Which of the following resistance training systems involves performing two different exercises consecutively for the same muscle group?

Resistance training design variables

1. needs analysis 2. exercise selection 3. training frequency 4. exercise order 5. training load and reps 6. volume 7. rest period

body and limb movement patterns and muscular involvement 

strength, power, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance priorities 

common sites for joint and muscle injury and causative factors 

What determines the primary goal or outcome for the resistance training program?

- the athletes test results - the movement and physiological analysis of the sport -the priorities of the athletes sport season

recruit one or more large muscle areas (chest, shoulder, back, hip or thigh), involve two or more primary joints (multijoint exercise), and recieve priority when one is selecting exercises bc of the direct application to the sport. 

usually recruit smaller muscle areas (upper arm, abdominals, calf, neck, forearm , lower back, or anterior lower leg), involve one primary (single joint exercise) and are considered less important to improving sport performance. 

a core exercise that emphasizes loading the spine directly (back squat) or indirectly (power clean) can be further described as this. This involves muscular stabilization of posture during performance of the lifting movement. 

a structural exercise that is performed very quickly or exlplosively. assigned when they are sport specific

specificity or specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID) principle

the more similar the training activity is to the actual sport movement, the greater the liklihood that there will be a positive transfer to that sport. 

the muscle or group of muscles actively causing the movement (the quads in the leg extension)

the sometimes passive, not concentrically involved, muscle or muscle group located on the opposite side of the limb (the hamstring in the leg extension)

doesn't always mean equal strength, just a proper ratio of strength, power, or muscular endurance of one muscle or muscle group relative to another muscle or muscle group 

ball dribbling and passing

close-grip bench press, dumbbell bench press, triceps pushdown, reverse curl, hammer curl 

unilateral hip adduction and abduction, forward step lunge, leg extension, leg raise

lat pulldown, lateral shoulder raise, forward step lunge, upright row, barbell pullover

power clean, push jerk, back squat, front squat, standing calf raise

flat dumbbell fly, bent over lateral raise, wrist curl, wrist extension

power clean, bent over row, seated row, hip sled, horizontal leg press, deadlift, good morning

forward step lunge, step up, leg extension, leg curl, toe raise

barbell pullover, overhead triceps extension, shoulder internal and external rotation

traditional training frequency

at least one, but no more than 3 between sessions that stress the same muscle group 

used for highly resistance trained athletes. different muscle groups are trained on different days. example: lower body on monday and thursday and upper body on tuesday and friday. 

refers to a sequence of resistance exercises performed during on training session. Decisions are made based on how one exercise effects the quality of effort of the technique of another exercise. usually exercises are arranged so that an athletes max force capabilities are available to complete a set with proper exercise technique

such as the snatch, hang clean, power clean, and push jerk should be performed first in a training session, followed by other nonpower core exercises and then assistance exercises

recomended order to exercises?

"reverse exercise arrangement", that purposely fatigues a large muscle group as a result of performance of a single-joint exercise prior to a multijoint exercise involving the same muscles. Example: perform the leg curl before the back squat to preexhaust the hamstrings. 

a method sometimes used to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, although to a lesser extent than aerobic training. the exercises need to be perfomed with minimal rest periods (20-30 seconds)

involves two sequentially performed exercises that stress two opposing muscles or muscle areas (agonist and its antagonist). Example: an athlete performs 10 reps of the barbbell biceps curl exercise, sets the bar down, and then goes to the tricep pushdown station and performs 10 reps. 

involves sequientially performing two different exercises for the same muscle group. For instance, the athlete completes a set of the barbell biceps curl, then switches to dumbbells and immediately performs a set of hammer curls. The stress on the same muscle is compounded bc both exercises recruit the same muscle area. 

referred to as the amount of weight assigned to an exercise set and is often characterized as the most critical aspect of resistance training program. 

as the product of force and displacement (sometimes labeled distance)

if a barbell that weighs 100 "weight units" is lifted 2 vertical "distance units" for 15 reps, the total concentric mechanical work is 3,000 "work units" (100 x 2 x 15) Load volume (1,500 units) does not include the distance value but is still directly related to the amount of mechanical work performed and the extent of the metabolic demand the athlete experiences to lift the weigh for the required reps.

the number of times an exercise can be performed. inversely related to the load lifted: the heavier the load, the lower the number of reps that can performed. Training for muscular strength involves lifting heavy loads for few reps.

commonly described as either a certain percentage of a 1-rep max -

the greatest amount of weight that can be lifted with proper technique for only on repetition 

the most weight lifted for a specified number of reps. 

if an athlete can perform 10 reps with 60kg in the back squat, her 10RM is 60kg. assuming this is provided at maximal effort. 

