Which of these factors can override brainstem control of breathing in an infant

The reader understands the organization and function of the respiratory control system.

  • Describes the general organization of the respiratory control system.
  • Localizes the centers that generate the spontaneous rhythmicity of breathing.
  • Describes the groups of neurons that effect inspiration and expiration.
  • Describes the other centers in the brainstem that may influence the spontaneous rhythmicity of breathing.
  • Lists the cardiopulmonary and other reflexes that influence the breathing pattern.
  • States the ability of the brain cortex to override the normal pattern of inspiration and expiration temporarily.
  • Describes the effects of alterations in body oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ion levels on the control of breathing.
  • Describes the sensors of the respiratory system for oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ion concentration.

Breathing is spontaneously initiated in the central nervous system. A cycle of inspiration and expiration is automatically generated by neurons located in the brainstem; in eupneic states, breathing occurs without a conscious initiation of inspiration and expiration. Normal individuals do not have to worry about forgetting to breathe while they sleep.

This spontaneously generated cycle of inspiration and expiration can be modified, altered, or even temporarily suppressed by a number of mechanisms. As shown in Figure 9–1, these include reflexes arising in the lungs, the airways, and the cardiovascular system; information from receptors in contact with the cerebrospinal fluid; and commands from higher centers of the brain such as the hypothalamus, the centers of speech, or other areas in the cortex. The centers that are responsible for the generation of the spontaneous rhythmicity of inspiration and expiration are, therefore, able to alter their activity to meet the increased metabolic demand on the respiratory system during exercise or may even be temporarily superseded or suppressed during speech or breath holding.

Figure 9–1.

Schematic representation of the organization of the respiratory control system. A cycle of inspiration and expiration is automatically established in the medullary respiratory center. Its output represents a final common pathway to the respiratory muscles, except for some voluntary pathways that may go directly from higher centers to the respiratory muscles (dashed line). Reflex responses from chemoreceptors and other sensors may modify the cycle of inspiration and expiration established by the medullary respiratory center.

The output of the respiratory control centers in the brainstem controls breathing via a “final common pathway” consisting of the spinal cord, the innervation of the muscles of respiration such as the phrenic nerves, and the muscles of respiration themselves. Alveolar ventilation is therefore determined by the interval between successive groups of discharges of the respiratory neurons and the innervation of the muscles of respiration, which determines the respiratory rate or breathing frequency, and by the frequency of neural discharges transmitted by individual nerve fibers to their motor units, the duration of these discharges, and the number of motor units activated during each inspiration or expiration, which determine the depth of respiration or the tidal volume. Note that some pathways from the cerebral cortex to the muscles of respiration, such as those involved in voluntary breathing, bypass the medullary respiratory center described later in this chapter and travel directly to the spinal α motorneurons. These are represented by the dashed line in Figure 9–1.

The centers that initiate breathing are located in the reticular formation of the medulla, beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle. If the brainstem of an anesthetized animal is sectioned above this area, as seen in the transection labeled III in Figure 9–2, a pattern of inspiration and expiration is maintained (although it is somewhat irregular) even if all other afferents to this area, including the vagi, are also severed. If the brainstem is transected below this area, as seen in the transection labeled IV in Figure 9–2, breathing ceases. This area, known as the medullary center (or medullary respiratory center), was originally believed to consist of 2 discrete groups of respiratory neurons: the inspiratory neurons, which fire during inspiration and the expiratory neurons, which fire during expiration.

Figure 9–2.

The effects of transections at different levels of the brainstem on the ventilatory pattern of anesthetized animals. Left: A schematic representation of the dorsal surface of the lower brainstem. Right: A schematic representation of the breathing patterns (inspiration is upward) corresponding to the transections with the vagus nerves intact or transected. PRG = pontine respiratory groups; DRG = dorsal respiratory group; VRG = ventral respiratory group. (From Physiology of Respiration by Michael P. Hlastala and Albert J. Berger, copyright © 1996 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.)

Activity of the inspiratory neurons is transmitted to the muscles of inspiration, initiating inspiration; activity of the expiratory neurons is transmitted to the muscles of expiration, initiating expiration. It was thought that when the inspiratory neurons discharged, their activity was conducted to the expiratory neuron pool via collateral fibers and the activity of the expiratory neurons was inhibited. Similarly, when the expiratory neurons discharged, their activity was conducted to the inspiratory neuron pool via collateral fibers, and the activity of the inspiratory neurons was inhibited. The reciprocal inhibition of these 2 opposing groups of neurons was believed to be the source of the spontaneous respiratory rhythmicity. More recent studies of the medullary center have not entirely supported this early hypothesis. Furthermore, because expiration is passive in normal quiet breathing, the expiratory neurons may not discharge unless expiration is active.

There are 2 dense bilateral aggregations of respiratory neurons in the medullary respiratory center known as the dorsal respiratory groups (DRG in Figures 9–2 and 9–3) and the ventral respiratory groups (VRG in Figures 9–2 and 9–3). Inspiratory and expiratory neurons are anatomically intermingled to a greater or lesser extent within these areas, and the medullary center does not consist of a discrete “inspiratory center” and a discrete “expiratory center.”

Figure 9–3.

Location of pontine and medullary respiratory neuron aggregations (dorsal view of the brainstem DRG = dorsal respiratory group; VRG = ventral respiratory group; See text for details).

The Dorsal Respiratory Group

The DRG are located bilaterally in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS), as shown in Figure 9–3. They consist mainly of inspiratory neurons. These inspiratory neurons project primarily to the contralateral spinal cord. They are the principal initiators of the activity of the phrenic nerves and are therefore responsible for maintaining diaphragmatic activity. Dorsal respiratory group neurons send many collateral fibers to those in the ventral respiratory group, but the ventral respiratory group sends only a few collateral fibers to the dorsal respiratory group, as will be discussed in the next section. Reciprocal inhibition therefore seems an unlikely explanation of spontaneous inspiratory and expiratory rhythmicity.

