Which type of feedback about their grammar usage are children likely to get from their parents quizlet?

-this is what usually happens in nature versus nurture arguments so the emergence of a compromise view was probably inevitable although it has emerged later than some might have expected. this middle ground view is known as social interactionism.

-other place more emphasis on the contributions of the environment but all agree that the interaction of biological abilities with envrionmental influences accounts for languages acquistion and they note the importance of children's intteraction with their parents or other caregiver.

-for example, these theories assume that language acquisition is a product of children's early social interactions with the important people in their life .

-proponents of this viewpoint believe that children communicate and interact socially whit other people before they are able to produce language forms . they believe that language develop before they are able to produce language forms. they believe that language develops as a natural consequence of these interactions. that is children's attempts to communicate and socialize prompt their parents and other caregivers to provide the language appropriate for these exhanges.

-she suggests that a 9 month old child requests a cookie by reaching for it and vocalizing with an utterance suc has "uh uh uh" while making eye contact with her mother.

-the child is able to make a request from the beggining before she has any language and she certainly is able to interact with other people before she can speak. as she acquires language however her communicative and interactive abilities improve and she is able to make her request known in more socially appropriate more adult like ways.

-james example illustrates another emphasis in the interactionist perspective. unlike the nativists , who stress structure independent of communicative function or intent, interactionists focus on language use known as pragmatics .

-the recognition of the child's intent and associated communicative attempt prompts the caregiver not only to meet the intent but to provide an appropriate language model to support the intent.

-over time even though a given intent remains constant, the child acquires more sophisticated language forms by which he can make the intent more immediately and clearly known to his caregivers .

-behaviorists however ,view children as passive recipients of language shaped by selective reinforcement.

-in comparison to the nativists. the interactionists concede the children come to the langue acquisition process with in thecognitive and linguistic abilities.

-children's interactions socially and communicatively with the important people in their environments are the most important factors in the acquisition of language.

-in fact, like the nativists they try to discover common forms of structure in a variety of languages and cultures. they believe however that these forms are fairly simple imitations of models to which children are exposed in social interactions .

-this style of speech has been given several names but perhaps the most popular and descriptive is motherese.

-this style of speech has been given several names, but perhaps the most popular and descriptive is motherese.

-the sue of short, simple sentences seems to provide the child with models he can reasonably expect to imitate.

-one facet of motherese that seems to be related to language acquisition is the use of technique known as expansion. expansion occurs when the adult repeats what a child has said but adds additional words and/or structure.

-remember that the interactionists view emphasizes the importance of the interaction between the child and her caregivers.

-in this way, the verbal and nonverbal interactions allows the adult to simplify and reformulate language forms in ways that certainly facilitate improved communication and may facilitate language development

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Which theory argues that language stems from children's desire to communicate?

The interactionist approach (sociocultural theory) combines ideas from sociology and biology to explain how language is developed. According to this theory, children learn language out of a desire to communicate with the world around them. Language emerges from, and is dependent upon, social interaction.

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