What stores all relevant information data rules cases and relationships that the expert system uses?


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Chapter 7

Knowledge management (KM) range of practices concerned w/increasing awareness, learning, speeding collaboration,innovation,•orgs use 2 enable individuals, teams, &entire organizations 2 collectively &systematically create, share, &apply knowledge to achieve objectives
Explicit knowledge Objective •Can be measured and documented in reports, papers, and rules
Tacit knowledge Hard to measure and document •Typically not objective or formalized, personal knowledge that is embedded in individual experience•Examples: leadership, emotional intelligence, intuition...
Two processes used to capture tacit knowledge: 1.Shadowing(apprentice shadows master)2.Joint problem solving(Apprentice works side by side with master)
Best Practices for Selling and Implementing a KM Project 1.Connect the KM Effort to org Goals /Objectives2increasing revenue, reducing costs, improving customer service,speeding up time to bring product to market3Start w/Small Pilot Involving Enthusiasts4identify Valuable Tacit Knowledge5Get Employees to Buy In
Technologies That Support KM 1.Communities of practice 2.Organizational network analysis 3.Web 2.0 technologies 4.Business rules management systems 5.Enterprise search tools
Communities of practice (COP) groups of people with common interests•Members come together to create, store, and share knowledge on a specific topic
Organizational network analysis (ONA) technique used for documenting and measuring flows of information among individuals, workgroups, organizations, computers, Web sites, and other information sources
metadata most significant data.. data that describes other data
ONA has many knowledge management applications Ranging from mapping knowledge flows and identifying knowledge gaps•To helping establish collaborative networks
Web 2.0 changes in technology and Web site design to enhance: 1.Information sharing 2.Collaboration 3.Functionality on the Web
Web 2.0 technologies: 1..Blogs 2.Forums 3.Podcasts 4.RSS newsfeeds 5.Wikis
Business rules management system (BRMS) Software:define, execute, monitor, and maintain the decision logic that is used by the operational systems and processes that run the org,,enables bus users to define, deploy, monitor, and maintain org policies and decisions flowing from those policies
BRMS components 1.determines which rules need to be executed &in what order 2.enterprise rules repository for storing all rules 3.Software to manage the various versions of rules as they are modified 4.Additional software for reporting and multiplatform deployment
Enterprise search application of search technology to find information within an organization
Enterprise search software Matches a user’s query to many sources of information in an attempt to identify the most important content•used to identify the most reliable and relevant source of info & support Web site visitor searches
Electronic discovery (e-discovery) another important application of enterprise search software...refers to any process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case
Artificial intelligence (AI) Computers with the ability to mimic or duplicate the functions of the human brain...is a complex interdisciplinary field
Watson supercomputer developed by IBM with AI capabilities
Turing Test attempts to determine whether a computer can successfully impersonate a human
Intelligent behavior includes the ability to 1-4: 1.Learn from experiences and apply knowledge acquired from experience 2.Handle complex situations 3.Solve problems when important info is missing 4.Determine what is important
Intelligent behavior includes the ability to 5-9: 5.React quickly and correctly to a new situation 6.Understand visual images 7.Process &manipulate symbols 8.creative and imaginative 9.Use heuristics
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) directly connect the human brain to a computer and have human thought control computer activities...allow people to control computers and artificial arms and legs through thought alone
Expert system Hardware and software that stores knowledge and makes inferences, similar to a human expert•Used in many bus apps•Computerized expert systems use heuristics, or rules of thumb, to arrive at conclusions or make suggestions
components of expert system 1.Knowledge base 2.Inference engine 3.Explanation facility 4.Knowledge base acquisition facility 5.User interface
Knowledge Base 1.Stores all relevant information, data, rules, cases, and relationships that the expert system uses 2.Rule: a conditional statement that links conditions to actions or outcomes 3.Rules may be stored as IF-THEN statements
Inference Engine Main purpose is to seek information and relationships from the knowledge base•To provide answers, predictions, and suggestions like a human expert
Explanation Facility Allows a user or decision maker to understand how the expert system arrived at certain conclusions or results•Indicates all the facts and rules that were used in reaching the conclusion
Knowledge Acquisition Facility Provides convenient and efficient means of capturing and storing all components of the knowledge base•Knowledge acquisition software:-Stores information and relationships in the knowledge base
User Interface Makes an expert system easier for users and decision makers to develop and use
Domain expert the person or group with the expertise or knowledge the expert system is trying to capture
Knowledge engineer a person who has training or experience in the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of an expert system
Knowledge user Person or group who uses and benefits from the expert system•Needs no previous training or experience
Expert system shell suite of software that allows construction of a knowledge base and interaction with this knowledge base through use of an inference engine•Available for both personal computers and mainframe systems
Robotics branch of engineering that involves developing and manufacturing mechanical devices that can: •Paint cars, make precision welds, and perform other tasks that require a high degree of precision
Vision Systems Hardware and software that permit computers to capture, store, and manipulate visual images and pictures
Vision systems applications Increased accuracy and speed in industrial inspections of parts•Identifying people based on facial features
Natural Language Processing involves the computer understanding, analyzing, manipulating, and/or generating “natural” languages such as English
Voice recognition Converting sound waves into words•After the conversion, natural language-processing systems react to words by performing a variety of tasks
Learning Systems A combination of software and hardware that allows the computer to change how it functions or reacts to situations based on feedback it receives
Neural networks Computer systems that can recognize and act on patterns or trends that it detects in large sets of data
Genetic algorithm An approach to solving complex problems in which a number of related operations or models change and evolve until the best one emerges
Intelligent agent Programs and a knowledge base used to perform a specific task for a person, a process, or another program
Multimedia 1.Text and graphics 2.Audio 3.Video and animation 4.File conversion and compression
virtual reality system enables one or more users to move and react in a computer-simulated environment
Virtual reality simulations require special interface devices that transmit the sights, sounds, and sensations of the simulated world to the user•These devices can also record and send the speech and movements of the participants to the simulation program
Head-mounted display (HMD) To see in a virtual world, a user wears a HMD with screens directed at each eye and a position tracker
Virtual Reality Applications Medicine, education and training, business and commerce
Assistive technology systems Wide range of assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices to help people with disabilities perform tasks
Informatics combination of information technology with traditional disciplines, e.g., medicine or science, while considering the impact on individuals, organizations, and society... represents the intersection of people, info, tech
Biomedical informatics (or bioinformatics) Develops, studies, and applies theories, methods, and processes for the generation, storage, retrieval, use, and sharing of biomedical data, information, and knowledge
Healthcare informatics science of how to use data, information, and technology to improve human health and the delivery of healthcare services

What are the fundamental components of an expert system and what function does each perform?

An expert system generally consists of four components: a knowledge base, the search or inference system, a knowledge acquisition system, and the user interface or communication system. Knowledge systems solve difficult problems of the real woorld by performing inference processes on explicitly stated knowledge.

Which component of the expert system deals with uncertainty of the data?

Fuzzy logic is a method of choice for handling uncertainty in some expert systems.

What type of system can process many pieces of data at the same time and learn to recognize patterns?

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.

Is to seek information and relationships from the knowledge base and to provide answers predictions and suggestions similar to the way a human expert would?

Inference Engine Seeks information and relationships from the knowledge base and provides answers, predictions, and suggestions in the way a human expert would.


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