From an ethgender point of view, which adolescent likely has the lowest self-esteem?

10-51. Societal messages suggest that which of the following is a roadblock to a female’ssocial success?Page: 290Level: MediumType: Conceptual

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10-52. Which of the following is NOT typically a factor in determining an adolescentmale’s self-esteem?a) athletic achievementb) socioeconomic statusc) weightd) raceAnswer: cPages: 290 -291Level: MediumType: Conceptual

10-53. Which of the following is NOT typically a factor in determining an adolescentfemale’s self-esteem?Pages: 290 - 291Level: MediumType: Conceptual

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10-54. During middle childhood years, it appears that children in immigrant familiesPage: 291Level: EasyType: Factual

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10-55. Sima is a child of recent immigrants to the U.S.Sima is likely to demonstrate allof the following EXCEPT

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Abstract :

This study examined the impact of ethgender, the combination of race and gender, on global and public domain aspects of adolescent self-esteem. Using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and a 3-item index, differences were observed among 10 ethgenders. Black and Hispanic males had the highest levels of global self-esteem, and Asian and Native American Females had the lowest. On public domain components white and black males had the highest scores, and Asian and Native American females had the lowest. Females (except blacks) had lower levels of both global and public domain self-esteem than did males.

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Copyright: COPYRIGHT 1994 Libra Publishers, Inc.

Source Citation

Gale Document Number: GALE|A15502633

When it comes to worrying about obesity, who is least likely to be concerned?

Which of the following activities is considered a gross motor skill?

which of the following is a fine motor skill?

At approximately what age should a child be able to use each hand independently?

Bobby, age 5, Amanda, age 12, Allan, age 3, and Suzy, age 8, are all children at risk for injuries. Which of these children is more apt to be injured than the others?

Approximately how many children and adolescents have a psychological disorder that produces some impairment?

What is the term for substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech and is the most common speech impairment?

Severe and early loss of hearing is associated with loss of 

Inability to see even at 20 feet what a typical person can see at 200 feet (20/200) after correction (corrective lenses) this is known as?

Most estimates put the number of children that have ADHD at ________ percent of children under 18 years of age.

--------- is body weight that is more than 20% over the avg weight for a given age and height

At what age can both boys and girls judge and intercept directions of small balls thrown from a distance, and run 17ft per second

Which of the following is not a fine motor skill? (typing, writing in cursive with pen, jumping rope, tying shoes)

At approximately what age should a child be able to tie their shoes?

Children ages 5-9 are most likely to be killed..

What percentage of preteens suffer with depression?

If a person has the inability to see even at 20 feet what a typical person can see at 70 feet (20/70) after correction (corrective lenses, etc.), this is known as

What is not considered one of the prevalent disorders that affect children with normal intellegence?

If a child is demonstrating difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities, the child is exhibiting

All of the following are side effects of medication treatment for ADHD except (dependency, depression, irritability, loss of appetite and weight)

What is the term that refers to the period of cognitive development between 7 and 12 years of age, which is characterized by the active, and appropriate, use of logic?

In the information processing approach, what is the term for the process by which information is initially recorded, stored, and retrieved?

For a child to remember a piece of information, ____ processes must function properly.

Alexander is 6 years old, although he pronounces most words clearly, he has difficulty pronouncing J V TH and ZH sounds, which are examples of 

The vocabulary of a 6 year old is from 8,000-14,000 words, whereas the vocabulary grows by another __words between the ages of 9-11

When middle school children become more competent with the rules of governing the use of language to communicate in a given social setting, they are demonstrating knowledge of 

When a non-English speaking student is taught using only English for all subjects that is known as

Children begin to use reading as a source for learning around

What is the term, for the actual age of the child taking the intelligence test?

Chronological/physical age

What is the term for the educational setting that is most similar to that of children w/o special needs?

least restrictive enviorment

Concrete operational thought involves applying ________________ to solve problems.

If a preschool child thinks largely in an egocentric manner, then from the Piaget's perspective he would say that the child is in the ___stage

If a middle school child employs conscious, intentionally used tactics to improve cognitive processing, this is called

Larry was daydreaming the day that his first grade teacher reviewed the math lesson that 5 + 5 = 10. Later, Larry was not able to recall this information, probably because

When middle-school age children understand the rules of language that indicate how words and phrases can be combined to form sentences, this is called

What is the term for an understanding of one's own use of language?

