Which response to dissatisfaction involves passively waiting for conditions to improve?

Which response to dissatisfaction involves passively waiting for conditions to improve?

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Which response to dissatisfaction involves passively waiting for conditions to improve?

Chapter 2 Attitudes and Job SatisfactionPage

Chapter 2

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Click on the title to access video teaching guide.

Chapter Overview

This chapter examines attitudes; their link to behavior; and how

employees’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their jobs affects the workplace.

Chapter Objectives

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1.Contrast the three components of an attitude.

2.Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior.

3.Compare and contrast the major job attitudes.

4.Define job satisfaction and show how we can measure it.

5.Summarize the main causes of job satisfaction

6.Show whether job satisfaction is a relevant concept in countries other than the United


Suggested Lecture Outline


A.In this chapter, we look at attitudes, their link to behavior, and how employees’

satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their jobs affects the workplace.


A.Attitudes: evaluative statements – either favorable or unfavorable

– concerning objects, people, or events. They reflect how one feels

about something.

1. Attitudes are complex and the rationale behind them may not be obvious. There

are three main issues we must examine regarding attitudes:

a. what are the main components that make up attitudes

b.how they relate to behavior

c.what are the major attitudes that relate to jobs

B. What Are the Main Components of Attitudes.?

1.There are three main components of attitudes (Exhibit 2-1):

a.Cognitive. The statement “My pay is low” is the cognitive

component of an attitude—a description of or belief in the

way things are.

b.Affective. Affect is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude and is

reflected in the statement “I am angry over how little I’m paid.” Finally, affect

can lead to behavioral outcomes.

Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Exhibit 2.1


Under which of the following conditions is job dissatisfaction most likely to result in turnover?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is Option B) Employees have high education and ability. The reason is that when employees have high education and ability they realize their worth and the reason for job dissatisfaction much quicker.

Which type of response includes actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions?

The correct option is B) In this model, the voice aspect involves the employees trying to make changes to their dissatisfying situation. It is a form of constructive response in which the focus is laid on making changes by discussing the issues with the seniors and or engaging in any union activity for improvement.

Which of the following responses to dissatisfaction is expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve?

Explanation: C) According to the exit-voice-loyalty-neglect framework, the loyalty response means passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve.

Is an active and constructive response to dissatisfaction?

"Neglect" is an active and constructive response to dissatisfaction.