Which of the following was a crucial difference between the work of John T Needham and Louis Pasteur on the question of spontaneous generation quizlet?

In the clinic HW


Which of the following is not considered a symptom of infection?
A. Body temperature of 101.9°F
B. Aches
C. Chest pain
D. Chills

A. Body temperature of 101.9°F

Which of the following is not considered an infectious disease?
A. Influenza
B. Ringworm
C. High blood pressure

C. High blood pressure

Which of the following best describes members of the group fungi?
A. These organisms are single- or multi-celled eukaryotes that do not possess cell walls.

B. These organisms are single-celled prokaryotes that contain chitin in their cell walls.

C. These organisms are single- or multi-celled eukaryotes that contain chitin in their cell walls.

D. These organisms are single-celled prokaryotes that contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls.

C. These organisms are single- or multi-celled eukaryotes that contain chitin in their cell walls.

Which of the following represent the proper presentation of a genus and species name?
A. escherichia Coli
B. Escherichia coli
C. Escherichia coli
D. escherichia coli

B. Escherichia coli
-First name capital beginning
-second name lower case
-Always italicized

Ch.1 HW




-Derive nutrition from organic or inorganic sources or conduct photosynthesis

-Have cell walls that contain peptidoglycan



-Found in extreme environments

-Not typically associated with human disease



-Can be unicellular or multicellular


One of the first set of experiments to refute spontaneous generation was done in 1688 by Francesco Redi. Which of the following statements regarding Francesco Redi's experiments is true?

A. His experiments demonstrated that oxygen is essential to all life.

B. He determined that material from an infectious agent taken from one person could be used to stimulate immunity in another person.

C. His experiments determined a series of conditions that must be satisfied in determining the causative agent of disease.

D. The results of his experiment demonstrated that living organisms are derived from other living organisms.

D. The results of his experiment demonstrated that living organisms are derived from other living organisms.

In 1861, Pasteur conducted his now-famous experiments using flasks with long necks bent into an S-shape. Imagine that you are a scientist working in Pasteur's lab at this time. You decide to tip the flasks so that broth enters the long S-shaped neck. You then return the flask to its upright position. Predict the most likely outcome of tipping one of Pasteur's S-necked flasks.

A. Microbes would grow in the broth because the tipping would introduce the oxygen necessary for microbial growth.

B. The broth would remain uncontaminated because no microbes could enter the long S-shaped neck of the flask.

C. The broth would become contaminated with microbes because they were trapped in the neck.

D. Since the broth had been heated (effectively sterilizing it), no microbes would grow in the broth.

C. The broth would become contaminated with microbes because they were trapped in the neck.

S. aureus has been isolated from George's infected wound. To satisfy Koch's postulates, what would George's doctor need to do with the isolated S. aureus?

A. Inject the S. aureus into an animal, observe whether the animal gets an infection similar to George's, and isolate the same strain of S. aureus from the infection.

B. Inject the S. aureus strain into an animal and see whether it develops the same type of infection that George has.

C. Compare the DNA sequence of the strain of S. aureus isolated from George to other S. aureus strains to see whether it has been isolated from other similar infections.

D. Inject the S. aureus into an animal; if the animal develops the same infection, isolate the infectious material from the animal and test its ability to vaccinate another animal.

A. Inject the S. aureus into an animal, observe whether the animal gets an infection similar to George's, and isolate the same strain of S. aureus from the infection.

Which of the following are limitations of antibiotics?
A. The cost of producing antibiotics is high, which in turn leads to higher prices for consumers.

B. Treatment with antibiotics can lead to the emergence of resistant strains.

C. Mass production of antibiotics is extremely difficult.

D. Antibiotics are not effective in treating viral infections.

E. Antibiotics may be toxic.

B. Treatment with antibiotics can lead to the emergence of resistant strains.

D. Antibiotics are not effective in treating viral infections.

E. Antibiotics may be toxic.

Further characterization of the S. aureus isolated from George's wound reveals that the strain is MRSA. Why is George's doctor concerned that MRSA has been identified as the causative agent of George's infection?

A. MRSA is not typically associated with the type of infection that George has.

B. There are no effective antibiotic options for treating MRSA.

C. MRSA is transmissible.

D. The available treatment options are quite aggressive, including removal of damaged tissue in an effort to contain the infection.

C. MRSA is transmissible.


Spontaneous generation:

- Living cells can arise from nonliving matter under favorable conditions.

-Life can arise spontaneously from nonliving matter.

-Vital forces in nonliving matter can lead to new life.



-Living cells can arise only from preexisting living cells.

-Microorganisms present in nonliving matter can lead to new microorganisms.

-Life can arise as a result of microorganisms present in nonliving matter.


Beef broth:

-provided a nutritious environment to support microbial growth.


Bunsen burner (flame):

-provided heat that destroyed microorganisms already present in the beef broth.


Flask with S-shaped neck:

-provided the physical conditions for trapping airborne contaminants and preventing microorganisms from entering the flask.



-provided a source of potential external microbial contaminants.

