In linux which command is used to list all the files in your current directory including hidden

The Linux operating system consists of hundreds of files and folders that are hidden by default. Such files are known as hidden files or dot files because they always begin with a dot (.). Let's explore how you can view these hidden files on your Linux system.

Nội dung chính

  • Finding Files and Folders on a Linux System
  • Show Hidden Files From the Command Line
  • Show Hidden Files in a Graphical Interface (GUI)
  • How to Hide Files
  • Hide File or Directory Using the Linux Command Line
  • Hide a File in a Graphical Interface (GUI)
  • How to Create Password-Protected Hidden Files
  • Create Password-Protected, Hidden File From the Command Line
  • Create a Hidden, Password-Protected File From the Graphical Interface
  • What is the Linux command to show hidden files in a directory?
  • What is the command to find hidden files in the current directory?
  • Which command is used to list out all the hidden files along with the other files in Unix?
  • Which command is used to list all the files in your current directory including hidden Mcq?

The concept of hidden files is simple yet very important in Linux. They are mainly used for storing configuration files or user settings. Usually, these files are used by your system services, scripts, or other programs. For example, the .bash_logout script is executed whenever you log out of your Bash sessions. Another great example is the .gitignore file used by Git to exclude certain files from being pushed to your remote repository.

Sometimes the concept of hidden files can be used to hide certain files from the prying eyes of mostly non-advanced users.

The ls command is a widely used Linux command. In its simplest form, the command lists files and folders within a directory. However, ls doesn't list hidden files by default.

To show hidden files you must use the -a option, which commands ls to list "all" files and folders (including hidden ones).

Navigate to your home directory with the cd command and do a listing of all files using ls.

ls -a



  • A system running Linux
  • Access to a terminal window / command line (optional)

Note: Some directories require administrator, root, or sudo privileges to access. Depending on the files you want to access, you may need to switch users or use the sudo command.

Show Hidden Files From the Command Line

To display all the files in a directory, including hidden files, enter the following command:

ls –a

The ls command lists the contents of the current directory. The –a switch lists all files – including hidden files.

To list regular and hidden files in a different directory than your current working location:

ls –a /etc

Replace /etc with any other directory.

Show Hidden Files in a Graphical Interface (GUI)

There’s a simple method to show hidden files if you’re more comfortable working in Gnome (or any other graphical interface).

1. First, browse to the directory you want to view.

2. Then, press Ctrl+h.

If Ctrl+h doesn’t work, click the View menu, then check the box to Show hidden files.

Note: Ctrl+h works in newer Ubuntu and CentOS environments. If you’re running an older or different version, it may not work.

How to Hide Files

Hide File or Directory Using the Linux Command Line

To mark a file as hidden, use the mv (move) command.

1. First, create a test file. Use the touch command to create an empty test.txt file:

touch test.txt

2. Then, hide the file by moving it under a new filename. The period (.) at the beginning of the new filename indicates that it’s hidden:

mv test.txt .test.txt

3. To verify the file is now hidden, display the contents of the current directory:


4. Now, list the contents, including hidden files:

ls –a

You should see test.txt in the second listing.

Note: The process is entirely the same for directories. Use the mv command with a period (.) at the beginning of the new directory name.

Hide a File in a Graphical Interface (GUI)

You can also mark a file as hidden using a graphical interface.

1. Right-click the file you want to hide.

2. Then, select Rename.

3. Make the file hidden by placing a period at the beginning of the filename.

Use the same process to hide a directory.

Create Password-Protected, Hidden File From the Command Line

1. To create a hidden and password-protected archive file from the command line, start by creating a new text file:

touch test2.txt

2. Next, compress and encrypt that file:

zip ––encrypt test2.txt

3. You’ll be asked to enter and confirm a password for the file.

4. Then, use the ls command – you should see in the file list.

5. Next, set the .zip file to hidden by entering:


6. Finally, use ls and ls –a to confirm and verify the file is hidden.

Create a Hidden, Password-Protected File From the Graphical Interface

Encrypting a file requires more steps in the graphical version of Linux.

1. Start by opening the File Manager to your home directory.

2. Right-click an empty area, then click New Folder (a folder and a directory are the same things).

3. Name the folder test3 and click Create.

4. Next, click Activities > Search > type archive manager > launch the Archive Manager.

5. Drag and drop the new test3 folder into the Archive Manager window.

6. The system will ask: Do you want to create an archive with these files? Click Create Archive.

7. In the Create Archive dialog box, the filename should be test3. Just to the right, click the drop-down and select the .zip format.

8. Click Other options near the bottom. Type a password to use for your archive, then click Save.

9. Close the Archive Manager. You should now see a file in the home directory.

10. Right-click the file, click Rename, and add a period at the beginning of the filename.


You should now be able to show and hide hidden files in Linux. These commands can be especially useful if you need to find configuration files.

Also, you can find web browser data, certain application caches, and logs stored in hidden files.

What is the Linux command to show hidden files in a directory?

The ls command is a widely used Linux command. In its simplest form, the command lists files and folders within a directory. However, ls doesn't list hidden files by default. To show hidden files you must use the -a option, which commands ls to list "all" files and folders (including hidden ones).

What is the command to find hidden files in the current directory?

First, browse to the directory you want to view. 2. Then, press Ctrl+h . If Ctrl+h doesn't work, click the View menu, then check the box to Show hidden files.

Which command is used to list out all the hidden files along with the other files in Unix?

You need to use the find command to list all hidden files recursively on a Linux or Unix like systems. You can also use the ls command to list hidden files.

Which command is used to list all the files in your current directory including hidden Mcq?

Explanation: ls command when used with directory name as an argument, lists all the files in the directory.

How do I list all files in a directory in Linux?

Type the ls -l command to list the contents of the directory in a table format with columns including: content permissions.

How can you display a list of all files including the hidden files?

Open File Explorer from the taskbar. Select View > Show > Hidden items.

Which command in Linux is used to list all the files in the current?

ls is a Linux shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories.

Which command can be used to view hidden files in Linux?

First, browse to the directory you want to view. 2. Then, press Ctrl+h . If Ctrl+h doesn't work, click the View menu, then check the box to Show hidden files.