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Mafia City is a complex apparatus that is capable of defining and announcing how the Mafia operates.

*mafia city level 100 boss:*

by Micky Ahh January 5, 2019


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Mafia City

A mobile game made by Yotta Games that you can somehow level up from a level 1 crook to a level 100 godfather by hitting someone in the head with a frying pan

I just drank a glass of wine in Mafia City and I'm automatically a Lv. 60 boss. That's how mafia works.

by Delicious-Dog-Stew January 14, 2019


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Mafia City

A game about becoming the level 35 boss, Mafia City is GTA 6

"thats how mafia works"
-Mafia City Ad

by JupiterIsPlanet March 17, 2019


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Mafia City

Mafia City is a series of humorous Facebook advertisements which depict the levels and role of various members of organized crime.

There's apparently is also a game that is very loosely based off the advertisements

These Mafia City ads are hilarious.

by Sam_I_am August 14, 2019


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Baue deine eigene mafia city gleich begleite mafia werde boss

Burdened by the future of your Family,you were brought into this bloody storm by fate to be the New Leader of this clan. Legit Violence, Turf claiming,Wealth and Glory and even domination of the City are all purpose for a Mafia. To fight till the end,to align and join forces,each Mafia has their own rule of survival. Come together lets begin this trilling adventure!

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Baue deine eigene mafia city gleich begleite mafia werde boss

One man can never be a Mafia. Brotherhood is a code, we ask not of ones past, but desire to be in their futures. Your enemy is my enemy, your misfortune is mine as well. The clan is your home, your very backbone. When you become one of the clan's executives, a call is all you need to rally over thousand of brothers to wipe out the enemy. Only by joining a clan will you fully understand the glory it brings.

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T7 Hitman

Shooters: Every imaginable machines of war, can all be found right here! 1 on 1 battles won't even break a sweat, even sniping can provide awesome fire cover!

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T5 Wrecker

Bulkers: Strong and powerful, one of the most classical role in Mafia. Generally uses knives, bats and etc to attack. They are the very embodiment of pure brute strength, the very sign of male's hormones. It is also the entire forces' greatest and most powerful defense

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T1 Chopper

Bikers: Known for their high mobility, roaming each and every corner of the city. Always passionate about the night, they often chance upon unexpected secrets. They are also the fastest to provide support upon the battlefield.

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T10 Boulder

Bulkers: Strong and powerful, one of the most classical role in Mafia. Generally uses knives, bats and etc to attack. They are the very embodiment of pure brute strength, the very sign of male's hormones. It is also the entire forces' greatest and most powerful defense

Baue deine eigene mafia city gleich begleite mafia werde boss

T6 Ace shooter

Shooters: Every imaginable machines of war, can all be found right here! 1 on 1 battles won't even break a sweat, even sniping can provide awesome fire cover!

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T10 Artillery

Vehicle: Has the greatest load of all, capable of transporting massive crews and loads or weapons onto the battlefield. They own defensive ability are greatly improved after being modified at the same time if equipped with lethal weapons they will then become a gang's secret weapon.

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Baue deine eigene mafia city gleich begleite mafia werde boss

The existence of Babe has filled the every day killing of a Mafia's life with an air of romance. On days without battles, playing with secretary amongst the water, enjoy-ing a game upon the table are where life's wonder lies. Those Babe's from around the world are each embodied with an unique aura, but that is not all! Each and every one of them have their own unique set of skills, which can effectively assist you in both develop and battle.

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Baue deine eigene mafia city gleich begleite mafia werde boss

Kann man bei Mafia City die Stadt wechseln?

Solange das Event in der Stadt eröffnet ist, kann man die Stadt beliebig wechseln. Pate Villa 5 Spieler müssen vom System überprüft und berechtigt werden. Danach können sie erst ausziehen.

Was kostet Mafia City?

Mafia City könnt ihr kostenlos spielen.