When a non-English speaking child is initially taught in their native language, while at the same time learning English, this is called

At which stage does a child learn phonological recording skills and starts to read

score that takes into account a student's mental and chronological age

intelligence quotient (IQ)

If a person has an IQ score that falls in the range below 25, this is known as

profound mental retardation

11-year-old Tina characterizes herself as a smart, friendly person who is helpful to others. Tina's views of herself are based on

psychological characteristics or internal traits

Whereas self concept reflects beliefs about the self___is an individuals overall self-evaluation 

Generally, overall self-esteem is high during middle childhood but begins to decline around the age of ____ due to ______.

Parents can help break the cycle of low self-esteem in a child by using ___ child-rearing style.

Which psychologist contends that people pass through a series of stages as their sense of justice evolves and in the kind of reasoning they use to make moral judgments 

Which psychologist developed the 3 stages of moral development for women?

_____ is the period in which parents and children jointly control children's behavior.

What percentage of children in the U.S. between the ages of 5 and 12 spend some time alone after school without adult supervision?

Following a divorce, a child may exhibit all of the following except (sleep disturbance, depression, ADD/ADHD, anxiety)

Approximately how many children under the age of 18 in the U.S. live in a single-parent household?

Which psychologist promoted the industry-versus-inferiority theory, which addresses middle childhood children's focus on meeting the challenges presented by the world?

Twelve-year-old Sam believes he is a pretty good soccer player, but not as good in chorus. This is an indication of Sam's 

A seventh grade student is tempted to cheat on an exam, but talks himself out of it because he is afraid he will get caught and flunk the course. He is demonstrating

What is the term for a collection of social skills that permits individuals to perform successfully in social settings?

Sally, who is a middle school girl, wants her friend to go to the movies, which statement is sally likely to use to get the friend to go

The current term for a child who lets himself into his home after school and waits alone for his parents to return from work is a _____ child.

what is the approximate percentage of children in the U.S. who spend their entire childhood living in the same household with both parents?

After a divorce, ____ year old children feel pressured to choose sides between the mother and father, and may experience a degree of divided loyalty.

A remarried couple that have at least one stepchild living with them is__

Girls begin their growth spurt around age ____, while boys begin their growth spurt around age ____

What is the term for the onset of menstruation?

When physical characteristics change, such as early onset of menstruation or increased height and weight (due to better nutrition), occur over the course of several generations, this is an example of

Developmentalists suggest that along with early/late maturity, all of the following may be more pertinent in determining the adolescent's behavior except

By drinking milk during their teenage years, girls can consume enough required ____to avoid ____ later in their lives

Stella is a 16-year-old adolescent female who privately eats large quantities of food but then purges herself right after consuming the food by vomiting and taking laxatives. Stella is suffering from

Which of the following is least likely to participate in exercise?

an 18-year-old African-American female

What area of the brain goes through significant development during the adolescent years?

A person with alcohol problems who has learned to depend on alcohol and is unable to control his/her drinking is a(n)

Approximately how many cigarettes does an adolescent have to smoke to increase his/her chance of being an addicted and habitual smoker for life?

Which of the following stages follows childhood?

Which of the following terms describes the period in which sexual organs mature?

What is the most obvious sign of puberty in girls?

the visible signs of sexual maturity that do not directly involve the sex organs

secondary sex characteristics

During the teenage years, the average girl requires ________ calories a day, and the average boy requires _____.

The part of the brain that allows people to think, evaluate, and make complex judgments in a uniquely human way, ad that goes through considerable development during the adolescent years, is called

drugs that produce abiological or psychological dependence in users, leading to increasinglypowerful cravings for them. 

Which of the following adolescents is the least likely to start smoking?

According to the World Health Organization, what percentage of the world's population will die as a result of smoking?

The knowledge thatpeople have about their own thinking processes, and their ability to monitortheir cognition 

The perspective that sees changes in adolescents' cognitive abilities as evidence of gradual transformations in the capacity to take in, use and store information

information processing perspective

Which of the following is a term that relates to an adolescent's belief that his or her own behavior is a primary focus of others' attentions and concerns?

15-year old Lawrence thought that he had prepared for his final exams, however when he got his scores he was disappointed. Rather than reviewing the area of the test he didn't do so well on, Lawrence confronted his teacher with a verbal lashing and accused her of being out to get him. This is an example of ?