In this activity, you will predict which scenarios would most likely produce growth if Pasteur's S-shaped neck flasks were cut at various points along the curve.The S-shaped necks of Pasteur's flasks provided an ideal system for testing the role of airborne contaminants in introducing microorganisms in nonliving matter. As Pasteur demonstrated through his experiments, the top curve in the S-shaped neck prevented airborne microorganisms from entering the flask, and, as a result, contaminants collected in the bottom portion of the S-shaped curve.In this figure, four scenarios are proposed (as indicated by arrows) in which the S-shaped neck is broken at different points. Identify the scenario(s) in which airborne microbial contamination of the sterile beef broth is most likely to occur. ( SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

A. scenario a: break near the mouth of the flask

B. scenario b: break before the first curve in the S-shaped neck

c. scenario c: break between the first and second curve in the S-shaped neck

d. scenario d: break after the second curve in the S-shaped neck

A. scenario a: break near the mouth of the flask

B. scenario b: break before the first curve in the S-shaped neck

In this activity, you will identify the conclusions that can be drawn from Pasteur's experiments using S-shaped neck flasks.Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from Pasteur's experiment involving the flasks with S-shaped necks?

A. Microbes can be blocked from accessing favorable growth environments.

B. Microbial life can be destroyed by heat.

C. Microbial life can arise from nonliving matter.

D. Beef broth is an unsuitable environment for growing microorganisms.

E. Pasteur's observations support the theory of biogenesis.

F. Microorganisms can be present in nonliving matter, such as air, liquids, and solids.

G. Pasteur's observations support the theory of spontaneous generation.

A. Microbes can be blocked from accessing favorable growth environments.

B. Microbial life can be destroyed by heat.

E. Pasteur's observations support the theory of biogenesis.

F. Microorganisms can be present in nonliving matter, such as air, liquids, and solids.

In this activity, you will identify which items involve aseptic technique.Pasteur's experiments and observations provided the basis for developing aseptic techniques that prevent the introduction of unwanted microorganisms into controlled environments. Given what you have learned from the design of Pasteur's experiment, which of the following scenarios would be considered an aseptic technique? ( SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

A. taking steps to prevent contaminants from entering sterile solutions

B. using a Bunsen burner (flame) to heat a wire inoculating loop prior to use

C. allowing sterile solutions to be openly exposed to the air

D. wearing gloves when handling sterile laboratory equipment

E. blowing on heated, sterile surfaces with your mouth in order to facilitate cooling

A. taking steps to prevent contaminants from entering sterile solutions

B. using a Bunsen burner (flame) to heat a wire inoculating loop prior to use

D. wearing gloves when handling sterile laboratory equipment



The arguments supporting spontaneous generation were finally disproved by
A. Louis Pasteur.
B. John Needham.
C. Rudolf Virchow.
D. Lazzaro Spallanzani.
E. Francesco Redi.

A. Louis Pasteur.

Each of the following organisms would be considered a microbe EXCEPT
C. virus.
D. mushroom.
E. protozoan.

D. mushroom.

The term used to describe a disease-causing microorganism is
A. virus.
B. infection.
C. bacterium.
D. microbe.
E. pathogen.

E. pathogen.

The use of phenol (carbolic acid) as a wound disinfectant was first practiced by
B. Holmes.
C. Pasteur.
D. Semmelweis.
E. Koch.


Which of the following findings was essential for Edward Jenner's vaccination process?

A. Pathogenic microorganisms infect all humans and animals in the same manner.

B. Disease is caused by viruses.

C. A weakened microorganism will not cause disease.

D. Someone who recovers from a disease will not acquire that disease again.

E. Exposure to a milder disease form may produce immunity.

E. Exposure to a milder disease form may produce immunity.

Which of the following is true of microbes?
A. 99% of all microbes are pathogenic.

B. Gene expression in bacteria is very similar to gene expression in humans, which facilitates the use of bacteria in recombinant biotechnology and gene therapy.

C. All bacterial enzymes are harmful to humans and the environment.

D. Microbes create pollutants and toxins that harm the environment.

B. Gene expression in bacteria is very similar to gene expression in humans, which facilitates the use of bacteria in recombinant biotechnology and gene therapy.

What important theory is based on the observations of Hooke and van Leeuwenhoek, documenting the existence of microscopic cells?
A. the germ theory of disease and causative agents

B. the theory of chemotherapy, or use of antimicrobials to destroy pathogenic organisms

C. the cell theory, stating that all living things are composed of cells

D. the theory of spontaneous generation, which held that life forms could arise spontaneously

C. the cell theory, stating that all living things are composed of cells

When our bodies overcome the offensive tactics of a particular microorganism, this is referred to as
C. therapy.
D. deficiency.
E. colonization.


Mycology is the study of
A. molds, yeast, and mushrooms.
C. protozoa.
D. mushrooms.
E. molds.