The NTS is the primary projection site of visceral afferent fibers of the ninth cranial nerve (the glossopharyngeal) and the tenth cranial nerve (the vagus). These nerves carry information about the arterial


, and pH from the carotid and aortic arterial chemoreceptors and information concerning the systemic arterial blood pressure from the carotid and aortic baroreceptors. In addition, the vagus carries information from stretch receptors and other sensors in the lungs that may also strongly influence the control of breathing. The effects of information from these sensors on the control of breathing will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. The location of the DRG within the NTS suggests that it may be the site of integration of various inputs that can reflexly alter the spontaneous pattern of inspiration and expiration.

There are 2 populations of inspiratory neurons in the DRG: One population, called the I α cells, increase their activity if lung inflation is suppressed; the second population, the I β cells, decrease their activity if lung inflation is suppressed. These cells may play an important role in the Hering-Breuer reflexes described later in this chapter. A third population of cells, the P-cells (pump cells), appear to be interneurons involved in relaying afferent activity from pulmonary stretch receptors.

In summary, the DRG is probably responsible for driving the diaphragm and is probably the initial integrating site for many cardiopulmonary reflexes that affect the respiratory rhythm.

The Ventral Respiratory Group

The VRG are located bilaterally in the retrofacial nucleus, the nucleus ambiguus, the nucleus para-ambigualis, and the nucleus retroambigualis, as shown in Figure 9–3. They consist of both inspiratory and expiratory neurons. The neurons in the nucleus ambiguus are primarily vagal motorneurons that innervate the ipsilateral laryngeal, pharyngeal, and tongue muscles involved in breathing and in maintaining the patency of the upper airway. Neurons in the nucleus para-ambigualis mainly innervate contralateral inspiratory muscles, including the external intercostals. In the nucleus retroambigualis, the inspiratory cells appear to be located more rostrally and the expiratory cells are located more caudally. There appear to be 2 populations of inspiratory cells in the nucleus retroambigualis: One group mainly projects contralaterally to external intercostal muscles, with some fibers also sent to the phrenic nerves, thus innervating the diaphragm; the second group appears to project only within the medulla to other inspiratory and expiratory cells. The expiratory neurons in the nucleus retroambigualis project to the contralateral spinal cord to drive the internal intercostal and abdominal muscles. The retrofacial nucleus, located most rostrally in the VRG, mainly contains expiratory neurons in a group of cells called the Bötzinger complex. This group of neurons has been shown to inhibit inspiratory cells in the DRG, as well as some phrenic motorneurons.

In summary, the VRG neurons consist of both inspiratory and expiratory cells. Their major function is to drive either spinal respiratory neurons, innervating mainly the intercostal and abdominal muscles, or the auxiliary muscles of respiration innervated by the vagus nerves. Many expiratory cells may not fire at all during the passive expirations seen in eupneic breathing (see Chapter 2); those that do discharge do not cause contraction of the expiratory muscles.

The mechanism and precise location of the generation of the inspiratory-expiratory cycle, the respiratory rhythm generator, is not firmly established. It may be generated by a network of neurons in the ventral medulla or cells in the pre-Bötzinger complex (Figure 9–3) may act as pacemakers of the respiratory rhythm.

The “Apneustic Center”

If the brainstem is transected in the pons at the level denoted by the line labeled II in Figure 9–2, a breathing pattern called apneusis results if the vagus nerves have also been transected. Apneustic breathing consists of prolonged inspiratory efforts interrupted by occasional expirations. Afferent information that reaches this so-called apneustic center via the vagus nerves must be important in preventing apneusis because apneusis does not occur if the vagus nerves are intact, as shown in Figure 9–2.

Apneusis is probably caused by a sustained discharge of medullary inspiratory neurons. Therefore, the apneustic center may be the site of the normal “inspiratory cutoff switch”; that is, it is the site of projection and integration of various types of afferent information that can terminate inspiration. Apneusis is a result of the inactivation of the inspiratory cutoff mechanism. The specific group of neurons that function as the apneustic center has not been identified, but it must be located somewhere between the lines labeled II and III in Figure 9–2.

If the brainstem is transected immediately caudal to the inferior colliculus, as denoted by the line labeled I in Figure 9–2, the breathing pattern shows an essentially normal balance between inspiration and expiration, even if the vagus nerves are transected. As discussed in the previous section, transections made caudal to the line labeled II in Figure 9–2 lead to apneusis in the absence of the vagus nerves. A group of respiratory neurons known as the pontine respiratory groups, (formerly called the pneumotaxic center) therefore function to modulate the activity of the apneustic center. These cells, located in the upper pons in the nucleus parabrachialis medialis and the Kölliker-Fuse nucleus (shown in Figure 9–3), probably function to “fine-tune” the breathing pattern. Electrical stimulation of these structures can result in synchronization of phrenic nerve activity with the stimulus or premature switching from inspiration to expiration and vice versa. Pulmonary inflation afferent information can inhibit the activity of the pontine respiratory groups, which may in turn act to modulate the threshold for lung inflation inspiratory cutoff. The pontine respiratory groups may also modulate the respiratory control system’s response to other stimuli, such as hypercapnia and hypoxia.

Axons projecting from the DRG, the VRG, the cortex, and other supraspinal sites descend in the spinal white matter to activate the diaphragm and the intercostal and abdominal muscles of respiration, as already discussed. There is also integration of descending influences and local spinal reflexes that can affect these respiratory motor neurons. Descending axons with inspiratory activity excite phrenic and external intercostal motorneurons and also inhibit internal intercostal motorneurons by exciting spinal inhibitory interneurons. They are actively inhibited during expiratory phases of the respiratory cycle.

Ascending pathways in the spinal cord, carrying information from pain, touch, and temperature receptors, as well as from proprioceptors, can also influence breathing, as will be discussed in the next section. Inspiratory and expiratory fibers appear to be separated in the spinal cord.

A large number of sensors located in the lungs, the cardiovascular system, the muscles and tendons, and the skin and viscera can elicit reflex alterations in the control of breathing. These are summarized in Table 9–1.

