A chronic pain disorder that affects muscles and fascia throughout the body is called

Myofascitis is a painful condition that affects the muscles and the sheath of the tissue, called fascia. Fascia is soft stretchy connective tissue that acts like a saran wrap covering over muscle fibers, major muscle groups and organs. This pain syndrome causes chronic pain in the soft tissues (muscles, fascia) throughout the body. This condition has many similarities to the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia.

Muscles of the back may be injured initially through traumatic tearing of the fibers, repetitive strain, and through pre-existing conditions which cause the muscles to be weakened and inflamed without provocation. While traumatic injuries are easily identified, repetitive strain can be more difficult to ascertain.

These strains can begin with a repetitive movement where the muscles are being irritated over a long period of time until they become vulnerable to tearing from a simple change in the position of the back. Approximately 5 days after an injury, scar tissue will then form to act like glue to bond the tissue back together. Scar tissue will continue to form past six weeks in some cases, and as long as a year in sever back strains. In cases where the repetitive irritation is not halted, or if the area does not heal properly and the scar tissues does not break down, myofascial irritation will persist.

The initial approach to treating myofascitis is to support and protect the muscles, help them to loosen up and lessen the pain while minimizing any inflammation. Due to the stiffness which accompanies scar tissue, it will be important to perform procedures which help break down the scaring in the muscle, so as to let the muscle regain its normal flexibility and less the chance of further injury.

While exercise is appropriate for breaking down scar tissue once the area has healed, it may further irritate the area during the initial stages of a re-irritated myofascial pain syndrome. Therefore, other methods such as chiropractic adjustments may be safely used to accomplish this early on in the injury.

Chiropractic care helps increase the flexibility of the soft tissue of the spine and reduces the pressure that occurs from any restricted and minor misalignments of individual vertebral joint segments. This in turns helps to eliminate any nerve interference created from the dysfunctional area. This can be achieved by breaking down scar tissues through techniques which adjust the spine, re-aligning the attached vertebra, as well as performing release techniques to the fibrous portion of the soft tissues.

Many doctors of chiropractic also use therapeutic measures such as electric stimulation and heat therapy. A doctor of chiropractic will take the time to diagnose your condition and help determine its cause.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
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Although there is no consensus on its cause, fibromyalgia appears to be both an inflammatory condition and a neuromuscular condition – meaning that it involves both the body and the brain. It appears to begin by inflammation of the fibrous tissue that surrounds muscles and joints from overuse or injury that send pain signals to the brain.

In the case of fibromyalgia, these signals are amplified and become chronic, and in some cases lead to debility. Researchers believe that “central sensitization” occurs. This is a neurological rewiring, possibly with genetic links, that results in a lower threshold for pain because of increased sensitivity in the brain to pain signals.

Fibromyalgia is commonly a direct result of atlas misalignment, which places measurable pressure on the spinal cord at the level of the brain stem. This adversely affects the brain/body nerve signals, irritates the surrounding soft tissue, and also affects the blood supply to the brain and the proper flow of cerebro-spinal fluid.

This condition routinely responds positively to Atlas Orthogonal as well as laser, infrared light therapy and nerve repair protocols.

Contact us today to learn about Atlas Brain and Body and the many conditions we treat. 828-253-0700

Dr. David Nygaard, MS, MBA
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
Atlas Brain and Body
(828) 253-0700
Follow me on Facebook

Integrative Medicine

You might attribute a painful neck or a backache to tired muscles or stiff joints. But these symptoms can also be caused by a part of your body you probably haven’t heard of: the fascia. Until recently, this network of tissue throughout the body received very little attention despite its major role in every move you make.

What is fascia?

Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. When stressed, it tightens up.

Although fascia looks like one sheet of tissue, it’s actually made up of multiple layers with liquid in between called hyaluronan. It’s designed to stretch as you move. But there are certain things that cause fascia to thicken and become sticky. When it dries up and tightens around muscles, it can limit mobility and cause painful knots to develop.

