You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.

Lesson 2: Simple Formulas



One of the most powerful features in Excel is the ability to calculate numerical information using formulas. Just like a calculator, Excel can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. In this lesson, we'll show you how to use cell references to create simple formulas.

Optional: Download our practice workbook.

Watch the video below to learn how to create formulas in Excel.

Mathematical operators

Excel uses standard operators for formulas, such as a plus sign for addition (+), a minus sign for subtraction (-), an asterisk for multiplication (*), a forward slash for division (/), and a caret (^) for exponents.

You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
Standard operators

All formulas in Excel must begin with an equals sign (=). This is because the cell contains, or is equal to, the formula and the value it calculates.

Understanding cell references

While you can create simple formulas in Excel manually (for example, =2+2 or =5*5), most of the time you will use cell addresses to create a formula. This is known as making a cell reference. Using cell references will ensure that your formulas are always accurate because you can change the value of referenced cells without having to rewrite the formula.

You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
Using cell references to recalculate a formula

By combining a mathematical operator with cell references, you can create a variety of simple formulas in Excel. Formulas can also include a combination of cell references and numbers, as in the examples below:

You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
Examples of simple formulas

To create a formula:

In our example below, we'll use a simple formula and cell references to calculate a budget.

  1. Select the cell that will contain the formula. In our example, we'll select cell B3.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Selecting cell B3

  2. Type the equals sign (=). Notice how it appears in both the cell and the formula bar.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.

    Entering the = sign

  3. Type the cell address of the cell you want to reference first in the formula: cell B1 in our example. A blue border will appear around the referenced cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Referencing cell B1

  4. Type the mathematical operator you want to use. In our example, we'll type the addition sign (+).
  5. Type the cell address of the cell you want to reference second in the formula: cell B2 in our example. A red border will appear around the referenced cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Referencing cell B2

  6. Press Enter on your keyboard. The formula will be calculated, and the value will be displayed in the cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    The complete formula and calculated value

If the result of a formula is too large to be displayed in a cell, it may appear as pound signs (#######) instead of a value. This means the column is not wide enough to display the cell content. Simply increase the column width to show the cell content.

Modifying values with cell references

The true advantage of cell references is that they allow you to update data in your worksheet without having to rewrite formulas. In the example below, we've modified the value of cell B1 from $1,200 to $1,800. The formula in B3 will automatically recalculate and display the new value in cell B3.

You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
The recalculated cell value

Excel will not always tell you if your formula contains an error, so it's up to you to check all of your formulas. To learn how to do this, you can read the Double-Check Your Formulas lesson from our Excel Formulas tutorial.

To create a formula using the point-and-click method:

Rather than typing cell addresses manually, you can point and click on the cells you want to include in your formula. This method can save a lot of time and effort when creating formulas. In our example below, we'll create a formula to calculate the cost of ordering several boxes of plastic silverware.

  1. Select the cell that will contain the formula. In our example, we'll select cell D3.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Selecting cell D3

  2. Type the equals sign (=).
  3. Select the cell you want to reference first in the formula: cell B3 in our example. The cell address will appear in the formula, and a dashed blue line will appear around the referenced cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Referencing cell B3

  4. Type the mathematical operator you want to use. In our example, we'll type the multiplication sign (*).
  5. Select the cell you want to reference second in the formula: cell C3 in our example. The cell address will appear in the formula, and a dashed red line will appear around the referenced cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Referencing cell C3

  6. Press Enter on your keyboard. The formula will be calculated, and the value will be displayed in the cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    The completed formula and calculated value

Formulas can also be copied to adjacent cells with the fill handle, which can save a lot of time and effort if you need to perform the same calculation multiple times in a worksheet. Review our lesson on Relative and Absolute Cell References to learn more.

You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
Copying a formula to adjacent cells using the fill handle

To edit a formula:

Sometimes you may want to modify an existing formula. In the example below, we've entered an incorrect cell address in our formula, so we'll need to correct it.

  1. Select the cell containing the formula you want to edit. In our example, we'll select cell B3.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Selecting cell B3

  2. Click the formula bar to edit the formula. You can also double-click the cell to view and edit the formula directly within the cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Selecting a formula to edit

  3. A border will appear around any referenced cells. In our example, we'll change the second part of the formula to reference cell B2 instead of cell C2.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    The misplaced cell reference

  4. When you're finished, press Enter on your keyboard or click the checkmark in the formula bar.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    Editing a formula

  5. The formula will be updated, and the new value will be displayed in the cell.

    You can press the ctrl+accent mark(`) keys to display the formulas in a worksheet.
    The newly calculated value

If you change your mind, you can press the Esc key on your keyboard to avoid accidentally making changes to your formula.

To show all of the formulas in a spreadsheet, you can hold the Ctrl key and press ` (grave accent). The grave accent key is usually located in the top-left corner of the keyboard. You can press Ctrl+` again to switch back to the normal view.


  1. Open an existing Excel workbook. If you want, you can use our practice workbook.
  2. Create a simple addition formula using cell references. If you are using the example, create the formula in cell B4 to calculate the total budget.
  3. Try modifying the value of a cell referenced in a formula. If you are using the example, change the value of cell B2 to $2,000. Notice how the formula in cell B4 recalculates the total.
  4. Try using the point-and-click method to create a formula. If you are using the example, create a formula in cell G5 that multiplies the cost of napkins by the quantity needed to calculate the total cost.
  5. Edit a formula using the formula bar. If you are using the example, edit the formula in cell B9 to change the division sign (/) to a minus sign (-).


Why would you press Ctrl +` in Excel?

Showing formulas in the cells makes it easy to find cells that contain formulas, or to check for errors. With a quick key combination you can see formulas instead of formula results in a worksheet. To show formulas in all cells press CTRL+` (that little mark is the grave accent mark key).

When formulas are displayed in a worksheet what happens?

Formulas are displayed in the worksheet and the columns widen to accommodate the formulas, if necessary. If you display formulas and then select a cell that contains a formula, colored lines appear around cells that are referenced by the formula.

What is the keyboard shortcut to show formulas in a worksheet as opposed to the value )? Quizlet?

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ` will display formulas in a workbook. The display of formulas can also be turned on by clicking the Show Formulas button, which is available on the Page Layout tab.

Where is the Show formulas command found?

Show Formulas option on the Excel ribbon In your Excel worksheet, go to the Formulas tab > Formula Auditing group and click the Show Formulas button. Microsoft Excel displays formulas in cells instead of their results right away. To get the calculated values back, click the Show Formulas button again to toggle it off.