An advantage of using text-based digital methods to communicate in the workplace is that they

How has your workplace communication been lately?_ _The current work environment is out of the ordinary. Almost everyone with a typical office job has been required to work from home for a period of time, some have already returned to the office, while others have adopted a hybrid approach.

This has had a huge effect on the way we communicate. Many companies have reaped the benefits of new workplace communication tools, but the new solutions aren’t optimal for some.

Technology has been at the forefront of changes to the working world. Still, since the new hybrid working model will continually evolve, the right workplace communication tools are essential. So what are the best tools for improving communication?

New workplace communication tools for your company toolbox

Most organisations have found effective solutions to replace face-to-face meetings and interactions. Video conferencing software has helped businesses save time, energy and resources travelling to physical meetings while promoting video as a valuable form of communication in the workplace. The global climate will also benefit if companies decide to carry on with their new digital solutions.

While we wait for things to normalise, new workplace communication tools can provide us with temporary and long-lasting solutions. They can improve the clarity and efficiency of interactions with internal teams and external stakeholders, benefiting your organisation in multiple areas and across all departments.

An advantage of using text-based digital methods to communicate in the workplace is that they

Optimising workplace communications with the right tools

Apps, software, and other tools have become invaluable resources for organisations of all sizes. Maintaining effective communications can help struggling businesses weather the ongoing storm or optimise their communications for continued success. No matter your circumstances, they could be implemented to a significant effect. Here are a few ways you can begin to enhance your communications with technology:

  • Take advantage of free trials: Many tools offer free trial periods or free-to-use memberships. The latter usually offer a limited version of their tools with a few bonus features behind a payment wall. Now is the perfect time to investigate tools your team members could benefit from in the present and those that could be valuable in the future.
  • Ask what has worked well for other employees or teams: Reach out to your employees, especially those who have recently joined the company. What tools have facilitated effective communication? What would they like to test? They’ve likely used something beneficial for more people in the company, but they might only bring those ideas forward when prompted to do so.
  • Figure out what consumers prefer: If you want to improve customer or prospect communication, figure out the best way to reach them. One of the most engaging ways to reach your audience is with asynchronous videos. So if your pitches are falling flat or you’re struggling to convert leads into sales, video might be the answer.
  • Keep in mind that information overload can be stressful: Consider which interactions need to happen "live" in a synchronous manner — such as video conferencing — versus what is better consumed asynchronously — such as with video creation, Slack, email, and so on. It’s more beneficial to allow people to absorb detailed information at a convenient time for them, instead of during a meeting or a phone call.

Useful workplace communication tools for your organisation

A growing number of tools are at your disposal, but it’s no use implementing an arsenal of apps that make communications more complicated. To ensure productivity is maintained, it’s important to compartmentalise your workplace communication tools into the following categories:

Internal communication tools

Using a chat app within your organisation is great for fast, effective communication and collaboration. An example is Slack, which also integrates with a lot of other applications. It’s more intuitive than email or other messaging services and allows teams to communicate in private channels.

Video conferencing tools

For video conferencing, either internally or with customers, partners, or clients, there are many options. Google Meet, Zoom and Whereby are all easy to use, but if you already have Google Workspace set up, your best bet will be Google Meet as it integrates seamlessly.

Project management tools

An effective project management tool can easily give you and your team members a clear overview of your ongoing projects. Implementing a tool like this can give you more transparency and control over what's happening in a project. It will also show who's doing what, timelines, deadlines and so on. It makes collaboration easier and can dramatically improve company-wide communications. Examples of good project management tools include Notion and Basecamp — both of which offer free versions of their tools.

Video creation tools

Using asynchronous videos to communicate can be highly effective in many varied situations. Zoom fatigue saps the energy of your team members, but asynchronous video communication allows employees, customers and other stakeholders to consume the information in their own time. This makes your messages clearer and easier to digest while giving your communications a personalised touch.

Using videos to enhance workplace communications

Studies have proven that audiences are more likely to be engaged by video than text or any other medium. Try swapping your emails or other text-based messaging tools for asynchronous videos — you’ll find that your internal updates receive more engagement from your employees, and your pitches effectively draw the attention of prospective clients.

What are the benefits of digital communication methods?

The benefits of digital communication far outweigh any drawbacks it may have. With digital communication, you can reduce turnover, create an inclusive work environment, increase engagement, provide seamless experiences, promote transparency, and ultimately save both time and money.

What types of digital communication are used in today's workplace?

These include email, phone calls, video conferencing, and many types of instant messaging like SMS and web chats. Even blogs, podcasts, and videos are considered forms of digital communication.

Is texting virtual communication?

Virtual communication refers to emails, text messages, webchats, and other forms of communication that do not happen in-person.

What is the most common form of communication in the workplace?

In our technological age, the most common form of workplace communication is email. While phone calls are still used on a frequent basis, email and other digital forms of communication (such as texts, tweets, and private messaging) are the primary methods of communication among business professionals.