The % of the 1RM decreases...

the athlete should be able to complete more reps. 

how multiple RMs appear to have the greatest effect on...

strength and maximum power training

high multiple RMs seem to result in...

better muscular endurance improvements

How to calculate a training load

athletes training goal is muscular strength: the tested 1RM in the bench press is 220 pounds. To increase the strength, the athlete needs to handle loads of at least 85% of the 1RM, that typically allow performance of up to 6 reps per set. If is assigned at four reps per set for this exercise, the corresponding load will be approx. 90% of the 1RM or approx. 200 pounds. 

that the greater the amount of concentric muscular force generated, the slower the muscle shortening and corresponding movement velocity. Performing 1RM involves slower movement velocities, maximum force is generated, but with reduced power output. This is NOT realistic for most sports. 

resistance training exercises designed to improve maximal power production...

most affective and practical application is to assign loads that are about 80% of the 1RM

single effort power events vs. multiple effort power events

shot put, high jump, weightlifting vs. basketball and volleyball

single effort events training

one or two reps using loads that equal 80% to 90% of the 1RM

multiple maximum power events

3 to 5 reps per set with loads at 75% to 85% of the 1RM

a conservative method that can be used to increase an athletes training load. If the athlete can perform two or more reps over his or her assigned rep goal for a given exercise in the last two consecutive workouts, weight should be added to that exercise for the next training session. 

relates to the total amount of weight lifted in a training session. 

is a group of reps sequentially performed before the athlete stops to rest. 

is the total number of reps performed during a workout session

is the total number of sets multiplied by the number of reps per set then multiplied by the weight lifted per rep. 

load volume for two sets of 10 reps with 50 pounds

example of load increase for a smaller, weaker, less trained athletes upper body

load increase for smaller, weaker, less trained athletes lower body

load increase for larger, stronger, more trained athletes upper body

load increase for larger, stronger, more trained athletes lower body

Which is better? performing 3 sets of 10 without going to failure OR performing 1 set to failure in 8-12 reps?

performing 3 sets of 10 without going to failure

ideal number of reps for max strength gains?

sets of 6 or fewer for core exercises

Most effective strategy for hypertrophy?

performing 3 or more exercises per muscle group 

improving muscular endurance

involve performing 12 or more reps per set. 2 or 3 sets are performed. 

rest period or interest rest

the time dedicated to recovery between sets and exercises. The length of the rest period between sets and exercises to highly dependent on the goal of training, the relative load lifted, and the athletes training status

the amount of rest is related to the load lifted

the heavier the load lifted, the longer the rest period that the athlete will need between sets. 4RM loads require more rest than 15RM loads. 

common guidelines for rest period length

for strength and power, a range of 2 to 5 minutes or 3 to 5 minutes. 

limited rest period because they recommend that the athlete begin the next set before full recovery has been achieved. span of 30 seconds to 1 minute or 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes. 

rest periods less than 30 seconds

when determining a baseball players resistance training program needs, all of the following factors should be considered except

programs of other players

the basketball coach says his starting center needs to jump higher. In addition to beginning a plyometric program, which of the following resistance training exercises are MOST specific to this goal?

power clean and front squat

the soccer team is transitioning from the off season to preseason training. how should the teams resistance training frequency be altered?

decrease frequency to all increased sport skill practice

an american football lineman has difficulty driving into defensive linemen and beleives he has lost his explosive ability. Which of the following is the best exercise order to help this athlete improve his performance?

power clean, back squat, hip sled, leg (knee) curl

What percentage of the 1RM typically allows an individual to perform 6 reps with that load?

which of following volumes has the potential to increase muscular strength the MOST?

a female triathlete needs to improve the muscular endurance for her upper body. Using 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise, which of the following rest periods length will maximize her goal?

Can you superset the same muscle group?

Exercises in supersets can be for the same muscle group—such as doing an overhead shoulder press followed by a lateral raise—which is the most intense way to use supersets. Because you're working the same muscle group, those muscle fibers get more time under tension.

What is training load and repetition?

Repetition-volume is the total number of repetitions performed during a workout session, and load-volume is the total number of set then multiplied by the weight lifted per repetition. For example, the load-volume for two sets of 10 repetitions with 50 kg would be expressed as 2 x 10 x 50 kg.

Which of the following terms is used to describe an exercise technique where you work opposing muscle groups without rest between each set?

The term “superset” is one of the most commonly misused words in the gym. According to the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, a superset “uses the performance of two exercises that activate opposing or antagonistic muscle groups with no rest between each exercise.”

Is there an exercise order for resistance training?

The exercise order for group 1 was bench press, lat pull-down, triceps extension, and biceps curl. The order for group 2 was biceps curl, triceps extension, lat pull down and bench press. The training frequency was two sessions per week with at least 72 hours of rest between sessions.


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