To avoid the classic design mistake of “feature creep,” the analyst should _____.

_____ are information that is sent to objects to tell it to execute one of its behaviors.

A systems analyst draws a lifeline with an X at the end. This lifeline represents _____.

an object that is destroyed at a point in time

A(n) _____ is an instantiation of a class.

On a sequence diagram, an object name of Students:List would indicate that _____.

Students is an instance of the List class that contains individual student objects

The order of messages on a sequence diagram goes from ____ to _____.

The acronym CRUD stands for _____.

create, read, update, delete

Which of the following objects would be most likely to be destroyed at some point in time in a sequence diagram?

The external behavior of a system is described by _____.

The two types of interaction diagrams are ______________ diagrams.

sequence and communication

An analyst depicts the static view of an information system with _____

The fundamental part of the user interface that permits the system to capture information is the _____ mechanism.

The fundamental part of the user interface that provides information from the system to the user is the _____ mechanism.

Novice users prefer _____ while expert users prefer _____.

ease of learning, ease of use

_____ assures the interface will act as the users expect, while _____ assures it will look pleasing.

The user interface design principle that places an emphasis on the intuitive flow of the interface (i.e. left to right and top to bottom) to minimize the user’s movements is _____.

What is one primary problem with server-based computing architectures?

a. As more users place heavier demands on the server, it is expensive to increase server capacity.

b. Client terminals are no longer made by hardware vendors.

c. It is difficult to maintain security in the server-based environment.

d. Servers are no longer made by hardware vendors.

e. Servers cannot be manufactured quickly by vendors.

Scalability refers to the _____.

a. easy increase or decrease of the storage and processing capabilities of the computer

b. fact that there is no central point of failure in the system

c. deployment of middleware in the system

d. support of many different types of clients and servers

e. ease of decreasing the cost of the infrastructure during economic downturn

In an n-tiered architecture, the _____ is spread across two or more different sets of servers.

a. presentation logic

b. application logic

c. data access logic

d. data storage

e. any of the above can be spread across two or more sets of servers

Which of the following is the general term for the middleware between the clients and servers?

a. DOC

b. OMG



e. COM+

The six architecture characteristics that assist in selecting the proper architecture are cost of infrastructure, cost of development, ease of development, _____, _____, and _____.

a. control and security, scalability, cost of programming

b. interface capabilities, control and security, cost of programming

c. interface capabilities, control and security, scalability

d. interface capabilities, control, and security

e. interface capabilities, scalability, cost of programming

_______ are electronic lists of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction.

A __________ is a collection of groupings of information, each of which is related to each other in some way.

A ____________ is basically an electronic list of information stored on disk.

a.file list

b. data list

c.unordered sequential access files

d. unordered data list

e. unordered file list

A __________ holds information that can be used to update a master file.

__________ is the idea of ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.

SQL stands for ______________.

structured query language

A ____________ is used to link tables in a database together.

A table in ______ normal form does not contain columns with multivalued fields. (Choose the lowest)

A table in _______ normal form contains no transitive dependencies. (Choose the lowest that fits)

A table in _______ normal form requires that each field depends upon the entire primary key. (Choose the lowest that fits)

To avoid the classic design mistake of “feature creep,” the analyst should _____.

a. not switch or upgrade unless there is a compelling need for specific features

b. increase the schedule to include learning time

c. move proposed changes into future versions

d. not use a design tool that appears too good to be true

e. use rapid application development techniques or timeboxing

The layer that keeps the user interface implementation separate from the application or problem domain classes is the _____ layer.

human-computer interaction

Which of the following is not a fundamental way to approach the creation of a new information system?

a. develop a custom application in-house

b. rely on an external vendor to build the system

c. purchase a software package and customize it

d. rely on end-users to develop it themselves

e. all of the above are ways to create new information systems

The following are all strengths of a packaged software design strategy EXCEPT _____.

a. it may be bought and installed in a short time

b. many business needs are not unique

c. the package is already tested and generally proven to work

d. there is an exact match of functionality to requirements

e. none of the above

An advantage of custom development is that the organization can _____.

a. accept functionality that is not a perfect fit

b. build technical skills and functional knowledge

c. install in a short period of time

d. remove all risk from the project

e. save money on the purchase

An advantage of purchasing packaged software is that the organization can _____.

save money on the purchase

A disadvantage of purchasing packaged software is that the organization may _____.

a. accept functionality that is not a perfect fit

b. build technical skills and functional knowledge

c. make strategic changes during implementation

d. remove all risk from the project

e. save money on the purchase

Manipulating certain parameters to refine the way features work in a software package is called _____.

The layer that would include the classes that would interact with middleware applications is the physical architecture layer.

a. True

b. False

The attributes that change in a behavior state machine must appear in the object attribute list.

a. True

b. False

Which of the following would most likely not be an example of an attribute?

a. employee name

b. customer address

c. stock number

d. ISBN number

e. cancel appointment

A(n) _____ of an analysis class is where the behavior of the class is defined.