Table 9–1. Reflex Mechanisms of Respiratory Control

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Table 9–1. Reflex Mechanisms of Respiratory Control

StimulusReflex NameReceptorAfferent PathwayEffects
Lung inflation Hering-Breuer inflation reflex Stretch receptors within smooth muscle of large and small airways Vagus


  • Cessation of inspiratory effort, apnea, or decreased breathing frequency; bronchodilation


  • Increased heart rate, slight vasoconstriction
Lung deflation Hering-Breuer deflation reflex Possibly J receptors, irritant receptors in lungs, or stretch receptors in airways Vagus


  • Hyperpnea
Lung inflation Paradoxical reflex of Head Stretch receptors in lungs Vagus


  • Inspiration
Negative pressure in the upper airway Pharyngeal dilator reflex Receptors in nose, mouth, upper airways Trigeminal, laryngeal, glossopharyngeal


  • Contraction of pharyngeal dilator muscles
Mechanical or chemical irritation of airways Cough Receptors in upper airways, tracheobronchial tree Vagus


  • Cough; bronchoconstriction
Sneeze Receptors in nasal mucosa Trigeminal, olfactory Sneeze; bronchoconstriction


  • Increased blood pressure
Face immersion* Diving reflex Receptors in nasal mucosa and face Trigeminal


  • Apnea


  • Decreased heart rate; vasoconstriction
Pulmonary embolism J receptors in pulmonary vessels Vagus


  • Apnea or tachypnea
Pulmonary vascular congestion J receptors in pulmonary vessels Vagus


  • Tachypnea, possibly sensation of dyspnea
Specific chemicals in the pulmonary circulation Pulmonary chemoreflex J receptors in pulmonary vessels Vagus


  • Apnea or tachypnea; bronchoconstriction
Low Pao2, high Paco2, low pHa Arterial chemoreceptor reflex Carotid bodies, aortic bodies Glossopharyngeal, vagus


  • Hyperpnea; bronchoconstriction, dilation of upper airway


  • Decreased heart rate (direct effect), vasoconstriction
Increased systemic arterial blood pressure Arterial baroreceptor reflex Carotid sinus stretch receptors, aortic arch stretch receptors Glossopharyngeal, vagus


  • Apnea, bronchodilation


  • Decreased heart rate, vasodilation etc.
Stretch of muscles, tendons, movement of joints Muscle spindles, tendon organs, proprioreceptors Various spinal pathways


  • Provide respiratory controller with feedback about work of breathing, stimulation of proprioreceptors in joints causes hyperpnea
Somatic pain Pain receptors Various spinal pathways


  • Hyperpnea


  • Increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, etc.

*Discussed in Chap. 11.

Respiratory Reflexes Arising from Pulmonary Stretch Receptors

Three respiratory reflexes can be elicited by stimulation of the pulmonary stretch receptors: the Hering-Breuer inflation reflex, the Hering-Breuer deflation reflex, and the “paradoxical” reflex of Head.

The Hering-Breuer Inflation Reflex

In 1868, Breuer and Hering reported that a maintained distention of the lungs of anesthetized animals decreased the frequency of the inspiratory effort or caused a transient apnea. The stimulus for this reflex is pulmonary inflation. The sensors are stretch receptors located within the smooth muscle of large and small airways. They are sometimes referred to as slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors because their activity is maintained with sustained stretches. The afferent pathway consists of large myelinated fibers in the vagus; as mentioned previously, these fibers appear to enter the brainstem and project to the DRGs, the apneustic center, and the pontine respiratory groups. The efferent limb of the reflex consists of bronchodilation in addition to the apnea or slowing of the ventilatory frequency (due to an increase in the time spent in expiration) already mentioned. Lung inflation also causes reflex effects in the cardiovascular system: Moderate lung inflations cause an increase in heart rate and may cause a slight vasoconstriction; very large inflations may cause a decrease in heart rate and systemic vascular resistance.

The Hering-Breuer inflation reflex was originally believed to be an important determinant of the rate and depth of ventilation. Vagotomized anesthetized animals breathe much more deeply and less frequently than they did before their vagus nerves were transected. It was therefore assumed that the Hering-Breuer inflation reflex acts tonically to limit the tidal volume and establish the depth and rate of breathing. More recent studies on unanesthetized humans have cast doubt on this conclusion because the central threshold of the reflex is much higher than the normal tidal volume during eupneic breathing. Tidal volumes of 800 to 1500 mL are generally required to elicit this reflex in conscious eupneic adults. The Hering-Breuer inflation reflex may help minimize the work of breathing by inhibiting large tidal volumes (see Chapter 2) as well as to prevent overdistention of the alveoli at large volumes. It may also be important in the control of breathing in babies. Infants have Hering-Breuer inflation reflex thresholds within their normal tidal volume ranges, and the reflex may be an important influence on their tidal volumes and respiratory rates.

The Hering-Breuer Deflation Reflex

Breuer and Hering also noted that abrupt deflation of the lungs increases the ventilatory rate. This could be a result of decreased stretch receptor activity or of stimulation of other pulmonary receptors, or rapidly adapting receptors such as the irritant receptors and J receptors, which will be discussed later in this chapter. The afferent pathway is the vagus, and the effect is hyperpnea. This reflex may be responsible for the increased ventilation elicited when the lungs are deflated abnormally, as in pneumothorax, or it may play a role in the periodic spontaneous deep breaths (“sighs”) that help prevent atelectasis. These sighs occur occasionally (approximately 6–8/hour) and irregularly during the course of normal, quiet, spontaneous breathing. They consist of a slow deep inspiration (larger than a normal tidal volume) followed by a slow expiration. This response appears to be very important because patients maintained on mechanical ventilators must be given large tidal volumes or periodic deep breaths or they develop diffuse atelectasis, which may lead to arterial hypoxemia. Yawns may also help prevent atelectasis, although there is no consensus on how they are initiated.

The Hering-Breuer deflation reflex may be very important in helping to actively maintain infants’ functional residual capacities (FRCs). It is very unlikely that infants’ FRCs are determined passively like those of adults because the inward recoil of their lungs is considerably greater than the outward recoil of their very compliant chest walls.

