Which of the following would be the best example of effective cooperative learning

Constructivist theories of learning are based on the idea that learners:

individually discover and transform complex informaiton

what role should the teacher play in the classroom when using a constructivist approach 

Vygotsky's constructionist theories are characterized by four key concepts for classroom instruction: zone of proximal development; cognitive apprenticeship; scaffolding or mediated learning; and; 

which of the following teaching strategies would a constructionist be most likely to advocate

constructivist approaches to teaching typically make extensive use of cooperative learning. Why is this?

Students understand concepts better if they can talk with each other

Which one of the following statements applies to discovery learning?

Teachers encourage students to experiment and discover

Eddie is a seventh grader who knows how to break complex problems into simpler steps, how and when to skim, and how and when to read for deep understanding. What key concept of constructivist theories of learning best describes Eddie?  

Which of the following statements best characterizes scaffolding?

the teacher gradually assigns the students more responsibility for their learning 

Discovery learning promotes the advantage of arousing student curiosity and motivation. Which of the following is the most commonly used form of discovery learning?

Guided discovery learning where the teacher gives clues and structures portions of an activity

Who is the primary cultural agent guiding instruction in assisted (or mediated) learning?

Which of the following is the best example of reciprocal teaching?

The teacher asks a small group of student's questions about material they have just read. Later, the students model the teacher's behavior, generating their own questions for the group

Ms. Fannin is using a reciprocal teaching approach in reading. She assigns a passage for them to read. What is the next step?

Mr. Wright uses a constructive writing process in his class. In Mr. Wright's class students work:

in small groups or teams working together

The Student Teams-Achievement Division involves:

cooperative learning within small mixed ability groups 

What component of STAD is designed to give each team member an equal opportunity to contribute to the team points? 

points are based on improvement rather than absolute score

Which of the following types of objectives is most appropriate for cooperative learning methods such as STAD?

Ms. Eagen uses a Jigsaw 2 cooperative learning group activity in her language arts class. Each members of the group receives a topic on which to:

In the Learning Together a model of cooperative learning, students work in:

Cooperative learning methods fall into two broad categories. One category might be called group study methods. The second category is project-based learning or collaborative learning also known as:

Research has favored cooperative learning in cases where two essential conditions are met. First, there must be come kind of recondition or small reward provided to groups that do well so that group members can see that it is in their interest to help their group-mates learn. What is the second essential condition?

individual accountability

One study found that students in schools were a variety of cooperative learning methods in all subjects were used for a two-year period, differed from students in schools using traditional teaching approaches. How did they differ?

students from cooperative learning schools achieved significantly more than students from traditional schools

students of the Instrumental Enrichment treatment have found that the program has positive effects on:

tests of aptitude, but generally not on achievement 

given a problem to solve, beginners tend to jump right into proposing solutions, while experts tend to spend time thinking about the underlying causes of the problem, and interpreting it from different perspectives. Which stop in the IDEAL model are the beginners neglecting?

define goals and represent the problem

one important principle of creative problem solving is to:

avoid rushing into a solution 

The four Rs in acronym RQ4R stand for:

read, reflect, recite, and review

When the sense receive stimuli, the mind immediately begins working on some of them. Therefore, the sensory images of which we are conscious are not exactly the same as what we saw, heard, or felt. Which of the following terms relates most closely to these statements?

Failing to make decisions about which study material is most relevant to the issues at hand is one example of the disadvantages of which of the following study strategies?

The cognitive theory of learning that describes how individuals take in, work with, store, and retrieve information about the world is called:

Which of the following learning tasks and memory strategies make an appropriate match?

Serial and pegword method

According to the text author, which of the following strategies facilitates learning and remembering?

Organizing information into a hierarchy 

Which of the following is an example of proactive inhibition?

A North American driver who is used to driving on the right side of the road has difficulty driving in England where they drive on the left

As the chair of the language department, you suggest that your new teacher of Chinese consider introducing a process to help students learn the vocabulary more easily. Which approach would be most appropriate for you to suggest, according to the text author?

What is the term used by cognitive psychologists to refer to the process of thinking about material to be learned in a way that connects the material to information or ideas already in the learner's mind?

One of the educational implications of the sensory register is that:

without attention, information received by the senses is quickly lost, and will not be remembered 

A visiting curriculum evaluation team criticized a school district or teaching too much inert knowledge. A disadvantage, they said, is that, according to educational psychologist, inert knowledge is:

useless due to the students' inability to apply it outside the classroom 

A teacher tries to help a student recall an event that took place during a field trip to the natural history museum by saying, "Remember, it was the time when you went off to see the skeletons." Which memory component was most directly involved?

Graphs, charts, and tables can lose their effectiveness for organization if they:

contain too much information 

In a research study, subjects were asked to count backwards by threes while trying to memorize nonsense letters. A major implication of the findings was:

interference occurs when people are unable to rehearse information in short-term memory 

This part of long-term memory is responsible for the storage of the ability and knowledge to do activities

A student uses the term ROY G BIV to remember the colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. What type of memory strategy is this?

