Which of the following pairs of european rulers is generally identified as enlightened monarchs?

Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon contributed to scientific development in the 17th century by

articulating theories of the scientific method

The Scientific Revolution overturned the accepted ideas of which of the following?

All of the following were important trends of Enlightenment through except

criticism of government support for intellectuals, scholars, and scientists

Hapsburg Emperor Joseph II abolished serfdom in the Austrian empire in 1781. What was the outcome of this reform?

After Joseph II's death in 1790 serfdom was more or less reinstated

Which of the following best expresses Voltaire's views concerning religion?

Religious unity is fundamental to enlightened monarchies

Just as the reign of Louis XIV of France is often cited as an example of absolutism, the reign of Joseph II of Austria is often cited as an example of

"His enthusiasm for the scientific method, his belief that everything could be reduced to mathematical terms impacted all scientists"

Johannes Kepler improved on Copernicus' theories by

demonstrating that planets have elliptical orbits

Isaac Newton's Principia was the

synthesis of the Scientific Revolution

the actual examination of phenomena

Pierre Bayle is famous for his

skeptical view of absolute certainty

The fundamental goal of the Encyclopedia was to

teach people to think critically

Montesquieu's contribution to political theory was the concept of

In France after the death of Louis XIV, the parlements

challenged royal absolutism

Before the scientific revolution, Europeans accepted Aristotle's view of the universe because

it fit nicely with Christian doctrines

The "enlightened" policies of Frederick II of Prussia included all of the following except

freeing the Prussian serfs

D'Holbach's System of Nature presented

a mechanistic, atheistic philosophy

Following the War of Austrian Succession, Louis XV's finance minister created an outcry among French nobles, clergy, and wealthy town dwellers by

imposing a 5% income tax on all Frenchmen including members of the nobility

The 18th century philosophes believed that society could best achieve progress through

hard work and self-denial

"The salon was a weekly gathering held in the home of one of the dominant ladies of the society, at which dinner was served, cards played..."

Paris during the Enlightenment

Enlightened monarchs of the 18th century supported all of the following EXCEPT

Hobbes and Rousseau would have agreed that

citizens have a right to revolt

The great scientific discoveries of the 16th and 17th centuries led European scholars to believe that

the universe was orderly and operated according to fixed rules

The group that Voltaire would have most likely criticized would be

The individual who first provided mathematical formulas supporting the Coperican theory and explaining planetary motion was

In 1713 Emperor Charles VI sough approval of the Pragmatic Sanctions in order to guarantee the 

indivisibility of the Hapsburg lands

Which of the following pairs of European rulers is generally identified as "enlightented" monarchs?

Joseph II and Catherine the Great

The 18th century Enlightened philosophes were primarily concerned with

critical and inquiring approaches to knowledge

"The law is the expression of the general will. All citizens have a right to concur either personally or by their representatives in its formation..."

What of the following best describes French writer Bernard de Fontenelle?

Fontenelle was cynical about the claims of orthodox religion and brought science into conflict with religion

According to Locke in his work Essay Concerning Human Understanding, what of the following would he consider to be most important in raising a child?

What of the following best describe the philosophers of the Enlightenment view on women?

Women should have greater rights, but it did not mean equal rights with men

What of the following was not a reason why most Enlightenment thinkers believed political change should come from the ruler as opposed to the people?

Many thinkers believed that common people were uninteresting in political matters

What of the following regions did Maria Teresa lose to Frederick of Prussia?

The granting of religious toleration by Joseph II toward this group was thought to be revolutionary for the time period

To improve the rural economy and lives of peasants, Maria Teresa

reduced nobles' power over their serfs

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