The Paradoxical Reflex of Head

In 1889, Henry Head performed experiments designed to show the effects of the Hering-Breuer inflation reflex on the control of breathing. Instead of transecting the vagus nerves, he decided to block their function by cooling them to 0°C. As he rewarmed the vagus nerves, he noted that in the situation of a selective partial block of the vagus nerves, lung inflation caused a further inspiration instead of the apnea expected when the vagus nerves were completely functional. The receptors for this paradoxical reflex are located in the lungs, but their precise location is not known. Afferent information travels in the vagus; the effect is very deep inspirations. This reflex may also be involved in the sigh response, or it may be involved in generating the first breath of the newborn baby; very great inspiratory efforts must be generated to inflate the fluid-filled lungs.

Respiratory Reflexes Arising from Receptors in the Airways and the Lungs

The Pharyngeal Dilator Reflex

As discussed in Chapter 2, negative pressure in the upper airway causes reflex contraction of the pharyngeal dilator muscles. The receptors appear to be located in the nose, mouth, and upper airways; the afferent pathways appear to be in the trigeminal, laryngeal, and glossopharyngeal nerves. This reflex may be very important in protecting the upper airways from collapsing, especially during sleep (See Chapter 11). Inhibition or interference with this reflex may be one of the causes of obstructive sleep apnea.

Irritant Receptors

Mechanical or chemical irritation of the airways (and possibly the alveoli) can elicit a reflex cough or sneeze, or it can cause hyperpnea, bronchoconstriction, and increased blood pressure. The receptors are located in the nasal mucosa, upper airways, tracheobronchial tree, and possibly the alveoli themselves. Those in the larger airways of the tracheobronchial tree, which also respond to stretch, are sometimes referred to as rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors because their activity decreases rapidly during a sustained stimulus. The afferent pathways are the vagus nerves for all but the receptors located in the nasal mucosa, which send information centrally via the trigeminal and olfactory tracts. The cough and the sneeze reflexes are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 10.

Respiratory Reflexes Arising from Pulmonary Vascular Receptors (J Receptors)

Pulmonary embolism causes apnea or rapid shallow breathing (tachypnea); pulmonary vascular congestion causes tachypnea. Injection of chemicals such as phenyldiguanide and capsaicin into the pulmonary circulation may also elicit apnea or rapid shallow breathing. The receptors responsible for initiating these responses are located in the walls of the pulmonary capillaries or in the interstitium; therefore, they are called J (for juxtapulmonary-capillary) receptors. Stimulation of these receptors by pulmonary vascular congestion or an increase in pulmonary interstitial fluid volume leads to tachypnea; decreased stimulation of the receptors caused by pulmonary emboli obstructing vessels proximal to the capillaries leads to decreased ventilation. In addition, these receptors might be responsible for the dyspnea (a feeling of difficult or labored breathing) encountered during the pulmonary vascular congestion and edema secondary to left ventricular failure or even the dyspnea that healthy people feel at the onset of exercise. The afferent pathway of these reflexes is slow-conducting nonmyelinated vagal fibers. Other possible causes of dyspnea include stimulation of receptors in the left and right atria, the right ventricle, or the pulmonary artery by increased pressure or stretch; stimulation of muscle spindles in the respiratory muscles by “length-tension inappropriateness”; stimulation of the carotid bodies by hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and acidosis and stimulation of the central chemoreceptors by hypercapnia or acidosis (discussed later in this chapter); stimulation of receptors in the extremities; or by psychological reasons.

Respiratory Reflexes Arising from the Cardiovascular System

The arterial chemoreceptors, and to a much lesser extent the arterial baroreceptors, can exert a great influence on the respiratory control system. The role of the arterial chemoreceptors in the control of ventilation will be discussed in greater detail in subsequent sections of this chapter and will only be briefly summarized here.

Arterial Chemoreceptors

The arterial chemoreceptors are located bilaterally in the carotid bodies, which are situated near the bifurcations of the common carotid arteries, and in the aortic bodies, which are located in the arch of the aorta. They respond to low arterial

, high arterial

, and low arterial pHs, with the carotid bodies generally capable of a greater response than the aortic bodies. The afferent pathway from the carotid body is Hering’s nerve, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve; the afferent pathway from the aortic body is the vagus. The reflex effects of stimulation of the arterial chemoreceptors are hyperpnea, bronchoconstriction, dilation of the upper airway, and increased blood pressure. The direct effect of arterial chemoreceptor stimulation is a decrease in heart rate; however, this is usually masked by an increase in heart rate secondary to the increase in lung inflation.

Arterial Baroreceptors

The arterial baroreceptors exert a minor influence on the control of ventilation. Baroreceptors are stretch receptors that are responsive to changes in pressure. They are located in the carotid sinuses, which are situated at the origin of the internal carotid arteries near the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries, and in the aortic arch. The afferent pathways are Hering’s nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve for the carotid baroreceptors and the vagus nerve for the aortic baroreceptors. The effects of stimulation of the arterial baroreceptors by elevated blood pressure are a brief apnea and bronchodilation.

Respiratory Reflexes Arising from Muscles and Tendons

Stimulation of receptors located in the muscles, the tendons, and the joints can increase ventilation. Receptors in the muscles of respiration (eg, muscle spindles) and rib cage may play an important role in adjusting the ventilatory effort to elevated workloads and may help minimize the work of breathing. Receptors in the joints and muscles may also participate in initiating and maintaining the elevated ventilation that occurs during exercise, as will be discussed later in this chapter. Afferent information ascends to the respiratory controller via the spinal cord, as mentioned previously in this chapter.

Reflex Respiratory Responses to Pain

Somatic pain generally causes hyperpnea; visceral pain generally causes apnea or decreased ventilation.

The spontaneous rhythmicity generated in the medullary respiratory center can be completely overwhelmed (at least temporarily) by influences from higher brain centers. In fact, the greatest minute ventilations obtainable from healthy conscious human subjects can be attained voluntarily, exceeding those obtained with the stimuli of strenuous exercise, hypercapnia, or hypoxia. This is the underlying concept of the maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) test sometimes used to assess the respiratory system. Conversely, the respiratory rhythm can be completely suppressed for several minutes by voluntary breath holding, until the chemical drive to respiration (high

and low

and pH) overwhelms the voluntary suppression of breathing at the “breakpoint” (see Chapter 11).

