Once upon a time – es war einmal … besetzung

Once upon a time – es war einmal … besetzung

Once Upon a Time - Es war einmal

Abenteuer 2011

Erhältlich bei iTunes, Disney+

Epischer Mix aus Action-, Drama- und Märchenmotiven: Ein Junge und dessen Mutter kämpfen darum, mit einem Fluch belegte Märchenfiguren zu befreien.

Abenteuer 2011

ab 12 Jahren

Hauptdarsteller:innen Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle, Jared S. Gilmore


Besetzung und Crew


Once Upon a Time - Es war einmal


Epischer Mix aus Action-, Drama- und Märchenmotiven: Ein Junge und dessen Mutter kämpfen darum, mit einem Fluch belegte Märchenfiguren zu befreien.

Fresh take on fairy tales is moody fun for families.


StudioABC StudiosGenreAbenteuerErschienen2011Freigegebenab 12 Jahren Herkunftsregion Vereinigte Staaten

© 2011 ABC Studios


Original-AudioEnglischAudio Deutsch (Deutschland) (AAC)

  • TV Series
  • 2011–20182011–2018
  • 1212
  • 1h



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Once upon a time – es war einmal … besetzung




Don't watch all the seasons

A very interesting concept for a show, the first season was rather interesting and had an compelling storyline. The way the fairytale world is mixed with the real world is beautiful. The main characters in the first season, regina and emma, are interesting and the storyline is wrapped up nicely by the end of the season. In the second season, there is a lot of character development and more fairytales are connected with the characters, again done beautifully, fairytales are intertwined, resulting in an exciting storyline. In the third season, new characters are introduced and they travel to new locations. This season is overall less compelling than the first and second season, and slower-paced, but still enjoyable to watch. Although the first half of season 4 still shows some enjoyable content, this is the turning point for the series, after this it seems like show was just going on for the sake of going on. Season 5 isn't gripping at all and it feels like they just ran out of ideas. Season 6 is a weaker version of season 5 and season 7 is just plain boring. Watch no further than the first 3 seasons, and maybe give season 4 a shot.

  • unityhimym
  • Nov 21, 2018

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Once upon a time – es war einmal … besetzung


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