Which of the following will be converted to methods in later phases of the SDLC?

a. attributes

b. operations

c. classes

d. objects

e. abstract classes

Service is another name for _____.

“A-kind-of” relationships represent _____ relationships.

If a “student signs up for a class,” which type of relationship would you use to model the relationship between the two?

CRC cards are used to document the responsibilities and collaborations of a(n) _____.

Which of the following would not be an appropriate class name?

a. student

b. patient

c. John

d. customer

e. doctor

A class diagram is a(n) _____ model.

A public attribute is shown in a class diagram with the symbol _____ before the name.

_______ is an example of functional requirements.

The system should be able to search all available inventory in order to determine whether a product can be made by a given date

Understanding the as-is system, identifying improvements, and developing requirements for the to-be system are the steps of the _____ phase.

The analysis strategy that results in the existing business processes being left essentially the same, but with a new system that makes them more efficient is _____.

The goal of ______ analysis strategy is to make minor or moderate changes to the business processes so that they will become more efficient and effective.

business process improvement

The goal of this analysis strategy is to change the fundamental way the organization operates and to make major changes by taking advantage of new ideas, methods and technology.

business process reengineering

Which of the following analysis strategies incurs the highest risk yet has the potential to provide high value to the business?

Business Process Reengineering

Two BPA techniques commonly used to identify possible problems in the current system are ____.

problem analysis and root cause analysis

Two BPI techniques used to identify possible improvements in the current system are _____.

duration analysis and activity based costing

The information gathering technique that is most effective in combining information from a variety of perspectives, building consensus, and resolving discrepancies is a(n) _____.

joint application development

The information gathering technique that enables the analyst to collect facts and opinions from a wide range of geographically dispersed people quickly and with the least expense is the _____.

_______ is the process of planning and controlling the development of a system within a specified time frame at a minimum cost with the right functionality.

_____ is the process of examining the technical, economic, and organizational pros and cons of developing a new system.

The four elements commonly found on a system request are ___.

project sponsor, business need, business requirements, and business value

Suppose a proposed new financial reporting system for the AMF Biotech Corporation must be completed by the start of the next fiscal year in order to comply with new government regulations. This information should be included as part of the ____________ section of the system request.

special issues or constraints

Feasibility analysis may be defined as a(n)_____.

guide to determining whether to proceed with a project

Which of the following factors could be included in a technical risk assessment?

No previous experience with Java within the IS department

_____ feasibility is determined by identifying costs and benefits associated with the system.

Examples of development costs include all EXCEPT _____.

The calculation that measures the amount of money an organization receives in return for the money it spends is called the _____.

The level of acceptance by the users of a system and the extent to which the new system will be incorporated into the operations of the organization are expressed in the _____ feasibility.

The process of understanding how an information system can support business needs, design the system, build it, and deliver it to users is the _____.

systems development life cycle

The primary goal of the systems analyst is to _____.

make a significant business impact

Developing an information system is similar to building a house because you have to _____.

The four phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle are _____.

planning, analysis, design, and implementation

Understanding why an information system should be built and determining how the project team will build it is part of the _____ phase of the SDLC.

Feasibility analysis examines several questions, including “_____?”

Can we build it (technical feasibility)

In which phase of the SDLC is the project plan developed?

Deciding how the hardware, software, and network infrastructure will operate occurs during the _____ phase of the SDLC.

The principal disadvantages(s) with the waterfall development methodology is (are) _____.

a long time elapses between completion of the system proposal and the delivery of the system and the design must be completely specified on paper before programming begins

_____ development is a structured design methodology that proceeds in a sequence from one phase to the next.

A _______ is a statement of what the system must do or what characteristic it must have.

All of the following are nonfuctional requirements except ________.

The most effective approach to determining requirements is to have both _______ and _______ working together to determine business requirements.

business people, analysts

Business Process Automation involves which of these steps?

Root cause analysis focuses on __________ .

Which process makes moderate changes to the way an organization operates?

business process improvement

Business Process Reengineering involves all of the following except ___________.

All of the following should be considered when selecting an appropriate strategy except __________.

Which strategy brings along the highest amount of risk?

Business Process Reengineering

_______ is an information-gathering technique that allows the project team, users, and management to work together to identify requirements for the system.

When an analyst discovers that a set of classes have a similar set of attributes and methods it may make sense to?


Which of the following is not a factor for selecting a design strategy?

In-house experience is not a factor to be considered for selecting a design strategy since a company is always able to hire experienced developers. Packaged diagrams cannot be verified or validated since they are too general.

What are the advantages of selecting a packaged software design strategy?

When using the packaged software design strategy, substantial time can be saved because the project team no longer has to spend time defining the requirements of the new system. A disadvantage of outsourcing the application development process is that the organization may lose control over confidential information.