Why does the old man send the three rioters to the tree in the Pardoners tale?

AB What is the theme of this tale?Money is the root of all evil How many rioters were there?3 young drunks What time of day is it?morning Where are these young men?drinking and gambling at a tavern Whom does the boy say has died?one of the three rioters' friends Who has killed a thousand in the present plague?death (personified as a person) What is really responsible for all the deaths?the Black Plague To what plague is Chaucer referring?the Black Plague or Bubonic Plague What do the rioters plan to do?kill Death How committed are the rioters to each other and the plan?They swear as brothers to protect each other to the death. They will die protecting each other. The three men walk _____.about a half a mile Whom do the three men meet after walking about a half mile?an Old Man How do they treat the old man?Very rudely and with disrespect They ask the Old Man _____Why aren't you dead? What does the Old Man say that is a threat?They should treat old people the way they would want to be treated when they're old - "If you should live that long!" What is "If you should live that long"?foreshadowing The three rioters accuse the old man of being a spy for _____Death Where does the old man say the rioters will find Death?Up the road, under an oak tree What do the three rioters find at the tree?They find 8 bushels of gold coins What is the first rioter's plan to get the gold away?one of them will go to town and buy food and wine and that night they will divide the gold and take it to their homes What do the other two rioters plan while the third is away?they plan to play-wrestle him when he returns with the supplies and then stab him to death What does the young rioter who went to town plan to do in order to have all the treasure for himself?He buys 3 bottles of wine and puts poison in 2 of them. Then he will have one left to drink after the other two are dead. What does he tell the apothecary that the poison is for?rats and a polecat (skunk) What happens when the 1 rioters returns from town?Everything they planned. The first two rioters kill the one who went to town. Then they drink the wine to celebrate and die from the poison. The rioters swear to protect each other, but kill each other instead. This is one of the examples of _____irony One example of irony is when ______they expect to be rich for the rest of their lives, but their greed causes them to die The Old Man told them they would find Death (a person) under the oak tree, but instead they find _____their own deaths (irony) Why is it ironic that the Pardoner preaches a story with this particular moral?The Pardoner tells us that all he cares about in life is the gain of money (greed), but he preaches a tale against the evils of greed. What does the Pardoner ask of the pilgrims when he finishes his tale?He wants money to absolve them of their sins. Why does the Pardoner expect the travellers to go along with paying him since he is corrupt?The people want to make sure they will go to Heaven, so they will even pay a corrupt member of the Church to make sure that happens (they don't want to take any chances he's right and not pay him) What moral does the Pardoner want us to draw from his tale?That money is the root of all evil What moral do you think Chaucer wants you to draw from the Pardoner's tale?Money is the root of all evil. However, Chaucer also wants us to realize that supposedly holy members of the Church can be evil and corrupt like the Pardoner.

In The Pardoner’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer there are three rioters who are sent to kill Death. On their trip to find Death they are told, by an old man, that Death was left under a tree. When the rioters arrive at the tree they find a bag of Gold coins. The rioters are very greedy and two of them plan to kill the other but the third rioter is also planning on killing them. In the end they all die and the moral is to not be greedy but The Pardoner is guilty of this.

In The Pardoner’s Prologue he says that he will do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants. In The Pardoner’s Tale it says “ For this young man was utterly content to kill them both and never to repent” (Chaucer 130). This quote is from when the third rioter is on his way to get poison, and it shows that he did not mind killing the two other rioters, to get all the Gold for himself. The other two rioters are at the tree when one of them says “ ‘Well,’ said his friend, ‘you see that we are two, and two are twice as powerful as one. Now look; when he comes back get up in fun to have a wrestle; then, as you attack, I’ll put my dagger through his back while you and he are struggling, as in game; Then draw your dagger too and you do the same.’ ” (Chaucer 130). This shows, again, that the rioters would kill someone to get more Gold making them seem more like The Pardoner.…show more content…
An example from the tale is “ There is, in Avicenna’s long relation concerning poison and its operation, trust me no ghastlier section to transcend what these two wretches suffered at their end ” (Chaucer 131). This is talking about how painful and horrible it is to die from being poisoned. This quote reinforces the moral that being greedy is very dangerous and there is

What did the 3 rioters find at the tree?

The rioters rush to the tree, underneath which they find not Death but eight bushels of gold coins with no owner in sight. At first, they are speechless, but, then, the slyest of the three reminds them that if they carry the gold into town in daylight, they will be taken for thieves.

Where does the old man send the rioters?

Where does the old man send the rioters? He sends them up the road to an oak tree.

What happens to the three rioters in the Pardoner's tale?

The youngest of the three buys a deadly poison in town and spikes his friends' wine bottles with it, planning to kill them so that he can have all the gold for himself. When he gets back to the grove, his two friends kill him. The other two sit down to eat and drink, swallow the poison, and die painful deaths.

Did the old man know beforehand that in directing the three rioters to the oak tree?

No they do not, they get greedy and go for the gold. Does the old man know that "in directing them to the oak tree" he is sending them to their deaths? Most likely, for how they were treating him so rudely. Once again, greed is the route of all evil.


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