During speech, singing, or playing a wind instrument, the normal cycle of inspiration and expiration is automatically modified by higher brain centers. In certain emotional states, chronic hyperventilation severe enough to cause respiratory alkalosis may occur, as was discussed in Chapter 8.

The respiratory control system normally reacts very effectively to alterations in the internal “chemical” environment of the body. Changes in the body

, pH, and

usually result in alterations in alveolar ventilation that return these variables to their normal values. Special neurons called chemoreceptors alter their activity when their own local chemical environment changes and can therefore supply the central respiratory controller with the afferent information necessary to make the appropriate adjustments in alveolar ventilation to change the whole-body

, pH, and


The respiratory control system therefore functions as a negative-feedback system.

The arterial and cerebrospinal fluid partial pressures of carbon dioxide are probably the most important inputs to the ventilatory control system in establishing the breath-to-breath levels of tidal volume and ventilatory frequency. (Of course, changes in carbon dioxide lead to changes in hydrogen ion concentration, and so the effects of these 2 stimuli can be difficult to separate.) An elevated level of carbon dioxide is a very powerful stimulus to ventilation: Only voluntary hyperventilation and the hyperpnea of exercise can surpass the minute ventilations obtained with hypercapnia. However, the arterial

is so precisely controlled that it normally changes little (< 1 mm Hg) during exercise strenuous enough to increase metabolic carbon dioxide production 10-fold.

Acutely increasing the levels of carbon dioxide in the inspired air (the

) increases minute ventilation. The effect is most pronounced with

in the range of 0.05 to 0.10 (5%–10% CO2 in inspired gas), which produces alveolar

between about 40 and 70 mm Hg. Above 10% to 15% CO2 in inspired air, there is little further increase in alveolar ventilation: Very high arterial

(> 70–80 mm Hg) may directly produce respiratory depression. (Very low arterial

caused by hyperventilation may temporarily cause apnea because of decreased ventilatory drive. Metabolically produced carbon dioxide will then build up and restore breathing.)

The physiologic response to elevated carbon dioxide is dependent on its concentration. Low concentrations of carbon dioxide in the inspired air are easily tolerated, with an increase in ventilation the main effect. Greater levels cause dyspnea, severe headaches secondary to the cerebral vasodilation caused by the elevated

, restlessness, faintness, and dulling of consciousness, in addition to greatly elevated alveolar ventilation. A loss of consciousness, muscular rigidity, and tremors occur at inspired CO2 concentrations greater than 15%. With 20% to 30% inspired carbon dioxide, generalized convulsions are produced almost immediately.

The ventilatory response of a normal conscious person to physiologic levels of carbon dioxide is shown in Figure 9–4.

Inspired concentrations of carbon dioxide or metabolically produced carbon dioxide producing alveolar (and arterial)

in the range of 38 to 50 mm Hg increase alveolar ventilation linearly. The slope of the line is quite steep; it varies from person to person, with a mean slope of 2.0 to 2.5 L/min per mm Hg

for younger healthy adults. The slope decreases with age.

Figure 9–4.

Ventilatory carbon dioxide response curves at 3 different levels of arterial


Figure 9–4 also shows that hypoxia potentiates the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. At lower arterial

(eg, 35 and 50 mm Hg), the response curve is shifted to the left and the slope is steeper. That is, for any particular arterial

, the ventilatory response is greater at a lower arterial

. This may be caused by the effects of hypoxia at the chemoreceptor itself or at higher integrating sites; changes in the central acid-base status secondary to hypoxia may also contribute to the enhanced response.

Other influences on the carbon dioxide response curve are illustrated in Figure 9–5. Sleep (see Chapter 11 for more on sleep and the respiratory system.) shifts the curve slightly to the right. The arterial

normally increases during slow-wave sleep, rising as much as 4 to 5 mm Hg during deep sleep. Because of this rightward shift in the CO2 response curve during non-REM sleep and other evidence, it is possible that there is a “wakefulness” component of respiratory drive. During non-REM sleep, chemoreceptor input could therefore constitute the sole respiratory drive. A depressed response to carbon dioxide during sleep may be involved in central sleep apnea, a condition characterized by abnormally long periods (10–30 seconds) between breaths during sleep. This lack of central respiratory drive is a potentially dangerous condition in both infants and adults. (In obstructive sleep apnea the central respiratory controller does issue the command to breathe, but the upper airway is obstructed because the pharyngeal muscles do not contract properly, there is too much fat around the pharynx, or the tongue blocks the airway.) Narcotics and anesthetics may profoundly depress the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. Indeed, respiratory depression is the most common cause of death in cases of overdose of opiate alkaloids and their derivatives, barbiturates, and most anesthetics. Endorphins also depress the response to carbon dioxide.

Figure 9–5.

The effects of sleep, narcotics, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, deep anesthesia, and metabolic acidosis on the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide.

Chronic obstructive lung diseases depress the ventilatory response to hypercapnia, in part because of depressed ventilatory drive secondary to central acid-base changes, and because the work of breathing may be so great that ventilation cannot be increased normally. Metabolic acidosis displaces the carbon dioxide response curve to the left, indicating that for any particular

, ventilation is increased during metabolic acidosis.

As already discussed, the respiratory control system constitutes a negative-feedback system. This is exemplified by the response to carbon dioxide. Increased metabolic production of carbon dioxide increases the carbon dioxide brought to the lung. If alveolar ventilation stayed constant, the alveolar

would increase, as would arterial and cerebrospinal

. This stimulates the central and arterial chemoreceptors (see the next section) and increases alveolar ventilation. Increased alveolar ventilation decreases alveolar and arterial

, as was discussed in Chapter 3 (see Figure 3–10), returning the

to the original value, as shown in Figure 9–6.

Figure 9–6.

Curve A: The effect of ventilation on the arterial

. Note that ventilation is the independent variable and

is the dependent variable. Curve A is the same as Figure 3–10A, but with the X and Y axes reversed. Curve B: The steady-state ventilatory response to elevated

as obtained by breathing carbon dioxide mixtures. (From Berger, 1977. Reprinted by permission of the New England Journal of Medicine.)

