Which behavior is anticipated in a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder


  • which predisposing factor would be implicated in the etiology of paranoid personality disorder
  • the individual may have been subjected to parental antagonism and harassment
  • The nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with the borderline personality disorder.  According to Mahler's theory of object relations, which describes the client's unmet develppmental need
  • the need for awareness of separateness of self
  • Using interpersonal theory which statement is true regarding development of paranoid personality disorder
  • clients diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder frequently have been family scapegoats and subjected to parental antagonism and harassment
  • when confronted a client diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder states "contrary to what everyone believes, I do not think that the whole world owes me a living".  This client is using what defense mechanism
  • a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder coyly requests diazepam.  When the physician refuses, the client becomes angry and demands to see another physician.  What defense mechanism is the client using
  • A diabetic client admitted to a medical floor for medication stabilization has a history of antisocial personality disorder.  Which documented behaviors would support that Axis II diagnosis
  • "Began cursing when confronted with drug-seeking behaviors." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  • Irresponsible guiltless behavior is to a client diagnosed with Cluster B personality disorder as avoidant dependent behavior is to a client diagnosed with a 
  • cluster C personality disorder
  • A client tells the nurse, when I was a waiter I use to spit in the dinners of annoying customers.  This statement would be associated with which personality trait
  • passive-aggressive personality trait
  • a client diagnosed with a personality disorder insists that a gradmother through reincarnation has come back to life as a pet kitten.  The thought process described as reflectie of which personality disorder
  • schizotypal personality disorder
  • a client diagnosed with a personality disorder states you are the very best nurse on the unit and not at all like that mean nurse who never lets us stay up later than 9 pm.  This statement would be associated with which personality disorder
  • borderline personality disorder 
  • a male client diagnosed with a personality disorder boasts to the nurse that he has to fight off female attention and is the highest paid in his company.  These statements are reflective of which personality disorder.
  • narcissistic personality disorder 
  • A nurse encourages an angry client to attend group therapy.  Knowing that the client has been diagnosed with a cluster B personality disorder, which client response might the nurse expect. 
  • sarcastically states that group is only for crazy people with problems 
  • a client has been diagnosed with a cluster A personality disorder.  Which client statement would reflext cluster A characteristics 
  • my dinner has been poisoned 
  • personlaity disorders are grouped in clusters according to their behavioral characteristics.  In which cluster are the disorders correctly matched with their behavioral characteristics
  • Cluster C; avoidant, dependent, obsessive-complusive disorders, anxious or fearful characteristic behaviors 
  • which behavior would the nurse expect to observe if a client is diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder
  • the client sits alone at lunch and states, everyone wants to hurt me 
  • according to the DSM-IV-TR, which diagnostic criterion describes a characteristic of schizotypal personality disorder
  • exhibits behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  • according to the DSM-IV-TR which of the following diagnostic criteria describes the characteristics of borderline personality disorder? (select all that apply) Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment recurrent suicidal and self-mutilating behaviors unrealistic preoccupatioin with fears of being left to take care of self.  chronic feelings of emptiness 
  • frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment recurrent suicidal and self-mutilating behaviors chronic feelings of emptiness 
  • According to the DSM-IV-TR which of the following diagnostic criteria describes the characteristics of avoidant personality disorder ( select all that apply) fearing shame and/or ridicule, does not form intimate relationships has difficulty making everyday decisions without reassurance from others is unwilling to be involved with people unless certain of being liked shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion views self as socially inept, unappealing and inferior
  • fearing shame and/or ridicule, does not form intimate relationships is unwilling to be involved with people unless certain of being liked views self as socially inept, unappealing and inferior
  • when assessing a client diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder, the nurse might identify which characteristic behavior
  • attention-seeking flamboyance
  • when assessing a client exhibiting passive-aggressive personality traits, which characteristic behavior might the nurse identify
  • The client seeks subtle retribution when feeling others have wronged him or her
  • although there are differences among the three personality disorder clusters, there also are some traits common to all individuals diagnosed with personality disorders..  which of the following are common traits. (select all that apply) failure to accept the consequences of their own behavior self-injurious behaviors reluctance in taking personal risks cope by altering environment instead of self
  • failure to accept the consequences of their own behavior cope by altering environment instead of self lack of insight
  • a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder states "my kids are so busy at home and school, they don't miss me or even know im gone"  which nursing diagnosis applies to this client
  • a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder superficially cut both wrists is disruptive ingroup, and is splittingstaff.  Which nursing diagnosis would take priority
  • risk for self-mutilation R/T need for attention 
