Which of the following projections of the abdomen best demonstrates the Prevertebral region?


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Which of the following projections of the abdomen best demonstrates the Prevertebral region?

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the 2 large muscles found in the posterior abdomen adjacent to the lumbar vertebra and usually visible on an anteroposterior radiograph are called the psaos muscles
gastro- stomach
list the 3 parts of the small intestine duodenum, jejunum, ileum
which portion of the small intestine is considered to be the longest? ileum
the large intestine begins in the ___ with a saclike area called the _____. RLQ, cecum
the sigmoid colon is located between the _____ & ______ of the large intestine. descending colon & rectum
which one of the following organs is considered to be part of the lymphatic system? liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder spleen
list the 3 accessory digestive organs pancreas, liver, gallbladder
the pancreas is located anteriorly or posteriorly to the stomach? posteriorly
which one of the following organs is not directly associated with the digestive system? gallbladder, spleen, jejunum, pancreas spleen
why is the right kidney found in a more inferior portion than the left kidney? presence of liver on the right
which endocrine glands are superomedial to each kidney? suprarenals
the double walled membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity is called the? peritoneum
the organs located posteriorly to, or behind, the serous membrane lining of the abdominopelvic cavity are referred to as retroperitoneal
which one of the following structures helps stabilize and support the small intestine? omentum, peritoneum, viscera, mesentery mesentery
what is a double fold of peritoneum that connects the transvers colon to the greater curvature of the stomach? greater omentum
True or False. The correct term for the radiographic study of the urinary system is intravenous pyelogram? False
the iliac crest is at the level of the ______vertebra interspace between L4-L5
Which topographic landmark is found at the level of L2-L3? inferior constal margin
which topographic landmark corresponds to the inferior margin of the abdomen and is formed by the anterior junction of the two pelvic bones? Symphysis pubis
what are the 2 causes of voluntary motion? patient breathing and patient movement during exposure
voluntary motion can best be prevented by____ to the patient careful breathing instructions
what is the primary cause for involuntary motion of the abdomen? peristaltic action of the bowel
the double walled membrane lining the abdominal cavity is called the peritoneum
which of the following soft tissue structures are seen on a properly exposed KUB: spleen, pancreas, psoas muscles, stomach psoas muscles
the first portion of the small intestines is called the duodenum
at the junction of the small and large intestine is the ileocecal valae
which one of the following is not an accessory organ for digestion? kidney
the kidneys are connected to the bladder by the way of the ureter
Which structure stores and releases bile? gallbladder
which one of the following structures connects the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall? mesentery
which region of the abdomen contains the spleen? left hypochondriac
the xiphoid process corresponds with which vertebral level? T9-T10
To identify the inferior margin of the abdomen, the technologist can palpate the symphysis pubis or greater trochanter
which of the following factors best controls the involuntary motion of a young, pediatric patient during abdominal radiography? short exposure time, High Kv, clear breathing instructions, use of compression band across abdomen short exposure time
an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called the? ascites
the telescoping of bowl into another loop is called paralytic ileus
a chronic disease involving inflammation of the large intestine is ulcerative colitis
free air or gas in the peritoneal cavity is pneumoperitoneum
which one of the following conditions is demonstrated radiographically as general abdominal haziness? ascites
which one of the following conditions is demonstrated radiographically as distended, air-filled loops of the small bowel?m ileus
free air in the intraabdominal cavity rises to the level of the ____in a patient who is in the erect position. diaphragm
most abdominal projections are taken upon expiration
a radiograph of an AP projection of the abdomen reveals that the right iliac wing is wider than the left. What type of positioning error was involved? rotation toward the right
what is the minimum amount of time a patient should be upright before taking a projection to demonstrate intra abdominal free air 5 minutes
a patient with a possible perforated bowel caused by trauma enters the ER. The patient is unable to stand. Which projection best demonstrates any possible free air within the abdomen? left lateral decubitus
A patient with a possible ileus enters the emergency room. The physician orders an acute abdominal series. The patient can stand. Which specific postion best demonstrates air/fluid level in the abdomen? AP erect abdomen
which specific decubitus position of the abdomen should be used in an acute abdomen series if the patient cannot stand? left lateral decubitus
if the posteroanterior chest projection is not performed for the acute abdomen series, centering for the erect abdomen projection must include the diaphragm
True or False. The correct term for the radiographic study of the urinary system is intravenous pyelogram. False
What is the correct name for the abdominal region found directly in the middle of the abdomen? umbilical
which abdominal region contains the rectum? pubic
which topographic landmark is found at the level of L2-L3? inferior costal margin
the iliac crest is at the level of the ______ vertebra. interspace between L4-L5
