What is a reference book that contains words with their meanings pronunciation parts of speech spelling and definition?

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dic·​tio·​nary | \ ˈdik-shə-ˌner-ē

What is a reference book that contains words with their meanings pronunciation parts of speech spelling and definition?
, -ˌne-rē \

1 : a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic uses

2 : a reference book listing alphabetically terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with discussion of their meanings and applications

3 : a reference book listing alphabetically the words of one language and showing their meanings or translations in another language

4 : a computerized list (as of items of data or words) used for reference (as for information retrieval or word processing)

Vocabulary is in alphabetical order

Abbreviation A shortened form of a longer word.

Adage This is a brief popular saying that is often metaphorical in form.

Adjective This is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

Adverb This is a word that modifies a verb, another adverb, or an adjective.

Affix This is a syllable or word element that can only occur in front of or after a root or stem.

Antonym This is a word or phrase that means the opposite of another word or phrase.

Apostrophe This is used to show the possessive form of a noun and is used to show that a letter or letters have been left out of a contraction.

Audience This is whoever will be reading, listening or watching a story, text, or drama.

Blog A Website on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities, and experiences is called a ___.

Capitalization This is the use of letters to indicate proper nouns, or it is used at the beginning of a sentence. It is sometimes used by authors to show emphasis or importance.

Closing This is the part of a letter where you say goodbye to the person you are writing to.

Comma This is a punctuation mark that may be used to indicate a pause, connection, separation, list, for clarity or to show importance.

Complete Sentence A sentence is _____ if it contains a subject and a verb.

Complex This describes something that is complicated, difficult, or consists of interrelated parts.

Complex Sentence This consists of one independent clause with one or more subordinate clauses.

Compound Sentence This consists of two or more independent clauses with no subordinate clauses.

Confused These are words that sound somewhat alike but have different meanings/usage and can cause writers problems. They are commonly ___ words.

Conjunction This is a part of speech that links two words, clauses, or phrases.

Context When we find the meaning of a word (or phrase) by looking at the words and sentences around it, we are using ____ clues.

Context Clues These are in the text surrounding a word and give hints for the meaning of the word. They are called ___ ___.

Conventions In writing or speaking, we follow agreed-upon rules, called ____, for spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and paraphrasing.

Coordinating Conjunction A word that joins two independent clauses. Examples are the words "and," "but," "for," "so," "nor," "or," and "yet."

Definition Usually found in a dictionary, this tells you the meaning of a word or phrase.

Dialogue These are the words spoken by characters in a literary work.

Dictionary This is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology.

Digital A research source is called ________ if it is located on the internet, on a CD, or some other place accessed by a computer or electronic device.

Discussion This is the process of talking openly about about something: a conversation or exchange of ideas with one individual or a group.

Edit This is to correct and/or revise a piece of writing.

End Punctuation These are marks used to indicate the end of a sentence.

Essay This is a short, nonfiction work about a particular subject.

Exaggeration This is to enlarge or alter something beyond normal proportions.

Example This type of context clue is used to help the reader infer the meaning of a vocabulary word or provide a supporting detail.

Figurative Language that goes beyond the literal meanings of words to create special effects or feelings is called ____ language.

Figure A word or phrase that is not meant to be taken literally but figuratively is called a ____ of speech.

Formal Language This kind of language usually has longer sentences and a greater variety of words than everyday speech. Slang, contractions, and jargon are avoided.

Future Perfect Progressive This is the verb tense that includes will or shall + have + been + "ing" form of the main verb.

Glossary This is a list found in the back of a book that gives definitions of unusual or hard words found in the text.

Grammar This is the structure of language and the rules that go with it.

Guide Word This is a word printed at the top of a page in a dictionary. It helps you to know which words are on that page.

Heading This is a title or subtitle at the beginning of a chapter, section, or unit of a text.

Helping Verb This is a verb which is used together with another verb to give more information about the action.

Homographs Two words that are spelled the same way are called ___.

Homonym This is a word that has multiple meanings and is spelled in the same way for both meanings.

Homophones These are words that are pronounced the same, but have different meanings.

Idiom This is a phrase in common use that can not be understood by literal or ordinary meanings.

Informal Language This is what people use in everyday speech. It usually consists of fairly short sentences and simple vocabulary. It is called _______ speech or language.