  • a client diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder chooses solitary activities, lacks close friends and appears indifferent to criticism.  Which nursing diagnosis would be appropriate for this clients problem
  • social isolation R/T discomfort with human interaction AEB avoiding others
  • a client exhibiting passive aggressive personality traits continuously complains to the marriage counselor about a nagging husband who criticizes her indecisiveness.  which nursing diagnosis reflects this client's problems
  • impaired social interaction R/T inability to express feelings openly. 
  • a nurse is discharging a client diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.  which employment opportunity is most likely to be recommended by the treatment team
  • which client situation requires the nurse to prioritize the implementation of limit setting
  • a client verbally provoking another patient who is paranoid
  • a client newly admitted to an in-patient psychiatric unit is diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder.  The client states "I envision my future death by fire."  Which is the most appropriate nursing response
  • I can see your thoughts are bothersome.  how can I help
  • A suicidal client is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.  Which short-term outcome is most benficial for the client
  • the client with express feelings without inflicting self-injury by discharge. 
  • a client diagnosed with an avoidant personalit disorder has the nursing diagnosis of social isolation R/T severe malformation of the spine.  AEB "I can't be around people looking like this.  Which short term outcome is appropriate for this clients problem
  • the client will be able to participate in one therapy group by end of shift 
  • a client diagnosed with an obsessive compulsive personality disorder has a nursing diagnosis of anxiety R/T interference with hand washing AEB "ill go crazy if you don't let me do that.  Which short term outcome is appropriate for this client
  • within 72 hours of admission, the client will notify staff when signs and symptoms of anxiety escalate
  • A client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder demands at midnight to speak to the ethics committee about the involuntary commitment process. which nursing statement is appropriate 
  • I realize youre upset; however this is not the appropriate time to explore your concerns
  • a client diagnosed with antisocial personalty disorder is observed smoking in a nonsmoking area.  which initial nursing intervention is appropriate
  • confront the client about the behavior 
  • after being treated in the ED for self inflicted lacerations to wrists and arms, a client with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is admitted to the psychiatric unit.  Which nursing intervention takes priority
  • observe client frequently
  • a 15 year old client living in a residential facility has a nursing diagnosis of ineffective coping R/T abuse AEB defiant responses to adult rules.  Which of the following interventions would address this nursing diagnosis appropriately?  (Select all that apply) set limits on manipulative behavior refuse to engage in controversial and argumentative encounters obtain an order for tranquilizing medication encourage the discussion of angry feelings remove all dangerous objects from the clients environment
  • set limits on manipulative behavior refuse to engage in controversial and argumentative encounters encourage the discussion of angry feelings
  • A client diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder is given a nursing diagnosis of disturbed personal identity R/T unmet dependency needs AEB the inability to be alone.  Which nursing intervention would be appropriate  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  • help the client identify values and beliefs 
  • a client diagnosed with a dependent personality disorder has a nursing diagnosis of social isolation R/T parental abandonment AEB fear of involvement with individuals not in the immediate family.  Which nursing interventions would be appropriate.
  • role-model positive relationships 
  • a client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder needs information regarding medications.  Which nursing intervention would best assist this client in understanding prescribed medications
  • provide one on one teaching in the clients room 
  • a nursing student is studying the historical aspects of personality disorder.  which entry on the examination indicates that learning has occurred
  • hippocrates in the 4th century B.C., identified four fundamental personality styles
  • a nursing student is learning about narcissistic personality disorder.  Which student statement indicates that learning has occured
  • these clients express a grandiose sense of self-importance 
  • a nursing instructor is teaching about personality disorder characteristics.  which student statement indicates that learning has occurred
  • personality disorders cannot be cured or controlled successfully with medication 
  • a client is diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder.  The clinic nurse should anticipate potentially teaching about which of the following medications?  (select all that apply) Sertraline paliperidone buspirone phenelzine
  • paliperidone (invega) valproate sodium
  • nail biting, scratching, and hair pulling for extended periods of time in a private setting are symptoms associated with the diagnosis of 
  • a client diagnosed with dependent personality disorder has a nursing diagnosis of altered sleep pattern R/T impending divorce.  The client is prescribed oxazepam prn.  Which is an appropriate outcome for this nursing diagnosis.
  • the client sleeps 4-6 hours a night by day 3
  • a client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder is prescribed risperidone.  The client is noted to have restlessness and weakness in lower extremities and is drooling.  Which nursing intervention would be most important.
  • give the ordered prn dose of trihexyphenidyl
  • a client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is admitted to a psychiatric unit in a highly agitated state.  The physician prescribes a benzodiazepine.  Which medication should the nurse expect to administer

Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed personality disorders. It causes feelings of helplessness, submissiveness, a need to be taken care of and for constant reassurance, and an inability to make everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others.