A. molds, yeast, and mushrooms.

Who is credited with first observing microorganisms?
A. Carolus Linnaeus
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Robert Hooke
D. Robert Koch
E. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

E. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Regarding Louis Pasteur's experiments with the S-neck flask, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The possibility of contamination was removed.
B. All preexisting microorganisms were killed.
C. A food source was provided.
D. Air exchange was involved.
E. Air exchange occurred, a food source was provided, preexisting microorganisms were killed and contamination was prevented

E. Air exchange occurred, a food source was provided, preexisting microorganisms were killed and contamination was prevented

Robert Koch identified the cause of
B. anthrax.
C. rabies.
D. smallpox.
E. diphtheria.

B. anthrax.

Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first microbiologist to use a microscope to examine environmental samples for the presence of microorganisms.


Microorganisms are essential to our life. Each of the following is an example of a beneficial function of microorganisms EXCEPT
A. increased number of illnesses.
B. agriculture.
C. bioremediation.
D. gene therapy.
E. alternative fuel production.

A. increased number of illnesses.

Microbes are associated with life-sustaining benefits as well as life-threatening diseases.


Infectious disease is almost totally eradicated in our world.


If you were setting up an experiment to disprove spontaneous generation in a liquid medium, which of the following would be essential to the experiment?

A. adding carbon dioxide to the liquid

B. starting with a liquid that contains microorganisms

C. adding antibiotics to the liquid

D. using a sterile liquid and eliminating exposure to microorganisms

E. supplying the liquid with nutrients

D. using a sterile liquid and eliminating exposure to microorganisms

Who is credited with first observing cells?
A. Robert Hooke
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
D. Carolus Linnaeus
E. Robert Koch

A. Robert Hooke

The microbial process of converting sugars to alcohol is known as
A. fermentation.
B. lyophilization.
C. tyndallization.
E. pasteurization.

A. fermentation.

What factors contribute to the rising incidence of antibiotic resistance?
A. overuse of the specific drugs
B. random mutations in bacterial genomes
C. misuse of the specific drugs
D. overuse and misuse of specific drugs
E. random mutations, overuse and misuse of specific drugs

E. random mutations, overuse and misuse of specific drugs

What mistake did John Needham make that caused him to conclude that spontaneous generation for microorganisms occurred?

A. He re-contaminated his boiled broth solutions.
B. He failed to seal his flasks of boiled broth.
C. He destroyed the vital force in the solutions.
D. He did not boil his broth solutions, only warmed them.
E. He allowed his assistant to conduct the experiment which he did not monitor closely.

A. He re-contaminated his boiled broth solutions.

The process of pasteurization to reduce food spoilage utilizes high heat to kill all bacteria present.


All microorganisms that regularly populate the human body are referred to as the ___________________.
A. human genome
B. human microbiome
C. transient microbiota
D. microbial genome

B. human microbiome

How was disproving spontaneous generation associated with developing principles important to microbiology?

A. Proving spontaneous generation confirmed the existence of microbes.

B. Spallanzani disproved spontaneous generation through his experiment, in which flasks of meat broth were boiled and then melted shut, preventing the passage of air altogether.

C. Needham disproved spontaneous generation through his experiments, in which boiled flasks of broth, when covered, became cloudy, teeming with microorganisms after a few days.

D. Pasteur's experiments with swan-necked flasks supported the concept that microbes in the air were responsible for contaminating nonliving matter.

D. Pasteur's experiments with swan-necked flasks supported the concept that microbes in the air were responsible for contaminating nonliving matter.

Which physician is first associated with vaccination?
A. Koch
B. Lister
C. Escherich
D. Ehrlich
E. Jenner

E. Jenner

A disease breaks out among sheep in California. A scientist takes blood from the sheep and grows a previously unknown organism. That organism is then injected into a healthy sheep. The healthy sheep becomes sick with the same symptoms as the original sheep and dies. That sheep's blood is then cultured, and the original organism is isolated. This applies the principles of __________.

A. epidemiology
B. spontaneous generation
C. Koch's postulates
D. vaccination

C. Koch's postulates

Microorganisms are involved in each of the following processes EXCEPT
A. smog production.
B. infection.
C. food production.
D. O2 production.
E. decomposition of organic material

A. smog production.

Biogenesis refers to the
A. germ theory of disease.
B. development of aseptic technique.
C. spontaneous generation of organisms from nonliving matter.
D. development of life forms from preexisting life forms.

D. development of life forms from preexisting life forms.

All pathogens known to infect humans have been identified at this point in time.


Fungal infections are studied by

A. parasitologists.
B. virologists.
C. mycologists.
D. bacteriologists.
E. herpetologists.

C. mycologists.

Proof that a microbe could cause disease was provided by
A. Semmelweis.
B. Koch.
C. Lister.
D. Wasserman.
E. Pasteur.

B. Koch.

Who challenged the idea of spontaneous generation with the concept of biogenesis?
A. Rudolf Virchow
B. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
C. Francesco Redi
D. John Needham
E. Louis Pasteur

A. Rudolf Virchow

Penicillin was discovered by accident by
A. Alexander Fleming.
B. Joseph Lister.
C. Robert Koch.
D. Edward Jenner.
E. Paul Ehrlich.