The curve labeled A in Figure 9–6 shows the effect of increasing ventilation (here

, or the inspired minute volume in liters per minute) on the arterial

. Note that the independent variable for curve A is on the ordinate and that the dependent variable is on the abscissa. This graph is really the same as that shown in the upper part of Figure 3–10. Curve B is the steady-state ventilatory response to elevated arterial

as obtained by increasing the percentage of inspired carbon dioxide—that is, it is a typical CO2 response curve (like that seen in Figure 9–4). The point at which the 2 curves cross is the “set point” for the system, normally a

of 40 mm Hg.

As can be seen in Figure 9–7, the respiratory control system constitutes a negative-feedback system, with the

, pH, and

the controlled variables. To act as a negative-feedback system, the respiratory controller must receive information concerning the levels of the controlled variables from sensors in the system. These sensors, or chemoreceptors, are located within the systemic arterial system and within the brain itself. The arterial chemoreceptors, which are often referred to as the peripheral chemoreceptors, are located in the carotid and aortic bodies; the central chemoreceptors are located bilaterally near the ventrolateral surface of the medulla in the brainstem. Recent studies have suggested that there may be other central chemoreceptor sites in many places in the brainstem (eg, near the dorsal surface in the vicinities of the NTS and the locus coeruleus).

The peripheral chemoreceptors are exposed to arterial blood; the central chemoreceptors are exposed to cerebrospinal fluid. The central chemoreceptors are therefore on the brain side of the blood-brain barrier. Both the peripheral and central chemoreceptors respond to increases in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, although the response may be related to the local increase in hydrogen ion concentration that occurs with elevated

. That is, the sensors may be responding to the increased carbon dioxide concentration, the subsequent increase in hydrogen ion concentration, or both.

Figure 9–7.

Negative-feedback control systems. A: General scheme of a negative-feedback control system. B: How the respiratory control system works as a negative-feedback control system. Note that the central chemoreceptors also act as sensors for the respiratory control system, with the

and pH of the cerebrospinal fluid the regulated variables that feed back to the sensors.

Peripheral Chemoreceptors

The peripheral chemoreceptors (also called the arterial chemoreceptors) increase their firing rate in response to increased arterial

, decreased arterial

, or decreased arterial pH. There is considerable impulse traffic in the afferent fibers from the arterial chemoreceptors at normal levels of arterial


, and pH. The response of the receptors is both rapid enough and sensitive enough that they can relay information concerning breath-to-breath alterations in the composition of the arterial blood to the medullary respiratory center. Recordings made of afferent fiber activity have demonstrated increased impulse traffic in a single fiber to increased

and decreased pH and

, although the sensors themselves may not react to all 3 stimuli. The carotid bodies appear to exert a much greater influence on the respiratory controller than do the aortic bodies, especially with respect to decreased

and pH; the aortic bodies may exert a greater influence on the cardiovascular system. Increased concentrations of potassium ions in the arterial blood can also stimulate the arterial chemoreceptors.

The response of the arterial chemoreceptors changes nearly linearly with the arterial

over the range of 20 to 60 mm Hg. The exact mechanism by which the chemoreceptors function is uncertain. The carotid body has a complex ultrastructure with type I cells, also called glomus cells; enveloped by type II cells, also called sustentacular cells; and nerve endings. It is not known which cell type is the sensor for changes in


, and pH, or if there are different sensors for each of them. Perhaps the type I cells are the sensor for all 3 stimuli or all 3 cell types work together. Some investigators have proposed that increases in hydrogen ion concentration in the arterial chemoreceptors are the primary stimulus to their activity and changes in


indirectly stimulate the arterial chemoreceptors by altering the hydrogen ion concentration. Certain drugs and enzyme poisons that block the cytochrome chain or the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stimulate the carotid body. For example, cyanide can stimulate the carotid body; this may be related to the stimulatory effect of hypoxia on the arterial chemoreceptors. Ganglionic stimulators such as nicotine also stimulate the carotid body.

Central Chemoreceptors

The central chemoreceptors are exposed to the cerebrospinal fluid and are not in direct contact with the arterial blood. As shown in Figure 9–8, the cerebrospinal fluid is separated from the arterial blood by the blood-brain barrier. Carbon dioxide can easily diffuse through the blood-brain barrier, but hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions do not. Because of this, alterations in the arterial

are rapidly transmitted to the cerebrospinal fluid, with a time constant of about 60 seconds. Changes in arterial pH that are not caused by changes in

take much longer to influence the cerebrospinal fluid; in fact, the cerebrospinal fluid may have changes in hydrogen ion concentration opposite to those seen in the blood in certain circumstances, as will be discussed later in this chapter.

Figure 9–8.

Representation of the central chemoreceptor showing its relationship to carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H+), and bicarbonate (

) ions in the arterial blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CO2 crosses the blood-brain barrier easily; H+s and

do not.

The composition of the cerebrospinal fluid is considerably different from that of the blood. It is formed mainly in the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles. Enzymes, including carbonic anhydrase, play a large role in cerebrospinal fluid formation: The cerebrospinal fluid is not merely an ultrafiltrate of the plasma. CSF is continuously produced, mainly in the choroid plexuses, and reabsorbed in the arachnoid villi; it is estimated to turn over 3 to 5 times per day. The pH of the cerebrospinal fluid is normally about 7.32, compared with the pH of 7.40 of arterial blood. The

of the cerebrospinal fluid is about 50 mm Hg—about 10 mm Hg higher than the normal arterial

of 40 mm Hg. The concentration of proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid is only in the range of 15 to 45 mg/100 mL, whereas the concentration of proteins in the plasma normally ranges from 6.6 to 8.6 g/100 mL. This does not even include the hemoglobin in the erythrocytes. Bicarbonate is therefore the only buffer of consequence in the cerebrospinal fluid, and the buffer line of the cerebrospinal fluid is lower than and not as steep as that of the blood. Arterial hypercapnia will therefore lead to greater changes in cerebrospinal fluid hydrogen ion concentration than it does in the arterial blood. The brain produces carbon dioxide as an end product of metabolism. Brain carbon dioxide levels are higher than those of the arterial blood, which explains the high

of the cerebrospinal fluid.

