Why is it in the best interest of a company to create an effective marketing plan quizlet?

After college, John purchased a Toyota Tacoma for $23,000. He got married recently and is shopping for a more family-oriented vehicle. His is considering purchasing a $26,000 Toyota Camry. Over the course of his life, John will have many other opportunities to purchased Toyota vehicles, including a $34,000 Toyota 4Runner for weekend camping activities. John's customer lifetime value is at least

a. $830,000
b. $92,000
c. $166,000
d. $83,000

Sets with similar terms

- Today the world faces a 'green' problem - the need to make the environment sustainable and yet still develop. This provides a number of challenges for marketing. It involves using resources in a way that is sustainable, so they can be replenished or replaced in the future. It also involves reducing pollution and waste which can be absorbed into the environmental system.

- The adoption of green marketing policies can have implications for the marketing strategy. Businesses must try to identify 'green consumers' through market research. Businesses will only be able to satisfy their needs if they can find out the concerns of these consumers:

- Products and packaging must be environmentally friendly.

- They must be designed for re-use or recycling.

- Promotion may need to change.

- Advertising must be chosen to present a green image.

- Discounts may need to be given to persuade people to change to more environmentally friendly products.

- Sponsorship must be carefully chosen

- Pricing might also be affected

- Sometimes customers might pay slightly higher prices for free range products, for example

- Distribution channels must be chosen which reduce pollution and congestion

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Why is it in the best interest of a company to create an effective marketing plan?

Why is it in the best interest of a company to create an effective marketing plan? It is a tool to align the marketing strategy objectives and tactics with the corporate mission to create alignment across the company. High lifetime value customers bring more money to a company when managed well.

Why is it important for a company to have a marketing plan?

Having a marketing plan can help you to: identify your target market and how your product or service can benefit it. identify how you might attract new customers. encourage your existing customers to continue purchasing your product or service.

Why we should plan the marketing effectively and efficiently?

With a clear marketing strategy and marketing plan in place, it enables the business to understand what sort of budget they need to set aside, for what specific activities, and what level of resource they need to deliver it. Resource doesn't always mean internal manpower.


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