A. Alexander Fleming.

The first antibiotic was discovered by Paul Ehrlich.


Spontaneous generation refers to living cells arising only from other living cells.


Recombinant DNA refers to the
A. interaction between human and bacterial cells.

B. synthesis of proteins from genes.

C. DNA resulting when genes from one organism are inserted into another organism.

D. study of bacterial ribosomes.

E. study of the function of genes.

C. DNA resulting when genes from one organism are inserted into another organism.

Microbes that live stably in and on the human body are called the:
A. transient microbiota.
B. pathogenic microorganisms.
C. virulent microorganisms.
D. human microbiome.
E. opportunistic microbiota.

D. human microbiome.

Who was the first scientist to pursue a "magic bullet" that could be used to treat infectious disease?
A. Pasteur
B. Jenner
C. Semmelweis
D. Ehrlich
E. Lister

D. Ehrlich

Which of the following are FALSE concerning microbes?
A. Microbes play a role in breaking down waste and decomposing dead organisms.

B. The primary role of microbes on the planet involves causing disease in animals and humans.

C. Microbes produce vitamins in the intestines.

D. Microbes generate oxygen through photosynthesis.

B. The primary role of microbes on the planet involves causing disease in animals and humans.

CH. 10 HW







-extreme halophiles




-gram-positive bacteria



-green algae
-slime molds

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of members of the Domain Archaea?
A. They carry out unusual metabolic processes.
B. They contain distinctive ribosomal RNA.
C. They contain nuclei.
D. They live in extreme environments.

C. They contain nuclei.

A unicellular, photosynthetic nucleated cell would belong to which domain?
A. Archaea
B. Bacteria
C. Eukarya

C. Eukarya

The first cells were formed approximately __________ years ago.
A. 3 million
B. 3 billion
C. 2 billion

B. 3 billion

Which of the following is NOT a sign and symptom of pneumonia?
A. Elevated blood pressure
B. Chest pain
C. Fever
D. Crackling sounds in the lungs
E. All of the listed options are signs and symptoms of pneumonia.

A. Elevated blood pressure

Which of the following microorganisms is the causative agent of typical pneumonia?
A. Influenza virus
B. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
C. Histoplasma capsulatum
D.Streptococcus pneumoniae
e. Haemophilus influenzae

D.Streptococcus pneumoniae

Which of the following statements is false?

A. Bordetella bronchiseptica is typically transmitted from humans to dogs.

B. Bordetella bronchiseptica infections are most commonly observed in immunocompromised individuals, like those undergoing chemotherapy.

C. Bordetella bronchiseptica commonly causes a condition in dogs known as kennel cough.

D. Bordetella bronchiseptica is a Gram-negative coccobacillus.

A. Bordetella bronchiseptica is typically transmitted from humans to dogs.

Why is visualization not sufficient to properly identify bacteria?
A. Bacteria have a limited set of shapes and many unrelated bacteria share the same shape

B. Many unrelated bacteria can share the same shape.

C. Not all bacteria can be seen with a light microscope.

D. Bacteria have a limited set of shapes.

E. Identification is only needed in clinical specimens.

A. Bacteria have a limited set of shapes and many unrelated bacteria share the same shape

What is the hallmark of dichotomous keys?
A. They only relate to the shape of the cell.

B. They are open-ended questions.

C. They consist of a series of paired statements, in which only one statement of each pair applies to a given organism.

D. They only relate to biochemical processes of the cell.

C. They consist of a series of paired statements, in which only one statement of each pair applies to a given organism.

Biochemical tests _________________.
A. are the most effective way to determine bacterial shape

B. are the main methods used to identify unknown bacteria

C. are used to determine rate of growth

D. are visualized using microscopes

B. are the main methods used to identify unknown bacteria

Why is the unknown in this example not Pseudomonas?
A. It can tolerate oxygen.
B. It ferments lactose.
C. It is a Gram-negative cell.
D. It is a rod-shaped cell.

B. It ferments lactose.

What test result indicates that the unknown can utilize citrate as its sole carbon source?
A. The culture becomes turbid.
B. It turns the medium black.
C. The medium turns pink.
D. The medium turns blue.

D. The medium turns blue.

How would the results be different if this organism was Salmonella?
A. It would be a rod.
B. It would not ferment lactose.
C. It would produce hydrogen sulfide.
D. It would not tolerate oxygen.

C. It would produce hydrogen sulfide.

How is fermentation of lactose detected?
A. The medium become turbid when exposed to air.
B. The acetoin produced turns the medium pink.
C. The cells form a black precipitant.
D. The drop in pH turns the indicator dye yellow.

D. The drop in pH turns the indicator dye yellow.

How many questions are needed in this dichotomous key to determine if the unknown is Bacteroides?
A. Five
B. Three
C. Four
D. Two

B. Three

How many answers are there to a question in a dichotomous key flowchart?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Any number of answers are possible.
D. Four

A. Two

Why are flowcharts useful for dichotomous keys?

