Mia and me filme auf deutsch

Die Eltern der jungen Mia sind vor kurzem gestorben. Doch als sie bald darauf mit ihrem Großvater in das Ferienhaus der Familie zurückkehrt, entdeckt das aufgeweckte Mädchen, dass sie mit dem Buch und dem Armband, das sie von ihren Eltern vererbt bekommen hat, in die magische Welt Centopia reisen kann. Allerdings ist Mia dort nicht sie selbst, sondern eine Elfe und kann mit Einhörnern sprechen. In Centopia findet Mia schnell neue Freunde, darunter das Einhorn Stormy (deutsche Stimme: Rick Kavanian) und Iko (Mike Singer), einen Elfen von der Lotusinsel. Doch dann droht die ebenso riesige wie bösartige Kröte Toxor (Gedeon Burkhard), Centopia zu unterwerfen, und Mia und ihre Freunde müssen das magische Reich verteidigen. Dazu müssen sie drei mysteriöse Artefakte finden und vereinigen, doch die magischen Steine sind über ganz Centopia verstreut. Es ist der Beginn eines aufregenden Abenteuers...

Er wurde im Jahr 2017 zusammen mit einer vierten Staffel angekündigt und sollte vorraussichtlich 2020 erscheinen. Das Datum konnte jedoch durch unbekannte Gründe und die COVID-19-Pandemie nicht eingehalten werden.

Der Kinostart war am 26. Mai 2022 in Deutschland.[6]


  • 1 Zusammenfassungen
  • 2 Trivia
  • 3 Galerie
  • 4 Quellen und Bemerkungen
  • 5 Navigation


Hauptartikel: Liste_der_Episoden/Zusammenfassungen#Filme

Eine uralte Prophezeiung um den Edelstein in ihrem magischen Armband wird sie und ihre Freunde auf eine spannende Reise durch Centopia führen. Dort wird Mia nicht nur von einem mächtigen Gegner erwartet.


  • Rieke Werner wird weiterhin die Stimme der Mia in der deutschen Synchronisation sein.[7]
  • Der deutsche Name des Films wurde das erste Mal auf dem Hörbuchcover des Audio Verlags veröffentlicht.[8]
  • Am 17. Februar 2022 wurde auf Instagram enthüllt, dass der Kinostart am 26. Mai 2022 stattfinden wird.[6]
  • Am 25. März 2022 wurde der offizielle Trailer des Films auf deutsch veröffentlicht.[9]
  • Am 1. April 2022 wurde die für den Film angepasste deutsche Version von „Komm und flieg mit mir“ veröffentlicht, die von der "The Voice Kids 2020“ Gewinnerin Lisa-Marie gesungen wird.[10]
  • Am 15. April 2022 wurde die für den Film angepasste englische Version von „Komm und flieg mit mir“ veröffentlicht, die von der deutschen "The Voice Kids 2020“ Gewinnerin Lisa-Marie gesungen wird.[11]


Mia and me filme auf deutsch

Hier klicken, um die Galerie zu sehen.

Quellen und Bemerkungen[]

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CaFaJcMoS6f Abgerufen am 9. April 2022
  2. ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 https://twitter.com/miaandmeblog/status/1512149144013623297 Abgerufen am 8. April 2022 (Englisch)
  3. https://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=264645.html Abgerufen am 9. April 2022 (Französisch)
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6hEGofov6A @0:37 Abgerufen am 9. April 2022 (Englisch)
  5. https://www.weltbild.de/artikel/hoerbuch/mia-and-me-das-geheimnis-von-centopia-das-hoerbuch-zum-film_36398649-1 Abgerufen am 9. April 2022

    Mia and Me is a German children's series created by Gerhard Hahn.[7] In the United States, it aired on Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. channel[8] from May 3, 2014, to December 25, 2016. The show mixes live action with computer animation.

    Mia and Me is entirely owned by the German company Made 4 Entertainment (m4e) as of 2016.[3] Before the 2016 German buyout, the show was a German‑Italian‑Canadian co-production.