When an adolescent's newly sophisticated metacognitive capability enables him/her to construct elaborate scenarios about others' thoughts, this is known as

16 year old Sally primps in front of every mirror she comes across and believes that she is the focus of everyones attention. Sally is demonstrating what?

Brazilian adolescent boys who feel invulnerable and therefore engage in risky behavior such as riding the roof of a high-speed train are exhibiting

Which of the following countries' students has the highest academic achievement in math and science in the world?

Which of the following is least likely to drop out of high school prior to graduation in the U.S.? (African American Male, Caucasian American Male, Asian American Male, Hispanic American Male)

Piaget proposed that children reach the formal operational stage of development around age 

The model of development that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use and store information is called

information processing perspective

According to information processing explanations of cognitive development during adolescence, one of the most important reasons for advances in mental abilities is the growth of 

The state of self-absorption in which the world is viewed as focused on oneself is referred to as  

The view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one else is called

Which of the following is a type of thinking that is evident in both early childhood and adolescence?

Egocentrism leads to distortion in thinking: the notion that one's experiences are unique, and this may lead the adolescent to develop

Adolescents who engage in risk taking behaviors such as not using condoms when engaging in sexual activity and driving recklessly when drunk are exhibiting 

Which of the following students is likely to demonstrate the greatest academic achievement? (Caucasian, African American, Asian American, Hispanic American)

Students from lower income households are ______ less likely to complete high school than middle and higher income students.

Which of the following is not a factor in determining an adolescent female's self esteem? 

From an "ethgender" point of view, which of the following adolescents has the lowest self esteem? (African A. male, Native A. male, Hispanic female, Asian female)

According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who commit to a particular identity following a period of crisis during which they consider various alternatives is called

According to James Marcia, which of the following four categories of identity development leads to “rigid strength,” authoritarian behavior, and a high need for social approval?

Even though some adolescent suicide is underreported, suicide is the ________ most common cause of adolescent death in 15-24 year-old group.

Warren is a 16-year-old male who recently started to give away important possessions, stopped eating, and demonstrates general depression in that he was lethargic and uncommunicative. Warre is likely demonstrating signs of 

the possibility of suicide

Which of the following adolescents is the most likely to develop a degree of autonomy at an early stage of adolescence?

Parent-adolescent conflict is less likely to be found in which of the following countries? (U.S., Japan, North Korea, Germany)

Larger groups that are composed of individuals who share particular characteristics but who may not interact with one another are called

Statistics show that _____ of all arrests for serious crimes involve a person under the age of 18.

Societal messages suggest that which of the following is a roadblock to a female's social success?

Which of the following is not a factor in determining an adolescent male's self esteem?

Psychologist James Marcie proposed _____ categories of adolescent identity.

According to Marcia, which of the following four categories of identity development leads to the most psychological health, achievement motivation, and moral reasoning ability in adolescents? (identity achievement, moratorium, identity diffusion, identity foreclosure)

When one suicide leads to attempts by others to kill themselves, this is called

The desire to have independence and a sense of control over one's own life is called

Groups of people with whom one compares oneself are called

Sally's adolescent classmates call her and the other 125 members of her advanced computer software group "nerds", meaning she is part of a 

When a person pursues sexual reassignment surgery because they feel as though he/she were born with the wrong physical sex (i.e., trapped in the wrong body), this is called being

Which of the following is likely cause of major depression in adolescent females?

The strongest risk factors for depression in adolescents are a family history of depression and exposure to psychosocial stress. Inherited risks, developmental factors, sex hormones, and psychosocial adversity interact to increase risk through hormonal factors and associated perturbed neural pathways.

Which of the following is a term that relates to an adolescent's belief that their own behavior is unique and a primary focus of others attentions and concerns?

Effects Of This Phenomenon Adolescent egocentrism has also been titled "the imaginary audience" or "the personal fable." These names are given to illustrate the notion that teenagers during this stage of development believe themselves to be the focus of everyone's attention.

What percentage of students enter college finish 4 years later?

While 90 percent of entering students in a nationwide UCLA survey say they'll graduate within four years — the most basic promise made by a university or college to consumers — only 45 percent of them will.

Which model suggests that US society is made up of diverse coequal cultural groups that should preserve their cultural features?

The pluralistic society model suggests that the U.S. society is made up of diverse, coequal cultural groups that should preserve their individual cultural features ("tossed salad model").