A. They allow the researcher to get the answer without having to do many tests.

B. They allow the researcher to visualize relationships between different bacteria.

C. They provide a map to the answer.

B. They allow the researcher to visualize relationships between different bacteria.

The first question in this dichotomous key addresses
A. metabolic characteristics.
B. Gram stain differences.
C. oxygen tolerance.
D. bacterial morphology.

B. Gram stain differences.



Into which group would you place a photosynthetic organism that lacks a nucleus and has a thin peptidoglycan wall surrounded by an outer membrane?
A. Fungi
B. Firmicutes (gram-positive bacteria)
D.Proteobacteria (gram-negative bacteria)

D.Proteobacteria (gram-negative bacteria)

What is the outstanding characteristic of the Kingdom Fungi?
A. Members absorb dissolved inorganic matter
B..Members absorb dissolved organic matter.
C.All members are microscopic
D..All members are photosynthetic.
E.All members are macroscopic.

B..Members absorb dissolved organic matter.

Consider organisms that are eukaryotic, are found in both unicellular and multicellular forms, may resemble plants but are not photosynthetic, have chitin in their cell walls, and absorb organic nutrients from decomposing material in the environment. These organisms would be classified as which of the following types of organisms?

A. archaea


Into which group would you place a multicellular heterotroph with chitin cell walls?
A. Plantae


Which of the following matches the organisms described with the correct domain?
A. bacteria--unicellular, eukaryotic organisms that always lack cell walls

B.eukarya--single-celled and multicellular organisms, with a defined nucleus and a variety of nutritional sources

C.archaea--multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that do not have cell walls

D.bacteria--unicellular, eukaryotic organisms with cell walls that do not contain peptidoglycan

B.eukarya--single-celled and multicellular organisms, with a defined nucleus and a variety of nutritional sources

A system of classification grouping organisms into 3 domains based on the cellular organization of organisms was devised by
A. Carl Woese
B.Carolus Linnaeus
C.Robert Koch
D.Anton van Leewenhoek
E.Louis Pasteur.

A. Carl Woese

Which type of organism would NOT be included in the Domain Eukarya?
A. protist


The highest level in the current taxonomic hierarchy is "Kingdom."
A. True
B. False

B. False

Protozoan motility structures include
A. cilia.
B.cilia and pseudopods only.
D.ciliaflagella, and pseudopods.

D.ciliaflagella, and pseudopods.

In the figure, species "c." is most closely related to which of the following?


In the name Staphylococcus aureus, aureus is the
A. domain name
C..specific epithet
E.family name.

C..specific epithet

A student has obtained a sample of pond water for study. Using the high-power lens, he observes several cells with nuclei. He can conclude that the cells are NOT bacteria.


You discovered a unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus and peptidoglycan. You suspect the organism is in the group


In the scientific name Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter is the
B. order.
C. family.
D. genus
E. .specific epithet.

D. genus

Which of the following is NOT associated with viruses?
A. organelles
B. chemical reactions
C. envelope
D. nucleic acid
E. protein coat

A. organelles

Which of the following is the original basis for differentiation of the three domains of life?
A. Ribosomal RNA sequences
B. Nutritional patterns
C. The presence or absence of ribosomes
D. Optimum growth temperature

A. Ribosomal RNA sequences

Which of the following represents the correct format for the scientific name of an organism?
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. Staphylococcus aureus
C. Staphylococcus Aureus

A. Staphylococcus aureus

Which of the following is NOT a domain in the three-domain system?
A. archaea
B. bacteria
C. eukarya
D. animalia

D. animalia

A prokaryotic cell may possess each of the following cellular components EXCEPT
A. a cell membrane.
B. ribosomes.
C. a cell wall.a
D. nucleus.
E. flagella.

D. nucleus.

Archaea differ from bacteria in that archaea
A. use organic compounds for food.
B. are prokaryotic
C. .lack nuclei.
D. have cell walls composed of substances other than peptidoglycan
E. .reproduce by binary fission.

D. have cell walls composed of substances other than peptidoglycan

Into which group would you place a photosynthetic cell that lacks a nucleus?
B. Animalia
C. Plantae
D. Fungi
E. Bacteria

E. Bacteria

The bacterial shape of the cells in the scanning electron micrograph shown in the figure would best be described as
B. coccus.
C. ovoid
D. .bacillus.
E. spiral.

D. .bacillus.

Which of the following groups in the Domain Archaea require high salt concentrations for survival?
A. Archaezoa
B. methanogens
C. halophiles
D. hyperthermophiles

C. halophiles

All cells possess a cell wall.


________ are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that are similar in rRNA sequences, but quite different from each other in motility types and ecology. They have been used previously as a "catch-all" for organisms that couldn't be easily classified into other groups.

A. Fungi
B. Methanogens
C. Protists
D. Plants

C. Protists

Into which group would you place a multicellular organism that has a mouth and lives inside the human liver?
A. Plantae
B. Animalia
C. Firmicutes (gram-positive bacteria)
D. Fungi
E. Proteobacteria (gram-negative bacteria)

B. Animalia

In the figure, the closest ancestor for both species "a." and species "b." would be which of the following?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

E. 5

Viruses are not considered living organisms because they
A. are typically associated with disease.
B. cannot reproduce by themselves.
C. can only be visualized using an electron microscope.
D. are ubiquitous in nature.
E. are structurally very simple.