 This personality disorder occurs equally in men and women and usually becomes apparent in young adulthood or later as important adult relationships form.

People with DPD become emotionally overdependent on other people and spend great effort trying to please others. People with DPD tend to display needy, passive, and clinging behavior, and have a fear of separation. Other common characteristics of this personality disorder include:

  • Inability to make decisions, even everyday decisions like what to wear, without the advice and reassurance of others
  • Avoidance of adult responsibilities by acting passive and helpless; dependence on a spouse or friend to make decisions like where to work and live
  • Intense fear of abandonment and a sense of devastation or helplessness when relationships end; a person with DPD often moves right into another relationship when one ends.
  • Oversensitivity to criticism
  • Pessimism and lack of self-confidence, including a belief that they are unable to care for themselves
  • Avoidance of disagreeing with others for fear of losing support or approval
  • Inability to start projects or tasks because of a lack of self-confidence
  • Difficulty being alone
  • Willingness to tolerate mistreatment and abuse from others
  • Placing the needs of their caregivers above their own
  • Tendency to be naive and to fantasize

Although the exact cause of DPD is not known, it most likely involves a combination of biological, developmental, temperamental, and psychological factors. Some researchers believe an authoritarian or overprotective parenting style can lead to the development of dependent personality traits in people who are susceptible to the disorder.

A diagnosis of DPD must be distinguished from borderline personality disorder, as the two share common symptoms. In borderline personality disorder, the person responds to fears of abandonment with feelings of rage and emptiness. With DPD, the person responds to the fear with submissiveness and seeks another relationship to maintain their dependency.

If most or all the (above) symptoms of DPD are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by taking a thorough medical and psychiatric history and possibly a basic physical exam. Although there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose personality disorders, the doctor might use various diagnostic tests to rule out physical illness as the cause of the symptoms.

If the doctor finds no physical reason for the symptoms, they might refer the person to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other health care professional trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interview and assessment tools to evaluate a person for a personality disorder.

As is the case with many personality disorders, people with DPD generally do not seek treatment for the disorder itself. Rather, they might seek treatment when a problem in their lives -- often resulting from thinking or behavior related to the disorder -- becomes overwhelming, and they are no longer able to cope. People with DPD are prone to developing depression or anxiety, symptoms that might prompt the individual to seek help.

Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) is the main method of treatment for DPD. The goal of therapy is to help the person with DPD become more active and independent, and to learn to form healthy relationships. Short-term therapy with specific goals is preferred when the focus is on managing behaviors that interfere with functioning. It is often useful for the therapist and patient together to pay attention to the role of therapist in order to recognize and address ways in which the patient may form the same kind of passive reliance in the treatment relationship that happens outside of treatment. Specific strategies might include assertiveness training to help the person with DPD develop self-confidence and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help someone develop new attitudes and perspectives about themselves relative to other people and experiences. More meaningful change in someone's personality structure usually is pursued through long-term psychoanalytic or psychodynamic psychotherapy, where early developmental experiences are examined as they may shape the formation of defense mechanisms, coping styles, and patterns of attachment and intimacy in close relationships.

Medication might be used to treat people with DPD who also suffer from related problems such as depression or anxiety. However, medication therapy in itself does not usually treat the core problems caused by personality disorders. In addition, medications should be carefully monitored, because people with DPD become dependent on them or misuse certain prescription drugs.

People with DPD are at risk for depression, anxiety disorders, and phobias, as well as substance abuse. They are also at risk for being abused because they may find themselves willing to do virtually anything to maintain the relationship with a dominant partner or person of authority.

With psychotherapy (counseling), many people with DPD can learn how to make more independent choices in their lives.

Although prevention of the disorder might not be possible, treatment of DPD can sometimes allow a person who is prone to this disorder to learn more productive ways of dealing with situations.

