, and your arms by your side with a 90-degree bend in your elbows. Keep your feet in the same position and in a controlled manner, twist your torso from one side to the other. Be sure to move through your trunk and do not force the movement. This exercise helps keep your spine mobile and flexible. Maintaining spine flexibility is particularly beneficial for athletes of throwing and hitting sports such as football, baseball, tennis, hockey and lacrosse.

Walking lunge

Stand with your arms on your waist; take a step forward and lunge, keeping your front knee in line with your hip and ankle and lowering your back knee toward the floor without touching. Do not allow your front knee to drive past your front toes. Push off the back leg and step forward with the opposite leg, lunging in the same fashion. Engage your abdominal muscles throughout this exercise to avoid arching your back. This helps stretch the gluteus, hamstring and hip flexor muscles and is beneficial for all athletes, particularly those playing track-and-field sports, soccer, rugby or football.

Leg swing

Stand on one leg and in a slow, controlled motion swing the other leg in front of you and behind you through the full range of motion. Make sure to engage your abdominal muscles to prevent your back from arching. This stretch helps prepare the hamstrings and hip flexors for running.

Static Stretching

Static stretching requires you to move a muscle as far as it can go without feeling any pain, then hold that position for 20 to 45 seconds. You should repeat static stretches two to three times each. This is a very effective way to increase flexibility.

Static stretches should be used as part of your cool-down routine to help prevent injury. Using static stretching as a maintenance stretching program will also help reduce your risk of injury.

But using static stretching in a warm-up prior to an athletic competition may actually negatively impact your performance. This is because static stretching may limit your body’s ability to react quickly. This condition may last up to two hours in activities such as vertical jumps, short sprints, balance and reaction speeds.

Here are some examples of static stretches.

Posterior capsule stretch

Relax your shoulders, bring one arm across your body and hold it with the other arm just above the elbow, pulling gently toward your body. This stretch is for the back of the shoulder and is particularly beneficial for all athletes of throwing sports such as football, baseball and basketball.

What type of exercise that improves flexibility which increases the ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion?

Hamstring Stretch

Place one leg on a low stool with your hips and feet facing forward. Lean forward from your hips, keeping your back flat and knee straight until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Stretching your hamstrings helps prevent injuries while running.

What type of exercise that improves flexibility which increases the ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion?

Quadriceps stretch

Grab hold of one ankle with your hand from the same side. Tighten your stomach muscles to prevent your back from arching. Extend your thigh backwards, bend your knee and bring your ankle up toward your butt. Be sure to keep your knee aligned with your hip by keeping your ankle in the same line as your hip, rather than angled outward or inward toward your body. You should feel this stretch in the front of your thigh. This stretch is beneficial to the quadriceps muscle.

What type of exercise that improves flexibility which increases the ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion?

What exercises that will help improve your joint flexibility and range of motion?

5 Joint Mobility Exercises to Improve Flexibility and Function.
Ankle mobility..
Hip opener..
Spine windmills..
Shoulder pass-through..
Neck half circles..

What exercise improves flexibility?

Examples of flexibility activities include:.
tai chi..

What is the ability to move joints through their full range of motion?

Flexibility is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion. Although flexibility varies widely from person to person, minimum ranges are necessary for maintaining joint and total body health.