The central chemoreceptors respond to local increases in hydrogen ion concentration or

, or both. They do not respond to hypoxia.

The relative contributions of the peripheral and central chemoreceptors in the ventilatory response to elevated carbon dioxide levels are dependent on the time frame considered. Animals experimentally deprived of the afferent fibers from the arterial chemoreceptors and patients with surgically removed carotid bodies show about 60% to 90% of the normal total steady-state response to elevated inspired carbon dioxide concentrations delivered in hyperoxic gas mixtures, indicating that the peripheral chemoreceptors contribute only 10% to 40% of the steady-state response. Other studies performed on normoxic men indicate that up to one third or one half of the onset of the response can come from the arterial chemoreceptors when rapid changes in arterial

are made. That is, the central chemoreceptors may be mainly responsible for establishing most of the resting ventilatory level or the long-term response to carbon dioxide inhalation, but the peripheral chemoreceptors may be very important in short-term transient responses to carbon dioxide. One author proposed that the arterial chemoreceptors monitor alveolar ventilation by detecting arterial

and pH (and

), whereas the central chemoreceptors monitor the balance of arterial

, cerebral blood flow, and cerebral metabolism by detecting the interstitial pH of the brain. As noted in the section about the peripheral chemoreceptors, many researchers believe that both the arterial and central chemoreceptors respond to hydrogen ion concentration, not

. Of course they are usually very closely related in the body so it is difficult to distinguish their effects.

Recent investigations have implicated other sensors for carbon dioxide in the body that may influence the control of ventilation. Chemoreceptors within the pulmonary circulation or airways have been proposed but have not as yet been substantiated or localized.

Ventilation increases nearly linearly with changes in plasma hydrogen ion concentration over the range of 20 to 60 nEq/L, as shown in Figure 9–9. As explained in Table 9–2, a metabolic acidosis of nonbrain origin results in hyperpnea coming almost entirely from the peripheral chemoreceptors. Hydrogen ions cross the blood-brain barrier too slowly to affect the central chemoreceptors initially. Acidotic stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors increases alveolar ventilation, and the arterial

falls. Because the cerebrospinal fluid

is in a sort of dynamic equilibrium with the arterial

, carbon dioxide diffuses out of the cerebrospinal fluid and the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid increases, thus decreasing stimulation of the central chemoreceptor. If the situation lasts a long time (hours to days), the bicarbonate concentration of the cerebrospinal fluid falls slowly, returning the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid toward the normal 7.32. The mechanism by which this occurs is not completely agreed on. It may represent the slow diffusion of bicarbonate ions across the blood-brain barrier, active transport of bicarbonate ions out of the cerebrospinal fluid, or decreased formation of bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase as the cerebrospinal fluid is formed.

Figure 9–9.

The ventilatory response to increased plasma hydrogen ion concentration.

Table 9–2. Effects of Metabolic Acidosis (of Nonbrain Origin) on Arterial and Central Chemoreceptor Ventilatory Drive

Similar mechanisms must alter the bicarbonate concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid in the chronic respiratory acidosis of chronic obstructive lung disease because the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid is nearly normal. In this case the cerebrospinal fluid concentration of bicarbonate increases nearly proportionately to its increased concentration of carbon dioxide.

The ventilatory response to hypoxia arises solely from the peripheral chemoreceptors. The carotid bodies are much more important in this response than are the aortic bodies, which are not capable of sustaining the ventilatory response to hypoxia by themselves. In the absence of the peripheral chemoreceptors, the effect of increasing degrees of hypoxia is a progressive direct depression of the central respiratory controller. Therefore, when the peripheral chemoreceptors are intact, their excitatory influence on the central respiratory controller must offset the direct depressant effect of hypoxia.

The response of the respiratory system to hypoxia is shown in Figure 9–10.

The figure shows that at a normal arterial

of about 38 to 40 mm Hg, there is very little increase in ventilation until the arterial

falls below about 50 to 60 mm Hg. As expected, the response to hypoxia is potentiated at higher arterial


Figure 9–10.

The ventilatory responses to hypoxia at 3 different levels of arterial


Experiments have shown that the respiratory response to hypoxia is related to the change in

rather than the change in oxygen content. Therefore, anemia (without acidosis) does not stimulate ventilation because the arterial

is normal and the arterial chemoreceptors are not stimulated.

Hypoxia alone, by stimulating alveolar ventilation, causes a decrease in arterial

, which may lead to respiratory alkalosis. This will be discussed in the section on altitude in Chapter 11.

Exercise increases oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production; the ventilatory control system must adjust to meet these increased demands. Minute ventilation increases with the level of exercise; it increases linearly with both oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production up to a level of about 60% of the subject’s maximal work capacity. Above that level, minute ventilation increases faster than oxygen consumption but continues to rise proportionally to the increase in carbon dioxide production. This increase in ventilation above oxygen consumption at high work levels is caused by the increased lactic acid production that occurs as a result of anaerobic metabolism. The hydrogen ions liberated in this process can stimulate the arterial chemoreceptors directly; the buffering of hydrogen ions by bicarbonate ions also results in production of carbon dioxide in addition to that derived from aerobic metabolism.

The ventilatory response to constant work-rate exercise consists of 3 or 4 phases, as shown in Figure 9–11. At the beginning of exercise there is an immediate increase in ventilation (Phase I). This is followed by a phase of slowly increasing ventilation (Phase II), ultimately rising to a final steady-state phase if the exercise is not too severe (Phase III). The initial immediate increase in ventilation may constitute as much as 50% of the total steady-state response, although it is usually a smaller fraction of the total.

Figure 9–11.

The time course of changes in ventilation in relation to a short period of moderate exercise. Note the instant increase in ventilation (Phase I) at the start of exercise before the metabolic consequences of exercise have had time to develop.

The increase in minute ventilation is usually a result of increases in both tidal volume and breathing frequency. Initially, the tidal volume increases more than the rate, but as metabolic acidosis develops, the increase in breathing frequency predominates.

