Which of the following are considered developmental tasks of early adulthood?

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Which of the following are considered developmental tasks of early adulthood?

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Which of the following are considered developmental tasks of early adulthood?

Early adulthood extends from age 18 to 40 and contains many important milestones. This stage of life generally consists of leaving home, completing education, beginning full-time work, attaining economic independence, establishing a long-term intimate relationship, and starting a family. This time in life is filled with momentous decisions that set the foundation for success and happiness in life.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Summarize the developmental tasks of early adulthood

Which of the following are considered developmental tasks of early adulthood?

Figure 1. How old do you think this group of young adults are? What clues can you use to help you estimate their age?

Before we dive into the specific physical changes and experiences of early adulthood, let’s consider the key developmental tasks during this time—the ages between 18 and 40. The beginning of early adulthood, ages 18-25, is sometimes considered its own phase, emerging adulthood, but the developmental tasks that are the focus during emerging adulthood persist throughout the early adulthood years. Look at the list below and try to think of someone you know between 18 and 40 who fits each of the descriptions.

Developmental Tasks of Early Adulthood

Havighurst (1972) describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults. These include:

  1. Achieving autonomy: trying to establish oneself as an independent person with a life of one’s own
  2. Establishing identity: more firmly establishing likes, dislikes, preferences, and philosophies
  3. Developing emotional stability: becoming more stable emotionally which is considered a sign of maturing
  4. Establishing a career: deciding on and pursuing a career or at least an initial career direction and pursuing an education
  5. Finding intimacy: forming first close, long-term relationships
  6. Becoming part of a group or community: young adults may, for the first time, become involved with various groups in the community. They may begin voting or volunteering to be part of civic organizations (scouts, church groups, etc.). This is especially true for those who participate in organizations as parents.
  7. Establishing a residence and learning how to manage a household: learning how to budget and keep a home maintained.
  8. Becoming a parent and rearing children: learning how to manage a household with children.
  9. Making marital or relationship adjustments and learning to parent.



Think It Over

To what extent do you think these early adulthood developmental tasks have changed in the last several years? How might these tasks vary by culture?

CC licensed content, Original

  • Modification, adaptation, and original content. Authored by: Margaret Clark-Plaskie for Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution

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  • Psyc 200 Lifespan Psychology. Authored by: Laura Overstreet. Located at: http://opencourselibrary.org/econ-201/. License: CC BY: Attribution
  • Photo of friends. Authored by: Adi Rahman. Provided by: Pexels. Located at: https://www.pexels.com/photo/best-friends-campus-college-college-students-1578852/. License: CC0: No Rights Reserved

11.3: Developmental Tasks of Early Adulthood is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.

What are the developmental tasks of early adulthood?

Yet by the end of early adulthood, most of us will have accomplished the important developmental tasks of becoming more autonomous, taking care of ourselves and even others, committing to relationships and jobs/careers, getting married, raising families, and becoming part of our communities.

What are the 3 developmental stages of adulthood?

Adulthood is divided into three stages: (1) early, (2) middle, and (3) late adulthood. Early adulthood starts at age 18 or 21 and continues until the mid-30s. During middle adulthood, people start to show signs of aging. Late adulthood is when most people retire from work and reflect on their life.

What are the stages of early adulthood?

Early adulthood extends from age 18 to 40 and contains many important milestones. This stage of life generally consists of leaving home, completing education, beginning full-time work, attaining economic independence, establishing a long-term intimate relationship, and starting a family.

What are the 5 development tasks?

To develop career/vocational goals and ways to reach these goals; to be able to make a living..
Learning to get along with friends of both sexes..
Accepting one's physical body and keeping it healthy..
Becoming more self-sufficient..
Making decisions about marriage and family life..