Which of the following is the MOST beneficial to review when performing an IT audit

Ready to take the Certified Information Systems Auditor exam? Use these CISA practice questions to test your knowledge of the audit process job practice domain.

The Certified Information Systems Auditor certification covers five job practice domains, ranging from Governance and Management of IT to Protection of Information Assets. Performing an audit is, of course, one of an auditor's main tasks, so it's no wonder it ranks as the second most highly weighted domain of the CISA exam.

As defined by ISACA, the Information Systems Auditing Process domain is meant to "establish and/or maintain an information security governance framework and supporting processes to ensure that the information security strategy is aligned with organization goals and objectives."

There's a lot more to the audit process than just performing an audit and gathering evidence. Auditors must not only plan the audit and communicate its results clearly, but also follow the Information Technology Assurance Framework (ITAF) and adhere to ISACA's Code of Professional Ethics. Both will guide auditors and ensure a consistent, trustworthy audit methodology is used.

The Information Systems Auditing Process job practice domain covers the ITAF, Code of Professional Ethics, audit management, audit risk and analysis, self-control audits and more.

Which of the following is the MOST beneficial to review when performing an IT audit
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CISA: Certified Information
Systems Auditor Practice
Exams by Peter Gregory

The following questions, excerpted from Chapter 3 of CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor Practice Exams written by Peter Gregory and published by McGraw-Hill, will quiz your knowledge of this job practice domain to help you prep for the CISA exam.

For additional questions and answers, download a PDF of Chapter 3, "The Audit Process." For more insights into what you can expect from the exam and pointers for success, check out this Q&A with Gregory.

This was last published in March 2020

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