Which of the following statements is not a safeguard against the failure of hardware?

Which of the following types of security loss is WikiLeaks an example of?
A) unauthorized data disclosure
B) incorrect data modification
C) faulty service
D) denial of service

A(n) ________ is a measure that individuals or organizations take to block a threat from obtaining an asset.
A) Hadoop
B) safeguard
C) information silo
D) third-party cookie

A(n) ________ is a computer program that senses when another computer is attempting to scan a disk or access a computer.
A) intrusion detection system
B) account administration system
C) business intelligence system
D) malware definition

Which of the following is considered a personal security safeguard?
A) create backup of cookies and temporary files
B) send no valuable data via email or IM
C) use a single valid password for all accounts
D) conduct transactions using http rather than https

Which of the following is a human safeguard against security threats?
A) backup and recovery
B) firewalls
C) physical security
D) procedure design

Backup and physical security are ________ against computer security threats.
A) technical safeguards
B) data safeguards
C) human safeguards
D) procedural safeguards

With HTTPS, data are encrypted using a protocol called the ________.
A) Secure Shell (SSH)
B) Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
C) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
D) Post Office Protocol (POP)

With HTTPS, data are encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, which is also known as ________.
A) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
B) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
C) Secure Shell (SSH)
D) Transport Layer Security (TLS

"The number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months." This observation is known as ________ Law.
A) Murphy's
B) Moore's
C) Amdahl's
D) Metcalfe's

Which of the following statements states Moore's Law?
A) A computer becomes obsolete within 18 months.
B) The number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months.
C) The total number of transistors produced in the world doubles every 18 months.
D) The speed of a computer doubles every 18 months.

As a result of Moore's Law, ________.
A) the risk of technology becoming obsolete has decreased
B) the price to performance ratio of computers has fallen dramatically
C) nonroutine skills can be outsourced
D) the cost of data processing has increased considerably

Because of Moore's Law, the cost of data processing, communications, and storage ________.
A) is essentially zero
B) has increased exponentially
C) is witnessing an upward trend
D) has leveled off

________ is the ability to make and manipulate models.
A) Abstract reasoning
B) Systems thinking
C) Social learning
D) Experimentation

A group of components that interact to achieve some purpose is referred to as a(n) ________.
A) system
B) element
C) process
D) entity

Which of the following is an example of the hardware component of an information system?
A) Web browser
B) operating system
C) microprocessor
D) data file

Which of the following is true about the management and use of information systems?
A) An employee must be a programmer to manage information systems.
B) Information systems must be adapted to changing requirements.
C) Information systems need not be maintained after development.
D) Organizations with dynamic business environments do not use information systems.

Why is it important for business professionals to take an active role in developing and managing information systems?
A) They know how to create a database and configure computers.
B) They are the people who know how to build networks.
C) They know whether a system is sufficient to meet needs and requirements.
D) They are the lone users of information systems.

Which of the following distinguishes information systems from information technology?
A) people
B) data
C) software
D) hardware

Moore's Law states that the speed of a computer doubles every 18 months.
T or F ?

A(n) ________ is a collection of data that is stored within business records.
A) repository
B) role
C) activity
D) resource

Which of the following statements is true about business process modeling notation?
A) Sequence flows are indicated by dashed lines.
B) Data flows are indicated by solid labeled lines.
C) A subprocesss is indicated by a rectangle with a circle inside it.
D) The medium of data delivery is unimportant in a BPMN diagram

The outermost components of the IS framework ________.
A) can take action
B) are the costliest components in the framework
C) form a bridge between the human and computer sides
D) represent sunk costs

The ________ component of the IS framework provides instructions for people.
A) procedure
B) software
C) information
D) data

In an IS framework, ________ is the bridge between the computer side on the left and the human side on the right.
A) hardware
B) software
C) information technology
D) data

Automation of a process activity consists of moving work from the ________ of the symmetrical five-component framework.
A) computer side to the human side
B) data side to the procedures side
C) human side to the computer side
D) software side to the hardware side

When work that was formerly done by people has been moved to computers, it is said to be ________.
A) outsourced
B) automated
C) documented
D) systematized

Which of the following statements is true of using an information system to improve process quality?
A) The quality of performance analysis remains the same with the implementation of an information system.
B) Development of information systems should be done solely by technical personnel.
C) Information systems can improve process efficiency but not process effectiveness.
D) A process that uses a labor saving information system may not be efficient.

Which of the following is a characteristic of good information?
A) It must be freely available.
B) It must be more than just barely sufficient.
C) It must be based on incomplete data.
D) It must be contextually relevant.

