The three major factors associated with corporate social responsibility are Quizlet

Asked by hazargo

Bus 100

Corporate Social Responsibility The Coffee Collective is brewing up fresh success.

Martha is proud that her hard work is paying off. As her coffee shop's popularity

increases, she wants to do more than just grind out a profit. Martha is going to make a difference in her community. She recognizes that her coffee shop wouldn't exist without support from the community. In the same way that she has a responsibility to be a good individual citizen, her business has a responsibility to be a good corporate citizen. Martha makes a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR has three major objectives: -Maximize positive societal impact -Minimize negative societal impact -Act in the company's best interest for profit Martha knows she can have a positive impact through Coffee Collective's hiring practices. But how can she maximize that impact? Through working with her local Chamber of Commerce, Martha learns that her neighborhood is home to many veterans, and some of them are unemployed. By offering jobs to qualified veterans, Martha can help both veterans and her community. Martha also supports community organizations by allowing them to use the coffee shop free of charge for their meetings. To minimize negative impacts, Martha gets serious about sustainability. She gives customers a discount for bringing their own reusable cups, and purchases disposable cups made from recycled paper materials to minimize environmental impacts. To educate her customers, Martha hosts a series of seminars on ethical sourcing and sells ethically-sourced products like handmade coffee cups in the Shop. Martha quickly realizes that giving back to the community enhances her profits. The community groups that meet in The Coffee Collective become loyal customers. Being socially responsible gives her shop a positive public image, which drives even more business from new customers. As a result of Martha's attention to social responsibility, her customers are confident that good things are brewing in the community!

The three major factors associated with corp...

The three major factors associated with corporate social responsibility are

Multiple Choice

  1. using ethically sourced materials, adding diversity to the workplace, and seeking to break even with profits.
  2. using ethically sourced materials, adding diversity to the workplace, and seeking to return a profit to the shareholders.
  3. acting ethically, always using environmentally friendly products, and acting in the organization's best interest in returning a profit.
  4. maximizing negative societal impact, minimizing positive societal impact, and returning a profit to shareholders.
  5. maximizing positive societal impact, minimizing negative societal impact, and acting in the organization's best interest in returning a profit.

When companies follow the key factors of cor...

When companies follow the key factors of corporate social responsibility, a ________ usually results, thus ________.

Multiple Choice

  1. negative public image; attracting more customers
  2. tax benefit; increasing profits
  3. positive public image; repelling more customers
  4. positive public image; attracting more customers
  5. negative public image; repelling more customers

 Is following a model of corporate social res...

Is following a model of corporate social responsibility required? What is the rationale?

Multiple Choice

  1. Yes, but many businesses only follow this model to appeal to niche customers.
  2. No, and many businesses do not want to seek good corporate social responsibility, because it often requires them to pay workers more money.
  3. Yes, because it leads to higher profits in the future.
  4. Yes, and many organizations seek to be a good corporate citizen to receive a positive public image.
  5. No, but many organizations seek to be a good corporate citizen to receive a positive public image.

Sustainability refers to

Sustainability refers to

Multiple Choice

  1. a product's or company's ability to exist without causing harm to the environment.
  2. a product's ability to be recycled.
  3. a product's ability to be made with fewer resources.
  4. the overall ability of the company to generate a profit in the future.
  5. recycling in general.

 If Martha were to add recycling containers i...

If Martha were to add recycling containers inside her store for her customers, this would

Multiple Choice

  1. probably end up costing her more money and time but could result in less satisfied customers and harm her profitability.
  2. infuriate customers and investors.
  3. probably end up costing her more money and time but could result in more satisfied customers and future profitability.
  4. probably cost less money, but result in more satisfied customers.
  5. probably be a waste of time and money, since her responsibility is not to become a recycling center.

Answer & Explanation

The three major factors associated with corporate social responsibility are Quizlet
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<p>ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lec</p> Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet

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Step-by-step explanation

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What are the three major factors associated with corporate social responsibility?

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