Final fantasy 15 wer ist bahamut

I was summoned to the future by the last of mankind, to defend them in their hour of need. But my old enemy, Skeletor, followed me....

inchun 4 years ago#22

ofthetalesx posted...

inchun posted...
ofthetalesx posted...
inchun posted...
I always assumed that the Astrals were lying to a certain degree... I mean, they needed Noctis to do their dirtywork and clean up their mess, so manipulation was a given.

But was it really their mess? It was the Crystal that turned Ardyn away before anything and anyone else, right? And that was what triggered the chain reaction of the Astrals and his brother disowning him/casting him aside.

Yeah, it was the crystal that made the choice to turn Ardyn away, but Ardyn received those powers from Bahamut. So that means Bahamut chose Ardyn who was not accepted by the crystal to begin with. So therefore, Bahamut kind of messed up choosing the wrong person which in turn brought the s*** storm that is FFXV. So Ardyn being the wrong choice from the very beginning was just a plan set to fail.

Uh, we have nothing stating Ardyn got his power to absorb daemons from Bahamut. Not even the Caelum bloodline get their powers from Bahamut, they come from the Crystal. I understand it's easier to blame the Astrals -- and more specificially, Bahamut -- because they didn't seem to give a hoot about Noctis or the rest of humanity, but they are not to be blamed for what occurred with Ardyn. The Crystal was the one that chose Ardyn to be the Chosen One originally, which means the blame lies there. It was the Crystal's mistake, not Bahamut's.

Hmm upon thinking back, you're right. I must have gotten the main story mixed up somehow. Though it does still stand that the Astrals definitely didn't tell the whole truth to Noctis and the bros, mainly to keep them focused on the objective I suppose... I feel like we're really stretching things in the story that was just terribly done to begin with.

Chaosmark101 4 years ago#23

IsJustJeremy posted...

Chaosmark101 posted...
IsJustJeremy posted...
Bahamut is not a villain in any capacity. Him punishing the traitor glaives for betraying King Regis shows to me he cares more about humanity than Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, and Ifrit. It is bulls*** though that Bahamut has the ability to revive people and didn’t do s*** for Luna or Noctis even after they saved Eos.

When did Bahamut revive someone? I don't remember that.

He revived the traitor glaives in Comrades to prove themselves worthy of serving Noctis, and to absolve their treason against Regis.

Would have never known lol

"The funny thing about Karma... It goes round and round... and in the end, it comes back to bite you." ~ Roland, Digital Devil Saga 2

Clementee 4 years ago#24

WiiareVenom posted...

Clementee posted...
"History will not remember the word of the vanquished, if the victorious wrote them out of history." - Lester DeRosso.

This theory reminds me a lot of Bravely Default's backstory. Man its awesome. But as long as Ardyn's story has not been discovered, we can never know what actually happen.

If it is really like Bravely Default's backstory, then goddamn...

Where can I find BD's backstory?

Also, where is all this stuff about Solheim, and deeper details about the Astrals and such found? I missed most of that somehow. Is it from Comrades?

FF wiki have them or I can just summarize it for you.

In need of PS5 and money to buy games.

wgoldingful 4 years ago#25

So let me get this straight: the Lucian lines are descended from Eos, half god half man? And Ifrit loved Eos or something? Why did he love Shiva all of a sudden? Also, I thought Bahamut gave Lucians their powers. Or are they just the powers related to swords? The crystal gives them powers, and he's the heart of the crystal. Plus his powers resemble theirs.

The new cutscenes on the train sequence says Shiva used to kill humans, and that Ifrit 'warmed her icy heart'. So are the gods angry about Ifrit jailbreaking Eos, more so than what happens to the humans? Why fight Ifrit to protect humans then? Why wasn't Shiva penalised for killing humans?

Is starscourge Eos' revenge? Why didn't anybody notice that the volcano was the source of starscourge? Why can't Eos reincarnate like the other gods?

shimitza1 4 years ago#26

Eos's power got "corrupted" by her making "love" with a human - the first Lucis Caelum. It is probably a reference like in many other mythologies where the gods should never make love to humans because their power gets diminished or they get weakened by sharing their powers with their human descendants.

This is what resulted in the Starscourge. Eos is the goddess of the dawn. Her power gets weaker resulting in the world moving towards eternal night. This is where the "sleep" motif, which symbolizes this idea even in the artwork, comes from.

Astrals are tasked with being the guardians of the planet. They can only see the humans as a problem - specifically the Lucis Caelum bloodline. The Lucis bloodline (spawn of Eos and human) is the sole reason for the Starscourge so it only makes sense that Bahamut would tell Noctis to go kill himself and by doing so release Eos' power back into Eos, giving the planet back it's Dawn.

Of course the other Astrals would see Ifrit as a threat since Ifrit actually agreed with Eos on the whole love for humans thing.

So the way I see it the Astrals are only fulfilling their purpose by trying to save the planet, even if it makes them seem like the biggest a*holes.

Ardyn being corrupted is what I'm still confused by. He was a healer and the hope of the people. Why would the Crystal refuse him as the chosen one seems like bad writing to me. Everyone, both Eos - the Crystal, and the Astrals must have known refusing Ardyn as the chosen one would have this consequence. So yeah either the gods are incredibly stupid or the writing is.

There are no facts, only interpretations.

Mofuji 4 years ago#27

Where the devil did this concept of Eos being an actual goddess in FFXV come from? I've never seen a single thing about that in the game.

"Youkai is evil because Youaki is bad. And I'm gonna exterminate them." ~ Reimu Hakurei during the 2016 US Presidential Campaign


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