Which of the following statements is true about data characteristics of quality information?
A) Information systems that produce real time data are less expensive than those that produce data at a later time.
B) The timeliness of information can be measured against events.
C) Accurate information can be conceived from inaccurate data.
D) Data that appears on any Web page is reliable

Which of the following statements is true regarding the characteristics of good information?
A) Information needs to be more than just barely sufficient for the purpose for which it is generated.
B) Information must hold an appropriate relationship between its cost and its value.
C) Accurate information can be based on incomplete data.
D) Good information is just recorded facts and figures.

A competitive strategy followed by an organization is derived from the ________ of its industry.
A) function
B) structure
C) profits
D) goals

Porter originally developed the five forces model to determine the ________.
A) potential profitability of an industry
B) nature of competitive industrial environments
C) reason why certain industries collapse
D) means by which to improve resource utilization

Which of the following statements describes suppliers in a position of strong bargaining power?
A) coffee planters during a season of frost that decreases production
B) companies negotiating supplier contracts after taxes on raw materials have been reduced
C) providers of logistic support when fuel prices have been reduced
D) wholesalers declaring end-of-season sales

Simpson's Lawn Services decides to offer two free mowing services for all customers who booked garden landscaping in the fall. Which of the following forces is Simpson's Lawn Services addressing?
A) the control exercised by Acme Corp., who supplies Simpson's with lawn mowers
B) the power held by the landlord of the Simpson's office space
C) the threat posed by Roger's Landscapes, a new competitor
D) the bargaining power of the City Football Club who are Simpson's customers

Porter's five competitive forces can be grouped into two types: forces related to ________ and forces related to supply chain bargaining power.
A) pricing
B) labor
C) competition
D) consumers

Which of the following groups' bargaining power is considered as one of the five competitive forces in Porter's five forces model?
A) investors
B) competitors
C) employees
D) customers

In Porter's five factor model, each of the three competitive forces concerns the danger of ________.
A) suppliers favoring rival companies
B) customers taking their business elsewhere
C) investors refusing to back new projects
D) employees not working toward organizational goals

The two strength factors that relate to all three competitive forces are ________ and customer loyalty.
A) employee unions
B) nature of products
C) customer satisfaction
D) switching costs

Which of the following is true of new entrants?
A) They have strong customer loyalty.
B) They will have records on customers' purchase habits.
C) They are yet to develop relationships with suppliers.
D) They can lock in suppliers to gain a competitive advantage.

Which of the following statements describes a scenario in which the bargaining power of a supplier is strong?
A) Competitors' have decreased demand for raw materials.
B) The availability of raw materials is less.
C) The supplier has excess inventory.
D) There are many suppliers providing the same raw materials for comparable prices

The bargaining power of a customer is weak if ________.
A) the availability of a rival product is limited
B) the cost of switching to a substitute is low
C) competitors offer products with same benefits at lower prices
D) new entrants are offering a product that uses more recent technology

An organization responds to the structure of its industry by choosing a ________ strategy.
A) competitive
B) growth
C) leadership
D) diversification

According to Porter, to be effective, the organization's goals and activities must be consistent with the organization's ________.
A) structure
B) competitors
C) strategy
D) workforce

Porter defined ________ as the amount of money that a customer is willing to pay for a resource, product, or service.
A) margin
B) profit
C) price
D) value

Which of the following is true of supporting activities?
A) Their contribution toward a product's value is negligible.
B) Their contributions to margin can be calculated easily.
C) Customer service is considered a supporting activity.
D) Negotiation of prices is considered a supporting activity.

________ includes general management, finance, accounting, legal, and government affairs.
A) Human resources
B) Research and development
C) Firm infrastructure
D) Operations management

Porter's model of business activities includes ________, which are interactions across value activities.
A) linkages
B) evaluations
C) iterations
D) operations

A manufacturing system uses sales forecasts to plan production. It uses the production plan to determine raw material needs and then uses the material needs to schedule purchases. This ultimately leads to reduced inventory costs. Which of the following is being used to reduce the inventory cost?
A) linkages
B) margins
C) competitive strategy
D) support activities

According to Porter, the processes and systems in an organization pursuing differentiation strategy must ________ to avoid negative margins.
A) create sufficient value to cover their costs
B) provide products at lowest costs to customers
C) develop new technologies
D) increase procurement

Jupiter Shop is an online store. Customers have to create an online account to purchase products. The purchased products are delivered free of cost. The address of delivery is stored, so that customers can choose the same address for future purchases. Jupiter Shop features seasonal discounts and exchange offers. It also accumulates redeemable points for regular shoppers. Which of the following statements describes the use of IS by Jupiter Shop to lock-in customers?
A) providing free home delivery
B) saving the delivery addresses
C) offering seasonal discounts
D) collecting feedback online

Competitive strategy determines an organization's value chain.
T or F ?

