Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

Next, the “Principles of Design”

The “principles of design” are mechanisms of arrangement and organization for the various elements of design in artwork. Please note that different sources might list slightly different versions of the “Principles of Design,” but the core fundamentals are essentially the same.

  • Harmony
  • Balance
  • Proportion
  • Dominance/Emphasis
  • Variety
  • Movement
  • Rhythm


Harmony in art and design is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar, related elements. For instance: adjacent colors on the color wheel, similar shapes etc.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?


A feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various visual elements within the pictorial field as a means of accomplishing organic unity.

There are a few types of balance:

  • Symmetry: A form of balance achieved by the use of identical balance compositional units on either side of a vertical axis within the picture plane.
  • Approximate Symmetry: A form of balance achieved by the use of similarly balanced compositional units on either side of a vertical axis within the picture plane.
  • Radial Symmetry: A form of balance than is even, radiating out from a central points to all four quadrants of the shape’s constraining plane.
  • Asymmetry: A form of balance attained when the visual units on balance either side of a vertical axis are not identical but are placed in positions within the picture plane so as to create a “felt” equilibrium of the total form concept.


Proportion is the comparison of dimensions or distribution of forms. It is the relationship in scale between one element and another, or between a whole object and one of its parts. Differing proportions within a composition can relate to different kinds of balance or symmetry, and can help establish visual weight and depth.


The principle of visual organization that suggests that certain elements should assume more importance than others in the same composition. It contributes to organic unity by emphasizing the fact that there is one main feature and that other elements are subordinate to it. In the below examples, notice how the smaller elements seem to recede into the background while the larger elements come to the front. Pay attention to both scale and value of the objects that recede and advance.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?
Dominance / Emphasis


Variety is the complement to unity and harmony, and is needed to create visual interest. Without unity and harmony, an image is chaotic and “unreadable;” without variety it is dull and uninteresting. Good design is achieved through the balance of unity and variety; the elements need to be alike enough so we perceive them as belonging together and different enough to be interesting.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?


Movement is the path our eyes follow when we look at a work of art, and it is generally very important to keep a viewer’s eyes engaged in the work. Without movement, artwork becomes stagnant. A few good strategies to evoke a sense of movement (among many others) are using diagonal lines, placing shapes so that the extend beyond the boundaries of the picture plane, and using changing values.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?


A continuance, a flow, or a feeling of movement achieved by the repetition of regulated visual information.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

Proportion is a design principle in art that refers to the relationship of two or more elements in a composition and how they compare to one another concerning size, color, quantity, degree, setting, etc.; i.e., ratio.

A relationship is formed when two or more elements are combined in a painting. When the elements are in a correct or desirable relationship, the association is said to be harmonious. This refers to a component’s proper sizing and distribution, which results in good proportion. Good proportion adds harmony and symmetry or balance among the parts of a design as a whole.

When the principle of proportion is applied to a work of art, it is usually in the relationship of size. This is the ratio of the size of one element in a composition to the size of another related component. In this case, a size comparison is made between the:

    • Height, width, and depth of one element to that of another
    • Size of one area to the size of another area
    • Size of one element to the size of another element
    • Amount of space between two or more elements

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?
Proportion is usually not even noticed until something is out of balance. When the relative sizes of two elements being compared appear incorrect or unbalanced, it is said to be “out of proportion.” For example, we would say a person is out of proportion if their head is larger than their entire body.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?
There are several ways for achieving good proportion:

  1. Place like elements together that are similar or have a common feature.
  2. Create major and minor areas in the design, as equal parts can quickly become monotonous and boring. However, the size differences must not be so significant that the parts appear unrelated and, as a result, out of harmony with one another.
  3. Arrangement of space should be so that the eye does not perceive a formal mathematical relationship. For example, it is best to avoid dividing the composition into halves, quarters, and thirds because a subtle relationship creates a more dynamic design.
  4. Create harmony in the artwork. Harmony is an agreement between the shapes that stresses the similarities of all parts. In other words, the shape of one part should “fit” the shape of the adjoining elements. Likewise, shapes should “fit” properly in their positions and spaces.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

Examples of the effective use of Proportion

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

There is a real sense of proportion in the painting left. Without the effective use of the principle of proportion, you would not experience the majesty of the mountain in the background.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

In this painting, a proper proportion is instrumental in emphasizing the ship’s distance in the background.

Examples of the effective use of Harmony

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

It is easy to observe harmony in action in nature. Notice how the individual wedges “fit” the orange painting.

Which of the following principle of art that has the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

In the coat of arms, we observe how the different elements “fit” together perfectly inside each other to create harmony.


  1. How is good proportion created?
  2. What does good proportion bring to a painting?

Your Next Art Lesson

If you enjoyed this lesson, be sure to check out another one in this series.

Good Design Principle: An Introduction

Good Design Principle: Balance

Good Design Principles: Contrast

Good Design Principle: Emphasis

Good Design Principle: Movement

Good Design Principle: Proportion — You are here

Good Design Principle: Space

Good Design Principle: Visual Economy

Good Design Principle: Unity

More Art Lessons

Basic Elements of Art, The

Basic Art Element — Color, Part 1

Basic Art Element — Color, Part 2

Basic Art Element — Line

Basic Art Element — Space

Basic Art Element — Texture

Basic Art Element — Value

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UPDATED: 07 June 2021

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What is the principle of art that the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree scale?

Proportion – The comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size, quantity, or degree; Scale.

What is the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size?

comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio. proper relation between things or parts: to have tastes way out of proportion to one's financial means.

What principles of arts have a comparative relationship of one part to another concerning size?

Proportion is the principle of art that refers to relative size.

What is the comparative relationship of the parts of or composition to each other and to the whole?

Proportion refers to the relationship of parts of a body or form to one another and of the parts to the whole, for example, the size of the head of a figure in relation to the entire body.