B. cannot reproduce by themselves.

CH. 4 HW


Where is the genetic information of the cell stored?
A. rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
B. Golgi apparatus
C. lysosomes
D. smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
E. nucleus

E. nucleus

The structural framework in a cell is the
A. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
B. .cytoskeleton.
C. plasma membrane
D. .endomembrane system.
E. extracellular matrix.

B. .cytoskeleton.

Where in a cell is ATP made?
A. mitochondria
B. nucleus
C. lysosomes
D. ribosomes
E. chloroplasts

A. mitochondria

What carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm?
A. ribosomes
E Rough ER


One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by
A. the Golgi apparatus
B. .the extracellular matrix.
C. the cytoskeleton.
D. mitochondria.
E. ribosomes.

E. ribosomes.

Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system?
A. cytoskeleton
B. mitochondria
C. ribosomes
D. flagellum
E. Golgi apparatus

E. Golgi apparatus

Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles?
A. lysosomes
B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
C. Golgi apparatus
D. mitochondria
E. rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

A. lysosomes

Where are lipids made in the cell?
A. rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
C. Golgi apparatus
D. mitochondria
E. ribosomes

B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell?
A. endomembrane system
B. nuclear envelope
C. plasma membrane
D. extracellular matrix
E. cytoskeleton

C. plasma membrane


Prokaryotic cells:

-Circular chromosome, not enclosed within a nuclear envelope

-Peptidoglycan-containing cell wall

-70s ribosomes

-Flagella that rotate, composed of flagellin


Eukaryotic cells:

-Cellulose or chitin-containing cell wall

-Linear chromosomes enclosed within a -nuclear envelope

-Flagella that wave, composed of microtubules

-Endoplasmic reticulum


-80s ribosomes

-Golgi apparatus






There are some structures that are common to all prokaryotic cells, and others that are only found in some bacterial species or strains.
A. flagella
B. pilus (pili)
C. fimbriae
D. cell wall
E. capsule
F. plasma membrane
G. nucleoid
H. cytoplasm
I. ribosomes

F. plasma membrane
G. nucleoid
H. cytoplasm
I. ribosomes

The immune response of a host against an invading bacterium is often triggered by surface components on the bacterium that are recognized as "non-self" or "foreign" by the host. These non-self components, often protein or polysaccharide in nature, are referred to as antigens. The host responds to these antigens by making antibodies that will react with invading bacteria and mark them or tag them for destruction by phagocytes.

A. cell wall
C. plasmids
D. nucleoid
E. ribosomes
F. capsule
G. flagella

A. cell wall
F. capsule
G. flagella

An important characteristic of antibacterial drugs is their selective toxicity. If antibacterial drugs were not selectively toxic, then they would kill or interfere with the hosts' cells as well as bacterial cells. Examining cellular differences between bacterial (prokaryotic) cells and host (eukaryotic) cells suggests strategies to achieve selective toxicity. We can capitalize on these differences and take advantage of them in the design of antibacterial drugs

A. interfering with lysosomal function
B. inhibition of fimbriae synthesis
C. inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis
D. inhibition of microtubule function
E. interfering with translation at 70s ribosomes

B. inhibition of fimbriae synthesis
C. inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis
E. interfering with translation at 70s ribosomes



A strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae is no longer able to synthesize its capsular polysaccharide. What is a likely outcome?
A. It will be readily phagocytized upon entering the host
B. It will produce more potent toxins which damage the host
C. It will not be able to appropriately transport ions across its plasma membrane
D. It will no longer be able to carry out fermentation
E. It will no longer be motile

A. It will be readily phagocytized upon entering the host

A strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been genetically altered and can no longer produce fimbriae. What is a likely outcome?
A. It will be readily phagocytized upon entering the host
B. It will no longer be able to secrete exotoxins.
C. It will be unable to carry out aerobic respiration
D. It will demonstrate increased resistance to antibiotics
E. It will be unable to adhere to host tissue and establish infection

E. It will be unable to adhere to host tissue and establish infection

Which of the following structural features of E. coli is most responsible for the signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection?
A. Flagella
B. Cell wall
C. Fimbriae
D. Ribosomes

C. Fimbriae

Which statement best describes how streptomycin attacks bacterial cells?
A. Streptomycin targets the peptidoglycan cell wall and causes osmotic lysis.
B. Streptomycin targets the 70S ribosome and inhibits protein synthesis
C. Streptomycin disrupts the bacterial cell membrane.
D. Streptomycin inhibits DNA replication.

B. Streptomycin targets the 70S ribosome and inhibits protein synthesis

Why are most Gram-negative bacteria resistant to the actions of penicillin?
A. Gram-negative bacteria lack a peptidoglycan cell wall.
B. Penicillin is unable to pass through the outer membrane of the cell wall.
C. Penicillin is unable to pass through the thick layer of peptidoglycan.
D. Penicillin is unable to pass through the teichoic acid barrier.