Healthy fascia is smooth, slippery and flexible. Factors that cause fascia to become gummy and crinkle up (called adhesion) include:

  • A lifestyle of limited physical activity (too little movement day after day)
  • Repetitive movement that overworks one part of the body
  • Trauma such as surgery or injury

Is it fascia pain?

Determining whether your pain is due to muscles, joints or fascia can be difficult. In general, muscle injuries and joint problems feel worse the more you move. Fascia adhesions tend to feel better with movement and also respond well to heat therapy, which helps bring back the tissue’s elasticity.

For some people, adhesions can worsen over time, causing the fascia to compress and contort the muscles it surrounds. This can result in hard, tender knots in the muscles, called trigger points. Myofascial pain syndrome is a condition in which those trigger points cause pain to occur:

  • During movement
  • When pressure is applied
  • In seemingly unrelated parts of the body (referred pain)

Treatment focuses on relieving pain and getting tight fascia and muscle fibers to relax. Medical options include pain relievers, physical therapy and injections of medication directly into trigger points.

How to Keep Fascia Flexible

Keeping your fascia healthy has many benefits. You’ll move more easily, have better range of motion and experience less pain. Things you can do to prevent fascia problems include:

  • Move more: In addition to a consistent but varied exercise routine, it’s important to be active throughout the day. Have a desk job? Take at least a two-minute break every hour to stand up and move around, which helps fascia stay supple. Consider walking meetings or stand up and walk while participating in conference calls.
  • Stretch regularly: Stretching is essential to good health. It reduces the risk of inflammation and structural problems in the body.
  • Focus on posture: Slumping over a desk or a phone or walking in an awkward way to compensate for an injury can cause fascia to tighten. Try to maintain good posture while sitting or standing.

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Ways to Relieve Fascia Pain

There are various strategies that work to loosen up painful knots, such as:

  • Heat therapy: Apply a heating pad to the affected area or take a warm shower or bath.
  • Yoga therapy: See a highly trained yoga therapist to get a regimen of yoga poses targeted to treat your area of pain. (Yoga therapy works in the same manner as physical therapy — the therapist creates a routine and you practice it at home between visits.)
  • Foam rolling: Try a foam roller, a cylinder of hard foam that you roll your body over to release tension. It’s a form of self-massage. You can also do this with a lacrosse ball.
  • Massage therapy: Schedule multiple therapeutic massage sessions with an experienced therapist who can find and apply pressure to release knots.
  • Acupuncture: The insertion of acupuncture needles into trigger points can cause tense tissue fibers to relax.

Treating fascia pain often requires using more than one therapy. A patient’s treatment plan may include a combination of things such as heat therapy, an anti-inflammatory diet, yoga therapy and guided imagery, which helps patients relax by visualizing themselves pain-free.

Most people experience tense muscles from time to time. But it’s important to get help for chronic or severe pain, which may be a sign of a serious health condition. If you continue to have pain despite efforts to relieve it or if pain interferes with sleep or daily activities, talk to your doctor or integrative medicine specialist.

What is a chronic pain disorder that affects muscles and fascia throughout the body?

Overview. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder. In this condition, pressure on sensitive points in your muscles (trigger points) causes pain in the muscle and sometimes in seemingly unrelated parts of your body.

Which term means inflammation of muscle and fascia?

Fasciitis means inflammation of the fascia (the tissue under the skin that surrounds muscles, nerves, fat, and blood vessels).

What causes chronic fascia pain?

Fascia-Related Muscle Pain and Stiffness Factors that cause fascia to become gummy and crinkle up (called adhesion) include: A lifestyle of limited physical activity (too little movement day after day) Repetitive movement that overworks one part of the body. Trauma such as surgery or injury.

Is myofascial pain syndrome the same as fibromyalgia?

Myofascial pain syndrome involves mainly muscular pain; whereas, fibromyalgia includes more widespread body pain, along with other symptoms, such as headaches, bowel problems, fatigue and mood changes.