Literal This is an exact word-for-word meaning, without exaggeration.

Metaphor This is a direct comparison of two things, in which they are said to be (in some sense) the same thing.

Modal A ____ verb (such as "can" and "may") is also called a helping verb.

Multiple These are words that have more than one definition. They are called _____-meaning words.

Multiple Meaning This is when one word has more than one definition.

Noun This is a word that names a person, place, thing, quality or idea.

Parts Of Speech These are the different types into which words are grouped according to their form, function or meaning.

Past Perfect Progressive This is the verb tense that includes had + been + "ing" form of the main verb.

Past Progressive This is the verb tense that includes the past tense form of "be" verb + "ing" form of main verb.

Personification This is when something in a story is described as if it were alive like a person.

Phrase This is a group of words used as a single part of speech.

Predicate This is the part of the sentence which contains verb. It is a part of all complete sentences, along with the subject.

Prefix This can be added to the beginning of a word to change the word's meaning.

Preposition This is a word that specifies the place, direction, or time of a noun in relation to another word.

Prepositional Phrase This is a set of words that begins with a preposition.

Present Perfect Progressive This is the verb tense that includes have or has + been + "ing" form of the main verb.

Present Progressive This is the verb tense that includes a form of "be" verb + "ing" form of main verb.

Print Source This is the category of information including books, magazines, charts, graphs, diagrams, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and thesauruses.

Progressive The ____ verb tenses indicate that something is taking place.

Pronoun This is a word that takes the place of a noun.

Proper Adjective This is the name for a descriptive word that must be capitalized. It modifies a noun or pronoun.

Proper Noun This is a part of speech that is used as the name of a specific individual, place, or object. It must be capitalized.

Proverb An old saying, usually having to do with how people should behave, is called a ___.

Punctuation This is the system of standardized marks in written language to clarify meaning.

Quotation Marks These are used to enclose direct quotations and to designate titles of short works (like newspaper and magazine articles, poems, short stories, songs, episodes of television and radio programs, and subdivisions of books or web sites).

Reference This is a source used to find information.

Relative Pronoun A pronoun that helps give information about a noun in a sentence is called a ___ pronoun.

Root This is the base of a word after all prefixes or suffixes are removed.

Sensory Details These are images to help the reader see or hear or feel things. These are details that appeal to the senses.

Sentence This is a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or wish.

Simile This is a comparison of two unlike things using the terms "like" or "as".

Slang Vernacular speech that is not accepted as suitable for formal usage is called ____.

Speech This is a talk or public address.

Spell To write the letters in the correct order to form a word.

Spelling The forming of words with letters in the correct order

Standard American English This is the version of the English language that is regarded as the model in America for writers and speakers who are considered educated.

Style This is the way an author expresses ideas through the use of kinds of words, literary devices, and sentence structure.

Subject This is a person, place, thing, or idea, that the sentence is about or that performs an action.

Suffix This can be added to the end of a word to change the word's meaning.

Synonym This is a word or phrase that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word or phrase.

Tense This verb form tells you the time of the action.

Tense A verb's ____ shows the time when the action is completed.

Thesaurus This is a book of synonyms and antonyms.

Title A ___, such as "Mr." or "Mrs.", should always be capitalized.

Tone This is the attitude that an author takes toward the audience, the subject, or a character.

Verb This is the part of speech that shows action and existence.

Word Choice This is another way of saying "diction." This can help reveal a) the tone of the work, b) connotations of meaning, and/or c) his style of writing.

Word Choice This is the author's or speaker's craft or style. It might be formal, informal, or even slang. Diction is a synonym.

Which reference book helps with spelling and parts of speech?

Dictionaries and thesauruses are reference books for words..
definition: the meaning or meanings of the word, often with example sentences..
part of speech: whether the word is a noun, verb, adjective etc..
correct spelling: the exact spelling and any possible alternatives..
pronunciation: how to say the word..

What do you call a reference book that gives meanings to words?

A thesaurus is a reference book used to find different words that have the same or similar meanings.

What reference book contains words that can be used in place of another word?

A reference book that contains synonyms and antonyms is called a 'thesaurus.

What kind of reference book contains alphabetically arranged words with information about grammar and pronunciation aside from its meaning?

An encyclopedia is a book or set of books in which facts about many different subjects or about one particular subject are arranged for reference, usually in alphabetical order.