The development of personality structure is a complex process that begins from an early age. Psychotherapy aimed at modifying personality may be more successful when begun early, when the patient is highly motivated for change, and when there is a strong working relationship between the therapist and patient.

which predisposing factor would be implicated in the etiology of paranoid personality disorder

the individual may have been subjected to parental antagonism and harassment

The nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with the borderline personality disorder.  According to Mahler's theory of object relations, which describes the client's unmet develppmental need

the need for awareness of separateness of self

Using interpersonal theory which statement is true regarding development of paranoid personality disorder

clients diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder frequently have been family scapegoats and subjected to parental antagonism and harassment

when confronted a client diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder states "contrary to what everyone believes, I do not think that the whole world owes me a living".  This client is using what defense mechanism

a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder coyly requests diazepam.  When the physician refuses, the client becomes angry and demands to see another physician.  What defense mechanism is the client using

A diabetic client admitted to a medical floor for medication stabilization has a history of antisocial personality disorder.  Which documented behaviors would support that Axis II diagnosis

"Began cursing when confronted with drug-seeking behaviors." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Irresponsible guiltless behavior is to a client diagnosed with Cluster B personality disorder as avoidant dependent behavior is to a client diagnosed with a 

cluster C personality disorder

A client tells the nurse, when I was a waiter I use to spit in the dinners of annoying customers.  This statement would be associated with which personality trait

passive-aggressive personality trait

a client diagnosed with a personality disorder insists that a gradmother through reincarnation has come back to life as a pet kitten.  The thought process described as reflectie of which personality disorder

schizotypal personality disorder

a client diagnosed with a personality disorder states you are the very best nurse on the unit and not at all like that mean nurse who never lets us stay up later than 9 pm.  This statement would be associated with which personality disorder

borderline personality disorder 

a male client diagnosed with a personality disorder boasts to the nurse that he has to fight off female attention and is the highest paid in his company.  These statements are reflective of which personality disorder.

narcissistic personality disorder 

A nurse encourages an angry client to attend group therapy.  Knowing that the client has been diagnosed with a cluster B personality disorder, which client response might the nurse expect. 

sarcastically states that group is only for crazy people with problems 

a client has been diagnosed with a cluster A personality disorder.  Which client statement would reflext cluster A characteristics 

my dinner has been poisoned 

personlaity disorders are grouped in clusters according to their behavioral characteristics.  In which cluster are the disorders correctly matched with their behavioral characteristics

Cluster C; avoidant, dependent, obsessive-complusive disorders, anxious or fearful characteristic behaviors 

which behavior would the nurse expect to observe if a client is diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder

the client sits alone at lunch and states, everyone wants to hurt me 

according to the DSM-IV-TR, which diagnostic criterion describes a characteristic of schizotypal personality disorder

exhibits behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

according to the DSM-IV-TR which of the following diagnostic criteria describes the characteristics of borderline personality disorder? (select all that apply) Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment recurrent suicidal and self-mutilating behaviors unrealistic preoccupatioin with fears of being left to take care of self.  chronic feelings of emptiness 

frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment recurrent suicidal and self-mutilating behaviors chronic feelings of emptiness 

According to the DSM-IV-TR which of the following diagnostic criteria describes the characteristics of avoidant personality disorder ( select all that apply) fearing shame and/or ridicule, does not form intimate relationships has difficulty making everyday decisions without reassurance from others is unwilling to be involved with people unless certain of being liked shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion views self as socially inept, unappealing and inferior

fearing shame and/or ridicule, does not form intimate relationships is unwilling to be involved with people unless certain of being liked views self as socially inept, unappealing and inferior

when assessing a client diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder, the nurse might identify which characteristic behavior

attention-seeking flamboyance

when assessing a client exhibiting passive-aggressive personality traits, which characteristic behavior might the nurse identify