    A feature film titled Mia and Me: The Hero of Centopia was produced by Made 4 Entertainment, Hahn & m4e Productions, Studio B Animation, Studio 100 Animation and Flying Bark Productions.[9][10] It was released in Germany on May 26, 2022.


    Mia's elf form (left) and her human form, holding her book.

    After the death of her parents, a 12-year-old girl named Mia Marconi is gifted a game that her father had made in life, taking the form of a large book called The Legend of Centopia. Inside is magical runic writing and a password, which when read backwards, allows Mia to travel to the magical world of Centopia. The land is filled with mythological creatures, including: winged elves, pans (goat-like creatures), unicorns and dragons. While in Centopia, Mia changes into a winged elven girl with the unique ability to talk to unicorns. She meets and befriends a cast of magical characters: a unicorn named Lyria (and, later, Lyria's winged son Onchao); Yuko, a girl warrior who is a little jealous of how much attention Mia receives from Prince Mo, and Phuddle, a comedic pan.

    Season 1[edit]

    With the help of oracles from a magic book, Mia and her friends must find the pieces of the trumptus, a magic horn made by Phuddle. It has been captured, broken apart in twenty pieces, and scattered by the munculus as it is the only thing that can destroy evil beings. Mia also works to stop the evil Queen Panthea, General Gargona and her munculus army from capturing the unicorns. Panthea, concerned about her aging appearance to the point where she always wears a mask, needs the unicorns' horns for their rejuvenating powers. Every time a unicorn horn is destroyed, more of the island of Centopia dies. The only cure to this destruction is the powerful "golden unicorn" named Onchao, who can easily make the desert bloom again and restore horns of other unicorns. After Mia and her friends succeed in defeating their adversaries with a trumptus blast, only Gargona survives. They have reached the final pages of the book and Mia returns to her world, where it is nearing the end of the school year. Mia plans to revisit Centopia in a few months, after the summer break.

    Season 2[edit]

    In the second season, Mia spends her summer holiday at her grandpa's farm. There, she meets a worker named Mario, who towards the end of the season learns about her ability to travel to Centopia. In Centopia, a hunter named Rixel sets his sights on catching Onchao. Later in the season, the bully Violetta discovers Mia's secret after finding a slice of her magical bracelet. Violetta travels to Centopia and takes on the identity of an elf named Varia. As Varia, Violetta becomes one of Mia's allies and begins to be shown in a more sympathetic light, as her connections with her father are disrupted by her mother.

    Season 3[edit]

    In Centopia, Gargona is joined by a bug-like villain named Dax as they try to catch a unicorn horn to bring their master (Drakon) back. In the real world, a blind girl named Sara finds Mia's bracelet and travels to Centopia. She is so relieved that she can see in this world and she even has the power to see the invisible spy bugs who follow Dax. In the season finale, Dax and Gargona succeed in taking Onchao's horn. Mia and her friends arrive at the castle where Gargona and Dax are talking to Drakon about their prize. Yuko and Mo foil the villains' plot by breaking the horn into pieces. Kyara, Onchao's new sister, heals Onchao's horn. Dax leaves Centopia and Gargona stays on the island. Back in the real world, Sara makes the decision to go back to her old school instead of a new school in Milan.


    When Mia transforms into an elf, she first says the password into the bracelet. Then a yellow glow swirls around her making her disappear. We then see her in a half-human half-elf form. In Season 1, Mia notices a glow on her hand that moves around herself transforming her into her elf with her wings growing after the glow is done transforming her back. When she is done transforming, she flaps her wings with her legs bending. While doing this she smiles. But later, her smile turns to a frown and disappears into the yellow fog while screaming. In Season 2, we see a huge yellow blob fully transforming her all at once. The wings then appear on her back a few seconds later. This also applies for season 3 as well. In Season 3, her half-human, half-elf form looks exactly like her human form. We then see the same transformation process in Season 2. However when Mia disappears into the yellow fog, she instead says "Whoa!"

