What is the percentage of profit if the purchase price of 12 pencils is equal to the selling price of 10 pencils?

Correct Answer - Option 1 : 20%


Cost price of 12 pencil = selling price of 10 pencil


Let selling price be SP and cost price be CP of one pencil.

CP × 12 = SP × 10

SP/CP = 12/10 = 6/5

SP - CP = P

So, P/CP = (6 - 5)/5 = 1/5

Profit percentage = P/CP × 100 = (1/5) × 100 = 20%.

∴ The gain percentage is 20%.

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  1. If the cost price of 12 pencils is equal to sale price of 10 pencils, then find the gain or loss as a percentage of the sell price ?

    1. 20% gain
    2. 10% gain
    3. 20% gain
    4. 15% loss

Correct Option: A

CP of 12 pencils = Rs. 12
∴ SP of 10 pencils = Rs.12
⇒ SP of 12 Pencils = (12/10) x 12 = Rs.14.40
∴ Gain per cent = {(14.40 - 12)/12} x 100 = 20%

What is the percentage of profit if the purchase price of 12 pencils is equal to the selling price of 10 pencils?

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SP of 10 pencils = CP of 11 pencils Let CP of each pencil be rs.1 So, CP of 10 pencils = Rs.10 SP of 10 pencils = Rs.11 SP is greater than CP So, there is a profit. Profit=11-10=rs.1 Profit per cent = ProfitCP×100 =1×10010=10%

Is the selling price of 10 pens is the same as the cost price of 12 pens then gain percentage?

If the cost price of 12 pens is equal to selling price of 10 pens, what is the percentage of profit is: 16.67%

What is the profit percentage if the purchase price of an items is 80% of its selling price?

∴ Profit% is 25%.

What is the selling price if the profit is 5%?

A.In all the cases, the profit percent is 5%. For this question, the basic price of the item (cycle) is ₹ 700, and the extra charge is ₹ 50. So, the total cost price is ₹ 750. So, the correct answer is “₹ 787.5”.

When selling price is SP and profit is p% What is the cost price of the article?

Cost price = Selling price − profit ( when selling price and profit is given ) Cost price = Selling price + loss ( when selling price and loss is given ) Cost price =100×Selling Price100+Profit%( when selling price and profit % is given )