Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

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    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume

    23rd EditionDavid Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene

    369 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

    12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

    1,698 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Social Psychology

    10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

    525 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Human Resource Management

    15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

    249 solutions

    Recommended textbook solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

    12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

    1,698 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume

    23rd EditionDavid Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene

    369 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Social Psychology

    10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

    525 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations

    13th EditionJean Phillips, Ricky W. Griffin, Stanley Gully

    174 solutions

    Recommended textbook solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

    12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

    1,698 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

    5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

    346 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Operations Management

    13th EditionWilliam Stevenson

    980 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume

    23rd EditionDavid Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene

    369 solutions

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    Terms in this set (86)

    Since the 1980s, divorce rates have __________.

    decreased slightly

    Which group has historically dealt with boundary ambiguity?

    same-sex couples whose marriages were not legally recognized

    The legal term that indicates a marriage is no longer binding is


    Prior to the 1970s and no-fault divorce laws, the divorce rate was

    steadily increasing

    After no-fault divorce laws, there was a spike in divorces, and then the rate __________.

    returned to a more moderate upward trend

    Having a father who is involved in a child's life generally

    improves children's happiness and well-being.

    Which of the following characteristics decreases a couple's chance of divorce?

    spending time alone together

    The change in divorce laws, which allowed either spouse to file for divorce, effectively increased the power of


    Which generation has the highest divorce rate on record?

    baby boomers

    Two young boys share the same father but have different mothers. The boys

    are half-brothers.

    The income effect has been noted to

    decrease divorce as income increases.

    Which of the following measures tells how many divorces there are in the United States, relative to the total size of the population?

    crude divorce rate

    Controversies over who controls marriage—the state or church—have arisen based on which of the following topics?

    same-sex marriage

    Couples who cohabitate are characterized by

    more moves and relocations.

    The increased likelihood that women and children live in poverty is known as the

    feminization of poverty

    Those who marry at 20 are about __________ times more likely to divorce than those who wait until 25.


    Which of the following is sociologically important when considering who gets custody of children?

    The care and nurturing of children is an important part of gender inequality.

    A young girl's parents divorce when she is 12. According to statistics, how does this affect the likelihood that she will divorce?

    She is more likely than average to divorce.

    Divorce is least common among people with which of the following levels of education?

    college or advanced degrees

    Why might divorce trends appear in clusters of friends, coworkers, and siblings?

    People's attitudes reflect a practical response to their own experiences and the experiences of those around them.

    A family with at least one person whose relationship is not shared with everyone else is defined as a

    blended family

    When one partner loses a job, the marriage is

    often weakened, regardless of who lost their job.

    Which of the following statements about divorce is true?

    Divorces are less common for college graduates than for people who did not graduate college.

    On average, men's income __________ after a divorce.


    Engaged couples who live together prior to marriage are __________ likely to divorce, compared to non-engaged couples who cohabit.


    Which of the following supports the idea that "divorce is as old as marriage"?

    Ancient Jewish laws permitted divorce.

    Which of the following characteristics increases a couple's chance of divorce?

    children's health problems

    On average, postponing marriage means couples are

    more financially secure.

    The independence effect has been noted to

    increase the likelihood of employed people to leave unhappy marriages.

    Which of the following is true with regard to initiating divorce proceedings?

    Women are more likely to file.

    Legal annulment is __________ in the United States.

    very rare

    Annulment is rare in the United States and occurs only in cases where

    spouses were not legally permitted to marry when they did.

    A better divorce rate measure that compares how many divorces occurred in a given year relative to the number of married people in that year is the

    refined divorce rate

    After divorce, __________ are twice as likely to live in poverty.

    women and their children

    Separation is a legal process that involves

    married spouses separating into different households.

    The most commonly used divorce rate statistic, which compares the number of divorces to the number of new marriages in any given year, is the __________.

    divorce-marriage ratio

    The quintessential care work, which is usually hands-on, intimate work to provide children with the material, intellectual, and emotional support they need, is

    child care.

    When Shawna picks up her kids from soccer practice, sociologists would say she is engaging in what?

    care work

    In what order did women historically enter the workplace?

    first single women, then married women without children, and eventually most married women with young children

    From the 1960s to the 1990s, the percentage of employed women with a child under age 1

    increased rapidly.

    Which country offers the most total paid family leave guaranteed to parents with children?


    The phenomenon in which women have seemingly endless housework and child care on top of hours of paid work is referred to by sociologist Arlie Hochschild as

    second shift

    When the welfare system was reformed in 1996, policymakers abandoned the assumption that

    the government would provide income support instead of full-time work.

    One reason that gender difference in housework has eroded over the last half-century is that

    the total amount of time spent on housework has declined.

    The sociological perspective on work and family is different from common notions in that it

    pays attention to both the content and social context of work.

    The gender division of labor means that

    women do the lion's share of housework and care work, and they are concentrated in certain paid occupational areas.