    Live action characters[edit]

    • Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Mia (seasons 1–2)
    • Margot Nuccetelli as Mia (season 3)
    • Adrian Moore as Vincent (season 1)
    • Saphia Stoney as Paula (season 1)
    • Josephine Benini as Violetta di Nola (seasons 1–2)
    • Ray Lovelock as Renzo (season 2)
    • Luca Murphy as Mario (season 2)
    • Gianna Paola Scaffidi as Franca (season 2)
    • Anthony Souter as Silvio Frascati (season 2)
    • Sara Ricci as Contessa di Nola (season 2)
    • Fabio Corallini as Vittorio (season 2)
    • Douglas Dean as the boss of the bank (season 2)
    • Massimiliano Pazzaglia as Shop Owner (season 2)
    • Rick Braco as The Judge Back (season 2)
    • Lucia Luna Laurenti Sellers as Sara (season 3)
    • Laura Ruocco as Luciana (season 3)
    • Giuseppe Grandin as Mr Monti (season 3)
    • Rocco Tommaso Cicarelli as Mr Balani (season 3)

    Animated characters[edit]


    Season 1 (2012)[edit]

    #TitleSummary1Talking to UnicornsMia makes friends with Centopia's royalty and discovers that she is able to talk to unicorns.2Centopia's HopeMia makes a discovery about Phuddle's dissonant, Trumptus; the elves have a new reason to be hopeful.3RestorationMia tries to help Phuddle put the Trumptus back together.4Trumptus LostMia is lost in the Valley of Vapors; the Trumptus is left behind for Panthea to fulfill the prophecy.5The Golden SonMia heads to Centopia and finds Lyria in need; a golden-horned unicorn is born.6Onchao's OasisLyria is taken captive by Gargona and her Munculus army; Mia vows to protect Onchao.7Hope in PiecesWith Lyria gone, Mia is desperate to cheer up Onchao.8Ziggo's Day OffMia and the elves find a piece of the Trumptus in a hanging flower garden; Gargona steals the piece of the Trumptus.9The Elves and the DragonOnchao makes friends with a newly-hatched dragon; Mia and the elves attempt a daring rescue.10The Blossom TreeThe elves enlist the help of the powerful Earth Unicorn to protect the unicorns when they visit the Blossom Tree for their annual feast.11All That GlittersMia deals with several dilemmas while in Centopia.12Phuddle's FoiblesPhuddle tags along on an excursion to the Lofty Caves.13The Fire UnicornMia is forced to intrude on Onchao's ceremony when Yuko and Mo are captured by Muncs.14The Wizened WoodsMia and the elves search for a piece of the Trumptus in the forest.15Miss Know-It-AllA Tell-All creature leads Mia and the elves into a treacherous trap.16The Unicorn TrapPanthea plans to capture Onchao.17All Dressed UpMia and Yuko compete for the crown at the Blushflower Princess Ball.18King for a DayMo is left in charge of Centopia while the king and queen have the flu; Mo must find a way to help Mia and Yuko.19The Panned PiperMia must find a solution when Phuddle creates a new instrument that mesmerizes its listeners.20Cave of TruthAfter suffering a blow to the head, Mia gets amnesia. To restore her memory, her friends must take her to the Cave of Truth, where people can only speak the truth... but they may not like some of what they hear...21Against the WindMia is caught in a strong wind and blown far away from her friends; Mia must find a way to survive while lost in the remote badlands with a broken wing.22Under the MoonYuko wants to spend time with Mo and is frustrated by Mia's constant interruptions; Yuko and Mo are trapped by a landslide.23Choosing SidesMia and the elves are sent on an expedition to the watery domain of Polytheus.24Tears of JoyA severe drought afflicts Centopia citizens; Mia and her friends redouble their efforts to rebuild the Trumptus.25Panthea's ProposalPanthea leads her army to the dried-up Waterdome; Mia seizes an opportunity to search Panthea's vacant palace for the last Trumptus piece.26End of an AgeMia, Vincent and Paula see ominous images in the book; Yuko and Mo are captured by the Munculus; Mia must find a way to save Centopia.

