In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?

Test Description: Turn of the Century #1 (US 1600s) - North Carolina Social Studies Games - Middle School - - Lessons, Activities, PowerPoints, Resources, Lesson Plans - US History and World History - @mrdNCss

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1) The Homestead Act, the mass killing of buffalo, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad are most closely associated with the

Adecline of the Plains Indians Brise of organized labor Cnorthern migration of African Americans Dbuilding of the Erie Canal

2) During the late 1800s, many North American Indian tribes were sent to reservations that were located

Aalong the major rivers and lakes of the Midwest Beast of the Mississippi River Cin sparsely populated regions of the West Dnear large cities in the Northwest

3) The closing of the frontier and the growth of industry in the late 1800s are two factors often associated with the

Aformation of alliances with other nations Breduction of exports to Asian nations Crise of United States imperialism Drestoration of a plantation economy in the South

4) The Homestead Act of 1862 helped the development of the West by

Aplacing Native American Indians on reservations Ballowing slavery to spread to the territories Cproviding free land to settlers Dgranting land for construction of transcontinental railroads

5) The Homestead Act was important in the growth of the West because it

Aset aside reservations for Native American Indians Bencouraged settlement of the Great Plains Cprovided land to build a canal system Dcreated the Department of Agriculture to aid farmers

6) The passage of the Dawes Act in 1887 was primarily an attempt by the United States government to

Alimit the power of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Breturn eastern land to Native American Indian tribes Cencourage Native American Indians to give up their traditional cultures Dhire Native American Indians as military scouts

7) The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862, which provided free federal land, was to

Aencourage settlement of the West Bassist in the construction of transcontinental railroads Cset up reservations for Native American Indians Destablish land-grant agricultural colleges

8) The aim of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to

Aend all governmental contact with Native American Indians Bmaintain traditional Native American Indian cultures Crestore previously taken land to Native American Indian tribes Dassimilate Native American Indians into American culture

9) The Indian Wars that occurred between 1860 and 1890 were mainly the result of

Athe search for gold in California Bdisputes over the spread of slavery Cconflict with Mexico over Texas and California Dthe movement of settlers onto the Great Plains

10) I am tired of fighting.... Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I shall fight no more forever! In this statement, Chief Joseph expressed his reluctant acceptance of a gov't policy of

Aplacing Native American Indian tribes on reservations Brequiring Native American Indians to settle west of the Mississippi River Cforcing Native American Indians to assimilate into American culture Dgranting immediate citizenship to Native American Indians

11) In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?

Abuilding of the transcontinental railroad -- disappearance of the frontier Bassimilation of Native American Indians into American society -- passage of the Dawes Act Cdiscovery of gold in California -- Louisiana Purchase Dsettling of the Oregon Territory -- passage of the Homestead Act

12) Which characteristic of the American frontier continues to be an important part of life in the United States today?

Awidespread support for the Populist Party Ba predominantly agricultural and mining economy Cnecessity for families to have many children Dsignificant opportunities for social and economic mobility

13) In the late 1800’s, the goal of the Federal Government’s policy toward Native American Indians was to

Agive their tribal groups authority over their own affairs Bgrant them full citizenship and due process Cdestroy tribal bonds and thus weaken their traditional cultural values Dincrease the land holdings of western tribes

14) In the period from 1860 to 1900, the Federal Government encouraged the settlement of the West by

Agranting tracts of land to railroad companies to encourage construction Bselling the most fertile public land to Native American Indians Cpassing an increased number of liberal immigration laws Dproviding free transportation to settlers moving to the frontier

15) The passage of the Homestead Act and the completion of the transcontinental railroad helped to fulfill the United States commitment to

Amanifest destiny BReconstruction Cconservation of natural resources Dracial equality

16) ''Buffalo hunters have done more in the last two years, and will do more in the next year, to settle the . . . Indian question than the entire regular army has done in the last 30 years'' What was the result of the process described in the quote

AThe disappearance of their economic base helped drive Native American Indians onto reservations. BMost Native American Indians migrated to Canada to find new ways to earn a living. CMany Native American Indians moved to Eastern cities to work in factories DNative American Indians were granted farmland under the Homestead Act.

17) In the period from 1860 to 1890, which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states?

AThey maintained control of their traditional lands. BThey benefited economically from government policy. CThey were forced to live on reservations. DThey became farmers and small business owners.

18) The mechanization of agriculture in the United States led directly to

Aless dependence on railroads by farmers Bthe decreasing size of the average farm Can increase in production Dfewer agricultural exports

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What was a major goal of the Dawes Act 1887 )?

The federal government aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream US society by encouraging them towards farming and agriculture, which meant dividing tribal lands into individual plots. Only the Native Americans who accepted the division of tribal lands were allowed to become US citizens.

Which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states?

In the period from 1860 to 1890, which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states? They were forced to live on reservations.

Which American philosophy most contributed to the closing of the western frontier quizlet?

Explanation: Manifest destiny was the philosophical concept that the United States destiny was to expand from coast to coast.

What are the traditional beliefs of Native Americans?

American Indian culture emphasizes harmony with nature, endurance of suffering, respect and non- interference toward others, a strong belief that man is inherently good and should be respected for his decisions. Such values make individuals and families in difficulty very reluctant to seek help.