Porter originally developed the five forces model in order to understand organizations' competitive environment.
T or F ?

According to Porter's five forces model, a company is profitable if all the five competitive forces are strong.
T or F ?

The bargaining power of competitors is one of the competitive forces identified by Porter.

T or F ?

The three competitive forces in Porter's model concern the danger of customers taking their business elsewhere.
T or F ?

Computers represent data using binary digits, called ________.
A) dots
B) pixels
C) tags
D) bits

The number of bits to represent a single character is referred to as a ________.
A) byte
B) kilobyte
C) terabyte
D) megabyte

One ________ is equivalent to 1,024 kilobytes.
A) terabyte
B) megabyte
C) gigabyte
D) bit

One ________ is equivalent to 1,024 gigabytes.
A) petabyte
B) terabyte
C) megabyte
D) kilobyte

A ________ is 1,024 bytes.
A) kilobyte
B) megabyte
C) gigabyte
D) terabyte

A(n) ________ is a program that controls a computer's resources.
A) cache
B) operating system
D) bus

When a user needs to load more data into an existing program, which of the following instructions will an operating system direct the CPU to attempt?
A) wait for the existing program to be closed
B) restart the existing program
C) place the new data into unused memory
D) replace the memory used by the existing program with the new data

CPU speed is expressed in cycles called ________.
A) hertz
B) bytes
C) bits
D) meters per second

Which of the following is an example of volatile memory?
A) magnetic disk
B) magnetic tape
C) optical disk
D) cache

Which of the following is an example of nonvolatile memory?
A) magnetic disk
B) cache
C) main memory
D) buffer

Which of the following is true of a server?
A) It is used to send requests.
B) It can be accessed by not more than one user at a time.
C) It is typically accessed from another computer via a network.
D) It cannot process emails and Web sites.

Which of the following is true about operating systems software?
A) Both client and server computers need to run on the same operating system.
B) The operating system performs a majority of application-specific tasks.
C) Both client and server computers need an operating system.
D) A single version operating system can be used for different types of hardware

Which of the following is an open-source operating system?
A) Opera
B) Windows
C) Linux
D) Mac OS

Which of the following is the most widely used operating system in business?
A) Linux
B) Windows
C) Unix
D) Mac OS

) Programs that control a server computer's resources are referred to as ________.
A) client operating systems
B) client application programs
C) server operating systems
D) server application programs

________ is the process whereby multiple operating systems share the same hardware.
A) Machine coding
B) Virtualization
C) License sharing
D) Cloud computing

Which of the following refers to an application that runs on personal computers and does not need to connect to any server to run?
A) a thick-client application
B) a thin-client application
C) a firmware
D) a desktop program

Application programs that run within a browser, without the need to be preinstalled on client computers, are referred to as ________.
A) thin-client applications
B) firmware
C) desktop programs
D) thick-client applications

Which of the following is true of thick-client applications?
A) A thick-client application is an application program that need not be preinstalled on the client.
B) They generally have more features and functions than thin-client applications.
C) A thick-client application does not need a server connection to run.
D) Update installation and version management are inexpensive when large numbers of users work on the same version of the application.

________ is computer code as written by humans and that is understandable by humans.
A) Bytecode
B) Machine code
C) Source code
D) Binary code

Which of the following categories are the rights to which creators are entitled for their work?

Copyright (or author's right) is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works.

Which of the following terms is used to describe a set of steps that can convert readable plaintext into unreadable ciphertext?

Definition(s): The cryptographic transformation of data to produce ciphertext. Cryptographic transformation of data (called “plaintext”) into a form (called “ciphertext”) that conceals the data's original meaning to prevent it from being known or used.

Which of the following terms refers to someone who access a computer or network illegally with the intent of malicious action?

A hacker is an individual who uses computer, networking or other skills to overcome a technical problem. The term also may refer to anyone who uses their abilities to gain unauthorized access to systems or networks in order to commit crimes.

Which of the following is a technique intruders use to make their network or Internet transmission appear legitimate to a victim computer or network?

Spoofing is a technique intruders use to make their network or Internet transmission appear legitimate to a victim computer or network.


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