The client seeks subtle retribution when feeling others have wronged him or her

although there are differences among the three personality disorder clusters, there also are some traits common to all individuals diagnosed with personality disorders..  which of the following are common traits. (select all that apply) failure to accept the consequences of their own behavior self-injurious behaviors reluctance in taking personal risks cope by altering environment instead of self

failure to accept the consequences of their own behavior cope by altering environment instead of self lack of insight

a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder states "my kids are so busy at home and school, they don't miss me or even know im gone"  which nursing diagnosis applies to this client

a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder superficially cut both wrists is disruptive ingroup, and is splittingstaff.  Which nursing diagnosis would take priority

risk for self-mutilation R/T need for attention 

a client diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder chooses solitary activities, lacks close friends and appears indifferent to criticism.  Which nursing diagnosis would be appropriate for this clients problem

social isolation R/T discomfort with human interaction AEB avoiding others

a client exhibiting passive aggressive personality traits continuously complains to the marriage counselor about a nagging husband who criticizes her indecisiveness.  which nursing diagnosis reflects this client's problems

impaired social interaction R/T inability to express feelings openly. 

a nurse is discharging a client diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.  which employment opportunity is most likely to be recommended by the treatment team

which client situation requires the nurse to prioritize the implementation of limit setting

a client verbally provoking another patient who is paranoid

a client newly admitted to an in-patient psychiatric unit is diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder.  The client states "I envision my future death by fire."  Which is the most appropriate nursing response

I can see your thoughts are bothersome.  how can I help

A suicidal client is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.  Which short-term outcome is most benficial for the client

the client with express feelings without inflicting self-injury by discharge. 

a client diagnosed with an avoidant personalit disorder has the nursing diagnosis of social isolation R/T severe malformation of the spine.  AEB "I can't be around people looking like this.  Which short term outcome is appropriate for this clients problem

the client will be able to participate in one therapy group by end of shift 

a client diagnosed with an obsessive compulsive personality disorder has a nursing diagnosis of anxiety R/T interference with hand washing AEB "ill go crazy if you don't let me do that.  Which short term outcome is appropriate for this client

within 72 hours of admission, the client will notify staff when signs and symptoms of anxiety escalate

A client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder demands at midnight to speak to the ethics committee about the involuntary commitment process. which nursing statement is appropriate 

I realize youre upset; however this is not the appropriate time to explore your concerns

a client diagnosed with antisocial personalty disorder is observed smoking in a nonsmoking area.  which initial nursing intervention is appropriate

confront the client about the behavior 

after being treated in the ED for self inflicted lacerations to wrists and arms, a client with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is admitted to the psychiatric unit.  Which nursing intervention takes priority

observe client frequently

a 15 year old client living in a residential facility has a nursing diagnosis of ineffective coping R/T abuse AEB defiant responses to adult rules.  Which of the following interventions would address this nursing diagnosis appropriately?  (Select all that apply) set limits on manipulative behavior refuse to engage in controversial and argumentative encounters obtain an order for tranquilizing medication encourage the discussion of angry feelings remove all dangerous objects from the clients environment

set limits on manipulative behavior refuse to engage in controversial and argumentative encounters encourage the discussion of angry feelings

A client diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder is given a nursing diagnosis of disturbed personal identity R/T unmet dependency needs AEB the inability to be alone.  Which nursing intervention would be appropriate  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

help the client identify values and beliefs 

role-model positive relationships 

a client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder needs information regarding medications.  Which nursing intervention would best assist this client in understanding prescribed medications

provide one on one teaching in the clients room 

a nursing student is studying the historical aspects of personality disorder.  which entry on the examination indicates that learning has occurred

hippocrates in the 4th century B.C., identified four fundamental personality styles

a nursing student is learning about narcissistic personality disorder.  Which student statement indicates that learning has occured

these clients express a grandiose sense of self-importance 

a nursing instructor is teaching about personality disorder characteristics.  which student statement indicates that learning has occurred

personality disorders cannot be cured or controlled successfully with medication 

a client is diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder.  The clinic nurse should anticipate potentially teaching about which of the following medications?  (select all that apply) Sertraline paliperidone buspirone phenelzine

paliperidone (invega) valproate sodium

nail biting, scratching, and hair pulling for extended periods of time in a private setting are symptoms associated with the diagnosis of 

a client diagnosed with dependent personality disorder has a nursing diagnosis of altered sleep pattern R/T impending divorce.  The client is prescribed oxazepam prn.  Which is an appropriate outcome for this nursing diagnosis.

the client sleeps 4-6 hours a night by day 3

a client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder is prescribed risperidone.  The client is noted to have restlessness and weakness in lower extremities and is drooling.  Which nursing intervention would be most important.

give the ordered prn dose of trihexyphenidyl

a client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is admitted to a psychiatric unit in a highly agitated state.  The physician prescribes a benzodiazepine.  Which medication should the nurse expect to administer


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