The mechanisms by which exercise increases minute ventilation remain controversial. They are summarized in Table 9–3. No single factor can fully account for the ventilatory response to exercise, and much of the response is unexplained. The immediate increase in ventilation occurs too quickly to be a response to alterations in metabolism or changes in the blood gases. This “neural component” partly consists of collateral fibers to the respiratory muscles from the motor cortex neurons innervating the exercising skeletal muscles and may also be partly accounted for by a conditioned reflex, that is, a learned response to exercise. Experiments have also demonstrated that input to the respiratory centers from proprioceptors located in the joints and muscles of the exercising limbs may play a large role in the ventilatory response to exercise. Passive movements of the limbs of anesthetized animals or conscious human subjects cause an increase in ventilation. The ventilatory and cardiovascular responses to exercise may be coordinated (and in part initiated) in an “exercise center” in the hypothalamus.

Table 9–3. Ventilatory Response to Exercise

The arterial chemoreceptors do not appear to play a role in the initial immediate ventilatory response to exercise. In mild or moderate exercise (that below the point at which anaerobic metabolism plays a role in energy supply), mean arterial


remain relatively constant, even during the increasing ventilation phase (the “humoral component”), and may actually improve. It is therefore unlikely that hypercapnic or hypoxic stimulation of the arterial chemoreceptors is important in the ventilatory response to exercise in this situation. Nevertheless, patients who have had their carotid bodies surgically removed for medical reasons do show a slower increase in ventilation during the second phase of constant work-rate exercise, even in the absence of lactic acidosis. It is possible that the arterial chemoreceptors are responding to greater oscillations in the blood gases during exercise, despite relatively constant mean


. During exercise levels above the “anaerobic threshold,” these patients do not further increase their ventilation despite metabolic acidosis, indicating the importance of the peripheral chemoreceptors in this portion of the response. Another possibility is that elevated arterial potassium concentration causes stimulation of the arterial chemoreceptors. Potassium ions are released into the interstitium during the action potentials of the exercising skeletal muscle, enter the venous blood, and travel through the pulmonary capillaries into the arterial blood, where they can stimulate the arterial chemoreceptors.

Several investigators have suggested that there may be receptors in the pulmonary circulation that could respond to an increased carbon dioxide load in the mixed venous blood or in the heart that could respond to the increased cardiac output or increased cardiac work. Others have proposed that receptors in the exercising muscles that respond to mechanical stresses or the metabolites released during exercise, some of which can stimulate pain receptors (nociceptors), may send information about the increased muscle metabolism to the respiratory controllers. Thus far, these “mixed venous chemoreceptors” and “metaboreceptors” have not been demonstrated conclusively. The increase in body temperature that occurs during exercise may also contribute to the ventilatory response.

A cycle of inspiration and expiration is automatically generated by neurons in the medulla; this cycle can be modified or temporarily suppressed by reflexes or influences from higher brain centers.

The respiratory control system functions as a negative-feedback system; arterial


, and pH and cerebrospinal fluid

and pH are the regulated variables.

The increases in alveolar ventilation in response to increases in arterial

and hydrogen ion concentrations are nearly linear within their normal ranges; the increase in alveolar ventilation in response to decreases in arterial

is small near the normal range and very large when the

falls below 50 to 60 mm Hg.

The arterial chemoreceptors rapidly respond to changes in arterial


, and pH; the central chemoreceptors are on the brain side of the blood-brain barrier and respond to changes in cerebrospinal fluid

and pH.

From Raff H, Levitzky MG, eds. Medical Physiology: A Systems Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2011:394.

A 14-year-old girl forgot her prescription drug on a weekend sleepover party at her friend’s house. She arrives in the emergency department lethargic, confused, and disoriented. She has vomited twice and says she is thirsty and her stomach hurts. The symptoms developed gradually overnight. Her heart rate is 110/min, her blood pressure is 95/75 mm Hg, and her respiratory rate is 22/min with obvious large tidal volumes. Her blood glucose is very high at 450 mg/dL, her arterial

is 105 mm Hg, her arterial

is 20 mm Hg (normal range 35–45 mm Hg) and her arterial pH is 7.15 (normal range 7.35–7.45). Her bicarbonate concentration is 15 mEq/L (normal range 22–26 mEq/l) and her anion gap is 22 mEq/L (normal range 8–16 mEq/L).

The patient has type 1 diabetes mellitus; she is in diabetic ketoacidosis. The drug she did not bring with her is insulin; as a result her blood glucose concentration is very high and she is producing ketone bodies. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion are common symptoms and signs of diabetes mellitus. Hydrogen ions from the ketone bodies, which are acids, have been buffered by bicarbonate and have been exhaled as carbon dioxide, explaining the low bicarbonate concentration and the elevated anion gap (see Chapter 8). The hydrogen ions are stimulating her arterial chemoreceptors causing her to hyperventilate, as shown by her low arterial

. Her central chemoreceptors are not contributing to the hyperventilation because the hydrogen ions do not cross her blood-brain barrier and therefore cannot stimulate them (Figure 9–8); it is likely that her central chemoreceptors have decreased activity because as she hyperventilates her cerebrospinal fluid

decreases and her cerebrospinal fluid pH increases. Her acid-base disorder can be described as a primary metabolic acidosis, with increased anion gap, with a secondary respiratory alkalosis.

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What factors can override brainstem control of breathing in an infant pals?

What overrides brainstem control of breathing in an infant?.
Increased airway resistance..
Decreased lung compliance..
Use of accessory muscles or respirations..
Disordered CNS control of breathing..

Which of the following are most commonly associated with disordered control of breathing?

Conditions that cause disordered work of breathing include intracranial pressure, neuromuscular disease, and overdose/poisoning.

Which interventions may be included in the management of disordered control of breathing due to increased intracranial pressure?

Medical management of increased intracranial pressure should include sedation, drainage of cerebrospinal fluid, and osmotherapy with either mannitol or hypertonic saline.

Which part of the brain triggers inspiration?

The medulla sends signals to the muscles that initiate inspiration and expiration and controls nonrespiratory air movement reflexes, like coughing and sneezing.


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