Research has not detailed the conditions in which this study strategy can increase comprehension or the retention of written material. 

Semantic memory would be most directly involved in trying to remember: 

informaiton from a textbook

Which of the following is an example of retroactive facilitation? 

After taking a music theory course, a student finds that his piano playing improves.

A teacher planned to take a class to the art museum for the first time. Before the trip, the teacher shared prints illustrating how the artwork at the museum is grouped into historical periods. When the actual visit took place, students saw many works of art (for the first time) and were amazed at how readily they were learning to recognize them. The orientation process students experienced is referred to as: 

What is the term for the process in which students identify main ideas and then diagram connections between them? 

Two students are shown a variety of tools in a woodworking class. The first one is asked to name the tools and the second is asked to indicate several possible uses of each tool. Later, they are asked to recall which tools they were shown. What would be predicted by levels-of-processing theory? 

The second student will remember more tools

A professor is teaching about the lymph system and uses the example of water moving through a sponge. This is an example of which cognitive teaching strategy? 

Schemata are believed to be organized hierarchically with:

specific information grouped under general categories 

A student remembers a long list of outdoor sculptures by imagining each piece on top of a different campus building, along Campus Drive. What memory strategy is being used? 

A student is used to getting the attention of the teacher by making annoying sounds. One day the teacher decides to ignore the sounds by showing no reaction. Based on behavioral theory, what would be the expected outcome, assuming the teacher's attention was the reinforce? 

The behavior will immediately increase in frequency, but then decrease over time.

Which of the following would be the most effective to help children engage in self-regulated learning when completing long or complex tasks? 

A task completion checklist

Which of the following is an example of removal punishment? 

Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer? 

At his locker, Rick is describing his exciting weekend to Tony, using very colorful and inappropriate language. Tony gestures down the hall to let Rick know that Sherri is approaching. Rick continues his story but instantly cleans up his language, sounding like a completely different person while Sherri walks by. Rick's adjustment of his behavior is based on: 

Students receive a reward every third time they score 90 percent or higher on a test. What schedule is being used to reinforce the students? 

Which of the following is the correct sequence of phases for understanding observational learning?

attention, retention, reproduction, motivation

A teacher spot-checks how students are doing by walking around the room, selecting students to observe at random and then reinforcing those who are working well. What type of schedule is being used? 

What is the focus of operant conditioning? 

The relationship between a behavior and its consequence

What type of reinforcer is being encountered when students enjoy taking a field trip (which is the reward itself)? 

An English teacher wants students to begin writing paragraphs on various topics. How should the teacher proceed in explaining the parts of paragraph construction? 

Teach the skills step-by-step, gradually shaping the final skill.

Which of the following examples best illustrates removal punishment? (assume that the undesirable behavior decreases after the consequence occurs). 

Which schedule allows for a constant number of behaviors required for reinforcement? 

The belief behind which of the following discipline strategies is that students want to be part of the social setting? 

A reinforcer that allows a student to escape from an unpleasant situation is called a(n): 

The first phase in observational learning defined as paying attention to a model is: 

Whenever students turn in their homework, a teacher rewards them with computer time. The more often they turn in their homework, the more they are allowed to use the computers. Students have been turning in their homework with increasing frequency. Thus, the computer time is serving as a(n): 

A coach is using a shaping technique to help a student work on a figure skating routine. According to behaviorists, which of the following strategy can be most effectively applied to assist the skater? 

Immediate reinforcement of approximations of the desired skill.

Which of the following forms of assessment is the best example of a fixed-interval schedule? 

In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, which of the following best characterizes the role of the bell (or tone), prior to conditioning? 

Which of the following terms is defined as follows: applying unpleasant stimuli to decrease a target behavior? 

In classical conditioning, the object or event that automatically elicits a behavior before the conditioning takes place is referred to as the: 

Which of the following reinforcement procedures would be most appropriate for the classroom? 

Give immediate reinforcement when a desired behavior is observed 

In Bandura's classic study on modeling, children who observed a film of an aggressive adult being punished: 

engaged in fewer aggressive acts during subsequent play than did the control group.

Which phase of observational learning best represents the modeling of desired behavior based on the teacher's likes and dislikes? 

What is an example of cooperative learning?

Two common cooperative learning activities are the think-pair-share method and the jigsaw method. Think-pair-share requires students to think about a problem, discuss it with their group members, then share their thoughts with the class.

What is effective cooperative learning?

Cooperative learning is an effective way for students to learn and process information quickly with the help of others. The goal of using this strategy is for students to work together to achieve a common goal. It is essential that each student understands their cooperative learning group role.

Which method is most effective to promote cooperative learning in a classroom?

An effective cooperative learning strategy to implement peer tutoring in class is Rally Coach. In pairs, students take turns, one student solving problems while talking through their thinking aloud, while the other listens, coaches where necessary and provides positive feedback.

Which one of the following is the best example of a learning style?

Thus, it is concluded that Visual is an example of a learning style.


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