Which of the following statements is true of using Internet of Things devices in your home

4. Which statement is correct regarding the concept of Internet of Things (IoT)? (Points : 2)

       A. All devices are treated as "mobile" devices, so users can have flexibility in data processing.

       B. File sharing is not a function of IoT.

       C. In order to use IoT, a user must have an Apple iOS device.

       D. A user must use a designated web browser (e.g., only Chrome, not Firefox) in order to correctly control IBM Bluemix.

Question 5. 5.

5. Which statement is correct regarding a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) program?

(Points : 2)

A. If used properly, a BYOD program can effectively integrate a user's devices into an enterprise information system, thereby saving IT investment for the organization.                                 

B. A user's information security awareness is not important in a BYOD program, because the IT manager can protect the organization's information security from the web service side. 

C. A BYOD program requires all employees must use same devices such as iPhone. No other devices can be used in a BYOD program.

D. A BYOD program may use a mobile device management system to protect organization information security. It prohibits an employee's data management flexibility in the program.

Question 6. 6.

6. Which statement is correct regarding a mobile device management (MDM) system?

(Points : 2)

A. An MDM system is installed between the web server tier and the application tier in a three-tier framework.

B. An MDM system is installed between the web server tier and the user tier in a three-tier framework.

C. An MDM system can prevent all user errors in a cyber security management.

D. An MDM system allows invalid traffic to pass Web servers.

Question 7. 7.

7. "MVNO" refers to a _____________ in the mobile tech field.

(Points : 2)

A. Moving Vehicle Network Operator

B. Mobile Virtual Network Operator

C. Moving Virtual Neural Operator

D. Mobile Vehicle Neural Operator

Question 8. 8.

8. Which statement is correct regarding an MVNO?

(Points : 2)

A. MVNO builds its own network.

B. MVNO is a subsidiary department of larger companies such as AT&T and T-Mobile.

C. MVNO doesn't have its own network. Its service is running on a network rented from other networks.

D. MVNO can't have its own brand name.

Question 9. 9.

9. Which statement is NOT correct regarding car hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft?

(Points : 2)

A. Peer sharing and collaboration is a main feature of car hailing apps.

B. Drivers can only see a passenger's location if the location data are allowed to be shared by the passenger.

C. There is no privacy concern for a passenger to share his/her location with the car hailing apps.

D. Drivers will not get paid directly by a passenger.

Question 10. 10.

10. Which statement is NOT correct regarding the smart home systems?

(Points : 2)

A. It is a typical application of the IoT concept.

B. It can save energies for the users.

C. It can help the energy companies to provide more personalized services to customers.

D. It does not allow the energy companies to get data regarding how much electricity a customer uses.

Answer & Explanation

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Which of the following statement is true about the internet of things?

Which of the following is true about IoT? B. IoT has greater transparency, control, and performance. Explanation: Both A and B is true statements.

What is Internet of Things devices in your home?

IoT home automation is the ability to control domestic appliances by electronically controlled, internet-connected systems. It may include setting complex heating and lighting systems in advance and setting alarms and home security controls, all connected by a central hub and remote-controlled by a mobile app.

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of the internet of things?

Which of the following statements best describes the Internet of Things (IoT)? The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices that use sensors, software, and connectivity to share data.

What is an example of using the internet of things?

In short, the Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that are able to collect and exchange data in real time using embedded sensors. Thermostats, cars, lights, refrigerators, and more appliances can all be connected to the IoT.


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