what is the primary cause for involuntary motion in the abdomen? peristaltic action of the bowel
what is the best mechanism to control involuntary motion? use shortest exposure time possible
True or False. For an adult abdomen, a collimation margin must be visible on all four sides of the radiograph false
gonadal shielding should not be used during abdomen radiography if it obscures essential anatomy.
gonadal shielding for ____ may be impossible for studies of the lower abdominopelvic region. females, because it covers essential anatomy
the preferred imaging modality for examining the gallbladder quickly is: ultrasound
_________ is being used to evaluate patients with acute appendicitis. Ultrasound
With the use of iodinated contrast media, ____ is able to distinguish between a simple cyst or tumor of the liver. CT
True or False. A radiolucent pad should be placed under geriatric patients for comfort. True
Gonadal shielding for females involves placing the top of the shield at or slightly above the level of the ____ with the bottom at the ____. ASIS's, symphysis pubis
free air or gas in the peritoneal cavity pneumoperitoneum
inflammatory condition of the colon ulcerative colitis
telescoping of a section of bowel into another loop of bowel intussusception
abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity ascites
bowel obstruction caused by a lack of intestinal peristalsis adynamic ileus
a twisting of a loop of bowel creating an obstruction volvulus
chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall that may result in bowel obstruction Crohn's Disease
the central ray is centered to the level of the _____ for a supine AP projection of the abdomen iliac crest
exposure for an AP projection of the abdomen should be taken on _____. expiration
which type of body habitus may require two crosswise images to be taken if the entire abdomen is to be included? hypersthenic body type
why is it recommended to take abdominal radiographs at the end of patient expiration? to increase the room for expansion of the abdominal organs within the abdominal cavity
T or F: it is always acceptable during KUB imaging practice to indicate the side of the body with a digital marker False
distended loops of air filled small intestine Crohn's Disease
air filled "coiled spring" appearance intussusception
general abdominal haziness ascites
thin crest shaped radiolucency underneath diaphragm pneumoperitoneum
deep air filled mucosal protrusions of colon wall ulcerative colitis
large amount of air trapped in sigmoid colon with a tapered narrowing at the site of obstruction volvulus
which one of the following abdominal structures is not visible on a properly exposed KUB? Kidneys, margin of liver processes, pancreas, lumbar transverse processes pancreas
which projection of the three way acute abdominal series best demonstrates free air under the diaphragm? PA Chest
which positioning routine should be used for an acute abdominal series if the patient is too ill to stand? two way abdomen: AP spine abdomen, and left lateral decubitus
which decubitus postion best demonstrates a possible aortic aneurysm, calcifications of the aorta, or umbilical hernias? dorsal decubitus
which projection best demonstrates a possible aortic aneurysm in the prevertebral region of the abdomen? lateral position
list the projections commonly performed for an acute abdominal series or three way abdomen series: AP supine, AP erect or later decubitus abdomen, PA erect chest
why should a patient be placed in the decubitus position for a minimum of 5 minutes before exposure? to allow intraabdominal air to rise or abnormal fluids to accumulate.
which decubitus postion of the abdomen best demonstrate intraperitoneal air in the abdomen left lateral decubitus
why may the PA projection of a KUB generally be less desirable than an AP projection increased OID of kidneys on PA
what scale of contrast is recommended for visualization of the abdominal structures on an abdominal xray? long scale
an important landmark that is commonly used to locate the center of the abdomen is the: iliac crest
another term describing a nonmechanical bowel obstruction is
what does the term pyelo refer to renal pelvis of kidney
another term for greater omentum "fatty apron"
what is CR location for a left lateral decubitus 2 inches above the iliac crest
which position will best demonstrate an abdominal aortic aneurysm lateral position of the abdomen
how do you tell rotation on a KUB by using the iliac wings? rotation in that direction indicates the rotation
what pathologies can be demonstrated with a dorsal decubitus position? calcification of aorta or other vessels, umbilical hernia, and aneurysms
why is a PA less desirable than a AP KUB? INCREASED OID DISTANCE
clinical indications for an acute abdominal series ileus, ascites, perforated hollow viscus, intra abdominal mass, postoperative
what is the most commonly used abdominal landmark iliac crest

Which projection best demonstrates a possible aortic aneurysm in the Prevertebral region of the abdomen?

Abdomen Ch. 3.

Which of the following will be demonstrated in an anteroposterior projection of the abdomen?

A radiograph of an anteroposterior (AP) abdomen demonstrates elongation (widening) of the left iliac wing and narrowing of the right iliac wing.

Which of the following structures should be visualized on a properly exposed AP supine abdomen KUB radiograph on a small to average size patient?

Soft tissues visualization -- correctly exposed abdominal radiographs on an average-size patient should faintly visualize the lower liver margin, kidneys, the lateral borders of psoas muscles, and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae.

Which of the following solid organs is the largest found in the abdomen?

What's the largest solid internal organ? The largest solid internal organ is your liver. It weighs approximately 3–3.5 pounds or 1.36–1.59 kilograms and is about the size of a football. Your liver is located beneath your rib cage and lungs, in the upper right area of your abdomen.