B. Penicillin is unable to pass through the outer membrane of the cell wall.

Which of the following is NOT a classic sign and/or symptom of a urinary tract infection?
A. Abdominal discomfort
B. Painful urination
C. Increased urgency to urinate
D. Blood in the urine

D. Blood in the urine



Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding prokaryotic cells?
A. Their DNA is not enclosed within a membrane.
B. They reproduce by binary fission.
C. They typically have a circular chromosome.
D. They lack membrane-enclosed organelles.
E. They lack a plasma membrane.

E. They lack a plasma membrane.

Prokaryotes lack organelles.


Which drawing in the figure is a tetrad?
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
E. e

B. b

Which drawing in the figure possesses an axial filament?
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
E. e

A. a

Which drawing in the figure is streptococci?
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
E. e

D. d

You are observing a Gram stain of spherical-shaped microorganisms that are linked in a chain and stain purple. How would you describe these bacteria using the correct terminology for the cell shape and arrangement?
A. gram-positive streptococci
B. gram-negative staphylococci
C. gram-positive coccobacilli
D. gram-positive tetrads

A. gram-positive streptococci

The cell walls of bacteria are responsible for the shape of the bacteria and the difference in the Gram stain reaction.


A gram-positive bacterium suddenly acquires resistance to the antibiotic methicillin. This trait most likely occurred due to acquisition of new genetic information through
A. meiosis.
B. transduction.
C. binary fission.
D. transformation.
E. conjugation.

E. conjugation.

Which structure protects bacteria from being phagocytized?
A. fimbriae
B. capsule
C. slime layer
D. cell wall
E. cell membrane

B. capsule

Which of the following terms best describes the cell in the figure?
A. monotrichous flagellum
B. peritrichous flagella
C. amphitrichous flagella
D. axial filament
E. lophotrichous flagella

E. lophotrichous flagella

Fimbriae and pili differ in that
A. pili are used to transfer DNA.

B. pili are used for attachment to surfaces.

C. there are only one or two pili per cell.

D. pili are used for motility.

E. pili are used for transfer of DNA and motility.

E. pili are used for transfer of DNA and motility.

Which of the following statements about gram-negative cell walls is FALSE?
A. They have an extra outer layer composed of lipoproteins, lipopolysaccharides, and phospholipids.
B. They protect the cell in a hypotonic environment.
C. They are sensitive to penicillin.
D. They are toxic to humans.
E. Their Gram reaction is due to the outer membrane.

C. They are sensitive to penicillin.

You have isolated a motile, gram-positive cell with no visible nucleus. You can safely assume that the cell
A. has 9 pairs + 2 flagella.
B. has a mitochondrion.
C. has cilia.
D. lives in an extreme environment.
E. has a cell wall.

E. has a cell wall.

In the figure, which diagram of a cell wall is a gram-negative cell wall?
A. a
B. b
C. both a and b
D. neither a nor b
E. The answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.

B. b

In the figure, which diagram of a cell wall is decolorized by a brief exposure to alcohol?
A. a
B. b
C. both a and b
D. neither a nor b
E. The answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.

B. b

Antibiotics that target the cell wall are an effective treatment against many pathogenic bacteria.


Which of the following statements best describes what happens when a bacterial cell is placed in a solution containing 5% NaCl?
A. The cell will undergo osmotic lysis.

B. Sucrose will move into the cell from a higher to a lower concentration.

C. Water will move into the cell.

D. Water will move out of the cell.

E. No change will result; the solution is isotonic.

D. Water will move out of the cell.

By which of the following mechanisms can a cell transport a substance from a lower to a higher concentration?
A. simple diffusion
B. extracellular enzymes
C. facilitated diffusion
D. active transport
E. aquaporins

D. active transport

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Endospores allow a cell to survive environmental changes by producing a dormant period with no growth

B. .A cell produces one endospore and keeps growing.

C. Endospores are for reproduction.

D. Endospores are easily stained in a Gram stain.

E. A cell can produce many endospores.

A. Endospores allow a cell to survive environmental changes by producing a dormant period with no growth

Which of the following is NOT part of the passive transport process?
A. concentration gradient
B. transporter proteins
C. aquaporins
D. plasma membrane


The difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion is that facilitated diffusion
A. does not require ATP.
B. moves materials from a lower to a higher concentration.
C. requires transporter proteins.
D. moves materials from a higher to a lower concentration.
E. requires ATP.

C. requires transporter proteins.

Where are phospholipids most likely found in a prokaryotic cell?
A. organelles
B. the plasma membrane
C. ribosomes
D. the plasma membrane and organelles
E. flagella

B. the plasma membrane

Where are phospholipids most likely found in a eukaryotic cell?
A. ribosomes
B. organelles
C. the plasma membrane and organelles
D. metachromatic granules
E. the plasma membrane

C. the plasma membrane and organelles

Oxygen crosses a plasma membrane
A. through porins.
B. with the help of a nonspecific transporter.
C. by osmosis.
D. through facilitated diffusion.
E. through simple diffusion.

