Which term refers to the way an individual combines words and phrases to form sentences?

Self-Teaching Unit:

� 2006, 1999, 1978 Margaret L. Benner   All rights reserved.


 Before going on to compound and complex sentences, you should be thoroughly familiar with the simple sentence.  Here is a small review.

   In order to have a simple sentence (independent clause), you need these three elements:

         a subject                    a predicate verb                  a complete thought

PUNCTUATION NOTE:       In example A, no commas separate the dependent clause from the independent clause.  

Refers to the way we combine words into meaningful phrases and sentences.

Connecting a new word with an underlying concept after only a brief encounter

In the early phase of vocabulary growth, children’s assumption that words refer to entirely separate (nonoverlapping) categories.

Figuring out word meaning by observing how words are used in the structure of sentences

Application of regular grammatical rules to words that are exceptions

Figuring out grammatical rules by relying on word meanings

The practical, social side of language that is concerned with how to engage in effective and appropriate communication with others

Elaborating on children’s speech, increasing its complexity

Restructuring inaccurate speech into correct form

Deliberate mental activities that improve our changes of remembering

general descriptions of what occurs and when it occurs in a particular situation

when given challenging problems, children try out a variety of strategies, observe which work best, which work less well, and which are ineffective. Gradually they select strategies that result in rapid, accurate solutions.

As memory, problem solving, and representation of the world improve, children start to reflect on their own thought processes. They begin to construct a theory of mind or coherent set of ideas bout metal activities.

children's active efforts to construct literacy knowledge through informal experiences

the ability to reflect on and manipulate the sound structure of spoken language

order relationships between quantities

the last number in a counting sequence indicates the quantity of items in the set

In a Piagetian classroom, children are encouraged to discover for themselves through spontaneous interaction with the environment. Instead of presenting ready-made knowledge verbally, teachers provide a rich variety of activities designed to promote exploration and discovery

A Piagetian classroom does not try to speed up development. Piaget believed that appropriate learning experiences build on children's current thinking. Teachers watch and listen to their students. Introducing experiences that permit them to practice newly discovered schemes and that are likely to challenge their incorrect ways of viewing the world. But teachers do not impose new skills before children indicate they are interested and ready because doing so leads to superficial acceptance of adult formulas rather than true understanding

Sensitivity to children's readiness to learn

Piaget's theory assumes that all children go through he same sequences of development, but at different rates. Therefore, teachers must plan activities for individual children and small groups rather than just for the whole class. In addition, teachers evaluate educational progress by comparing each child to his or her own previous development. They are less interested in how children measure up to normative standards-this is, to the average performance of same-age peers.

Acceptance of individual differences

According to your text, _________ probably underlies(s) the conviction of most young children that you can make something come true by wishing?

cultural myths about wishing

Which of the following is(are) an example(s) a basic-level category?

Chairs Tables Dressers Beds NOT (Furniture)

Understanding that certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same even though their outward appearance has changed is

Three-year-old Cameron happily presented his mother with a toy truck on her birthday. According to Piaget, Cameron is demonstrating

As children move from the sensorimotor to the preoperational stage, which spans the years 2-7, the most obvious change is

an extraordinary increase in representational or symbolic activity

_______________ has/have been shown to strength attention, memory, logical reasoning, language and literacy, imagination, and creativity, as well as the ability to reflect on one's own thinking, regulate one's own emotions and behavior and take another's perspective.

The make-believe play with others that first appears between 2 and 3 is called

According to Vygotsky, _________ is the ideal social activity for promoting cognitive development in early childhood.

Piaget used the term ________ to describe mental representations of actions that obey logical rules.

A group of 4-year-olds plays together on the playground, pretending they are a family of bears. They carefully sequence an activity where they hunt for food and allocate attention towards both hunting and searching or berries. They are demonstrating ______ 

Self-directed speech that children use to plan and guide their own behavior is now known as

Two vital components of social interaction are

Intersubjectivity Scaffolding

True or False In order for a preschooler to grasp the appearance-reality distinction, she must also have developed the capacity for animistic thinking.

The father of a preschool child asks the teacher how he can help develop the child's phonemic awareness. The teacher could best respond by:

suggesting some rhyming games and other types of simple wordplay for parents and children

What is the term for speech directed toward another person and meant to be understood by that person?

social speech. speech directed toward another person and meant to be understood by that person. syntax. the way in which an individual combines words and phrases to form sentences.

When children put two words together to make a simple sentence it called speech?

Telegraphic speech is simply two-word sentences, such as “kitty tired” or “I hungry”. Toddlers develop this level of speech between 18-24 months. Telegraphic speech is important because it means your little one is: Learning to communicate their thoughts and feelings.

Which area of the brain is associated with attention and concentration and is completely myelinated by the time a child is 5 years of age?

Myelination of the reticular formation, an area of the brain associated with attention and concentration is completed by the time children are about 5.

Which area of the brain is associated with attention and concentration and is completely myelinated by the time a child is 5 years of age quizlet?

Myelination of the reticular formation, an area of brain associated with attention and concentration, is completed by the time children are about 5. May be associated with children's growing attention spans as they approach school age.


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