    Season 2 (2015)[edit]

    #TitleSynopsis1The Mysterious VisitorWhile visiting her grandfather's farm, Mia returns to Centopia as the mysterious Rixel arrives with his circus boat.2Behind the CurtainMia and Yuko go to the back of Rixel's circus to find out what's going on. Back on the farm, Mia is surprised to see a familiar face.3The Animal GuardiansMia and her grandfather get into trouble over a bad neighbor, while in Centopia, Rixel devises a plan to catch his animals again.4Dragons in DangerWith her grandfather's farm in jeopardy, Mia picks up something to make money. In Centopia, Mia and her friends are fighting to save the dragons from Rixel.5The Ghost of Blackwood ForestMia and her friends rush to a haunted forest to pick peppers and help Centopia. Violeta wants to take Mario away from the farm.6The Spell of the Green FluidsMario's grandmother's visit brings ups and downs to the farm. Rixel is preparing to use a new weapon to crush the elves and catch Onchao.7Beyond the Wall of Vines8A Father's Feather9Speaking with Stones10Dancing with Stars11The Unwanted Roommate12That's What Friends are For13Return to Panthea's Castle14The Whistling Bolobo15My Name is Varia16Crossing the Rainbow Bridge17Taking Sides18A Shower of Pollen19The Fiery Flower20Journey to the North21The Unicorn King22The Rainbow Spring23Hide and Seek24A Sticky Situation25The Strongest Team26Breaking the Spell

    Season 3 (2017–2018)[edit]

    #Title[11]1Kyara's Birth2The Dark Elf's Arrival3King and Queen Asleep4Pan King's Secret5Sister Wracked6Unicorn Kindergarten7Phuddle Moves Out8The Highest Bidder9Night Becomes Day10Circle of Life11Glowing Arrows12Finding Simo13Freeze and Snoot14Monster Alarm15Moonstruck16Unicorn of Hearts17The Giant Butterfly18Bluebardo in Trouble19The Shyest Unicorn20Return to Rainbow Island21Ziggo Moves Out22Return to Crystal Cave23Heist on Dark Castle24Seeing in the Dark25Big Sleep26The Last Stand
    • Mia and Me: The Hero of Centopia, a feature film.[12][13]


    Since the first few seasons were distributed by Rainbow, a studio co-owned by Viacom, Mia and Me is broadcast on Viacom's Nickelodeon channels in many territories. Nick Jr. in the United States premiered the series beginning on May 3, 2014 and ending on December 25, 2016.[14] Up until mid-2021, the show was available to stream on NickJr.com.[15] In the United Kingdom, the series aired on Nick Jr. (UK and Ireland) in January 2014. Nickelodeon began airing the series in the Philippines on July 1, 2013. The series aired in Singapore on MediaCorp Okto, in Indonesia on RCTI and in Australia on 10 Peach (formally Eleven). The series is available through Netflix in many countries, since September 2014.[16] In 2017, the series aired on eToonz in South Africa. In Brazil, the first season of the series premiered on Gloob, on April 14, 2014, and the second season premiered on January 23, 2017. Since October 12, 2020, the series has been aired on TV Cultura.[citation needed]

    Wo läuft Mia and me der Film?

    Die internationale Co-Produktion läuft hierzulande beim KiKA und zählt aktuell drei Staffeln mit 78 Folgen.

    Wann kommt der Film von Mia and me raus?

    20. Juli 2022Mia and me: Das Geheimnis von Centopia / Erscheinungsdatumnull

    Ist Mia and me auf Netflix?

    Ein mysteriöses Geschenk ihrer verstorbenen Eltern schickt die 12-jährige Mia in eine Welt voller Elfen, Einhörner und einer bösen Königin namens Panthea. Ansehen, so viel Sie wollen.

    Ist Mia and me eine deutsche Serie?

    Mia and me – Abenteuer in Centopia ist eine italienisch-deutsch-kanadische Fernsehserie nach einer Idee von Gerhard Hahn, die sich um die 12-jährige Mia dreht, deren Eltern bei einem Schwimmunfall gestorben sind und die sich in einem Internat in Florenz einleben muss.