E. through simple diffusion.

In a hypertonic solution, a bacterial cell will typically
A. burst.
B. plasmolyze.
C. stay the same.
D. lyse.
E. osmolyze.

B. plasmolyze.

The DNA found in most bacterial cells
A. is found in multiple copies.
B. is surrounded by a nuclear membrane.
C. is circular in structure.
D. is linear in structure.
E. utilizes histones for chromosomal packaging.

C. is circular in structure.

Cells may frequently find themselves in an environment with very low extracellular concentrations of substances needed in higher amounts inside the cell. To obtain these needed items, such cells would be most likely to engage in
A. facilitated diffusion.
B. simple diffusion.
C. osmosis.
D. active transport.

D. active transport.

What is the best reason why oxygen (O2) can cross the plasma membrane by simple diffusion, but glucose must be transported across the barrier by facilitated diffusion?

A. Oxygen is a nonpolar molecule, easily passing through the nonpolar middle area of the plasma membrane.

B. Oxygen is a much smaller molecule, making it easier to pass through the molecules of the plasma membrane.

C. Glucose is nonpolar, making it very difficult for it to cross the polar portions of the plasma membrane structure.

D. Oxygen can be burned/consumed as it crosses the membrane, providing the energy needed for its passage.

B. Oxygen is a much smaller molecule, making it easier to pass through the molecules of the plasma membrane.

In bacterial ribosomes, a small 30S subunit and a large 50S subunit come together to produce the functional 70S ribosome. Why isn't it an 80S ribosome?
A. The ribosome will become an 80S complex when the protein it is producing starts to be formed.

B. S stands for Svedberg units, which indicates the relative rate of sedimentation due to size, weight, and shape of a particle. The numbers aren't strictly additive.

C. A portion of the larger 50S subunit is detached as the ribosomes come together, making the final complex a 70S ribosome instead of an 80S ribosome.

D. Additional factors are required for protein synthesis. When these are put with the ribosome, it will become an 80S ribosome complex.

B. S stands for Svedberg units, which indicates the relative rate of sedimentation due to size, weight, and shape of a particle. The numbers aren't strictly additive.

Which type of solution would cause a bacterium with a weak or damaged cell wall to burst as water moves into the cell?
A. an isotonic solution
B. a hypotonic solution
C. a hypertonic solution
D. either a hypotonic or an isotonic solution

B. a hypotonic solution

Endospores are a reproductive structure.


Which statement regarding the structure or function of ribosomes is correct?

A. The ribosomes in the prokaryote are slightly larger than those found in the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum.

B. Ribosomes are found both free-floating and attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes and in prokaryotes

C. .In eukaryotes, the ribosomes found in chloroplasts and mitochondria are 70S ribosomes, which are similar in size to prokaryotic ribosomes.

D. Ribosomes are the sites of lipid biosynthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

C. .In eukaryotes, the ribosomes found in chloroplasts and mitochondria are 70S ribosomes, which are similar in size to prokaryotic ribosomes.

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A. centrosome - food storage
B. mitochondria - ATP production
C. endoplasmic reticulum - internal transport
D. Golgi complex - secretion
E. lysosome - digestive enzymes

A. centrosome - food storage

Which of the following organelles most closely resembles a prokaryotic cell?
A. cell wall
B. mitochondrion
C. Golgi complex
D. vacuole
E. nucleus

B. mitochondrion

Which of the following eukaryotic organelles is correctly matched with its function?
A. mitochondrion--protein synthesis
B. glycocalyx--transport
C. vacuole--storage of materials
D. flagellum--protection

C. vacuole--storage of materials

Which organelle would play the most direct role in eliminating bacteria engulfed by a phagocytic white blood cell?
A. Mitochondria
B. Centrosome
C. Golgi complex
D. Lysosome

D. Lysosome

Which of the following facts does NOT provide evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?
A. Prokaryotes contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls.

B. Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain circular DNA, similar to the DNA in prokaryotes.

C. The same antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in prokaryotes also inhibit protein synthesis within mitochondria and chloroplasts.

D. The ribosomes contained within mitochondria and chloroplasts are very similar to prokaryotic ribosomes.

A. Prokaryotes contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls.

Which of the following was a crucial difference between the work of John T Needham and Louis Pasteur on the question of spontaneous generation?

Which of the following was a crucial difference between the work of John T. Needham and Louis Pasteur on the question of spontaneous generation? Whether or not the flasks were sealed.

What is the correct order for the application of Koch's postulates?

As originally stated, the four criteria are: (1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals; (2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual; (3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally (4) The ...

Which of the following is not a characteristic of protozoa?

Answer and Explanation: The option that is NOT a characteristic of protozoans is c) reproduce sexually via binary fission.

Are protozoa also called prokaryotes?

Protozoa are also called prokaryotes.


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