    The greater number of hours of paid work for men are, on average, balanced out by

    the greater hours of unpaid work for women.

    The three main factors within couples' relationships that seem to account for the fact that women perform so much more unpaid work in the home are

    time, resources, and gender.

    Single fathers might be seen as better off than single mothers because single fathers are more likely to

    live with a partner who can help care for children.

    In the last half-century or so, the main story in the realm of work and family has been

    the growth of market work in the system of care.

    One solution to work-family conflict that people choose reluctantly is

    reducing the role of family in their lives.

    In the last half-century, the growth of women's employment contributed to conflicts between family and paid work obligations for various reasons, including the fact that

    the system did not work for single parents, who could not combine the paid and unpaid work of two spouses.

    One decision that modern families must face is how to divide the housework and care work within the family. This is often a contentious issue for couples, showing that

    it is not really "families" but rather individuals within them that make decisions.

    John works a paid job, and May primarily performs unpaid labor, such as taking care of the home and the children. What is one consequence of this situation?

    May's work is not recognized because it has no direct dollar value.

    The work to maintain a household's function is


    As sociologist Judith Lorber puts it, "Workplace pressures are thought to be unchangeable, so the burden of innovation falls on the __________."


    The term system of care is used to describe what?

    how a society accomplishes the necessary care work and housework

    Economist Heather Boushey, in her book Finding Time (2016), suggests areas in which

    small policy changes could make a big difference for work-family balance.

    Socialization means that the lessons learned in childhood are applied to the situations in which people find themselves as adults. This means that boys who grow up with an employed mother

    do more housework when they grow up.

    The most common reason for families to adopt an at-home father arrangement is that

    the father has lost his job or is unable to work

    One of the advantages of time use studies, in which researchers investigate how people fill their days with activities, is that they

    take account of care work that often seems invisible.

    What trend in child care does the American Time Use Survey find in the last half-century?

    Men and women have both increased their time with children.

    Which group has been identified by sociologists as having more traditional gendered divisions of labor?


    Women's employment rapidly became acceptable within the cultural mainstream, in part because of the kinds of paid work women did. Sociologists call this

    occupational gender segregation

    In historical terms, women's employment patterns have evolved extremely quickly—so quickly that

    the expectations people have for work and family are unclear.

    In recent decades, the most important sociological change to families has been

    the movement of women's work from their families to the paid labor market.

    In the United States, care work is much more __________ than it is in many other countries, which tend to have more __________ solutions.

    market-based; state-based

    Time use data show that married women have cut their housework time roughly in half over the last half-century, while men have

    doubled theirs.

    American workers have long aspired to balance which three things?

    work, rest, and leisure

    Care work is defined as

    work that is performed face-to-face for the purpose of enhancing the capabilities of another person.

    Although some people enjoy housework and child care, most prefer to avoid at least the more onerous aspects of those responsibilities. Therefore, when couples negotiate over who does what work, the partner who has a higher-paying job

    has more decision-making power.

    Women who have less than a high school education are more likely to __________ when they have their first children.

    quit their jobs

    What is one of the consequences of current trends in time use among men and women?

    Because men get out of the house more, they are more likely to have a fulfilling social life.

    The motherhood penalty is

    the loss of earnings women experience after they have children.

    When asked why 25-year-old Joy does more housework than her 28-year-old husband, Jim, Joy said that Jim works longer hours and she therefore doesn't mind doing some extra work around the house. Joy's explanation is an example of what phenomenon?

    Spouses commonly rationalize unequal divisions of labor.

    Care work and housework are increasingly performed as what?

    market work

    The most rapid period of change in the gender composition of the workforce occurred in the three decades after 1960 as the proportion of women in the labor force

    increased from about one-third to three-quarters.

    When the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult for people to fulfill their obligations in either role, they experience

    work-family conflict.

    Which factor tends to play a large role in the options available for balancing work and family?

    one's level of education

    What has been one of the consequences of wealthier families reducing their work-family conflict by employing service workers?

    exacerbating work-family conflict for low-wage workers

    The 1970s Wages for Housework campaign attempted to

    demand housewives be paid wages for their labor.

    Families that practice what Francine Deutsch calls "equally shared parenting" have succeeded best by

    focusing on the early childbearing years, when the division of labor tends to be the most strongly marked by gender.

    In the late 1970s, only one-third of Americans thought that mothers' employment was not harmful for their preschool-aged children. Thirty years later, that proportion rose to two-thirds, illustrating

    that popular attitudes toward the appropriate divisions between men and women have gradually shifted.

    The three institutional arenas in which we feed and care for children include the

    family, the market, and the state.

    Which of the following examples illustrates how the state redistributes much of the product of our labor?

    income taxes used to pay for Social Security plans

    What concept does sociologist Judith Lorber propose as a way to gradually erase gender differences in the responsibilities of men and women?

    degendering families

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    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

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    525 solutions

    Which of the following supports the idea that divorce is as old as marriage quizlet?

    Operations Management

    13th EditionWilliam Stevenson

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