Which of the following is required to prepare a Statement of functional expenses?

11 months ago · 3 min read

For some not-for-profit entities (NFPs), a separate statement of functional expenses will be the most efficient and effective way of presenting the analysis of expenses by function and nature that is required under FASB ASC 958. With that in mind, the following are some best practices for organizations to keep in mind as they prepare these schedules.

  • For natural categories, less is more. A common misconception is that U.S. GAAP prescribes a specific number of natural categories or a suggested

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1 – Know Your Organization’s Allocation Methodology

Allocation is key to this ASU update. Organizations must classify – or allocate – both functional expenses, those costs incurred to run the services and programs essential to the nonprofit’s mission, and natural expenses, those costs required to keep any business running (employee salaries, rent, etc.).

Being aware of your organization’s methodologies, or even defining them if your nonprofit has no set procedures, is a must. Considering the user – the one reading the financial statement – is essential when determining your organizations’ methodologies. For example, using time sheets may be the right choice when reporting salaries, but an estimation of employee time along with a note explaining why this methodology was chosen may be sufficient too.

Understanding how the reader intends to use your nonprofit’s financial statement and then using methodologies to match that purpose will help reporting to go smoother.

2 – Allocate for 5-10 Natural Expenses

 A common mistake we see is a nonprofit reporting too many natural expenses. There are no guidelines for the number of natural expenses to report. Therefore, we usually suggest using 5-10 categories.

Once again, remember the user who this financial statement is intended for. Too many natural expenses lead to confusion, actually muddying their understanding rather than clarifying your organization’s financial standing.

3 – Understand the Full Breadth of Your Employees’ Work

When ASU 2016-14 was first issued, many were frustrated. Nonprofits are now to allocate human resources and accounting under general/management expenses (a category of functional expenses). Many worried that watchdog groups would report a larger percentage of a nonprofit’s funds going towards management rather than towards the nonprofit’s mission.

With the competition high for charitable giving, we understand this frustration with the update (and even the concern over watchdog groups construing information).

However, fully understanding everything an employee does for your organization helps when creating a financial statement. For example, if your human resources team assists with program planning throughout the year, a percentage of their salaries may be allocated under program expenses and not under general/management.

We suggest holding discussions with your employees so you understand all of the ways they help the organization. This discussion then helps determine your allocation methodology.

4 – Be Careful When Disaggregating Your Organization’s Program(s)

Yes, disaggregation is important for creating transparency in financial reports. (Transparency was the goal in issuing ASU 2016-14.) But, be wary.

Disaggregating your organization’s program(s) too much, and the information becomes granular – nearly useless to the reader.

Remember, your goal with a financial statement is to make it informative to the reader – to the donor, the auditor, the agency, the board. Therefore, we suggest caution when breaking down the parts of your program(s). A user should be able to understand more clearly (not less clearly) your group’s mission by reviewing your financial statement.

5 – Remember Membership Development Costs 

Often, nonprofits forget about allocating for membership development. And it can be take a significant amount of money and employee time. Most likely, these costs fall under supporting services, which is a functional expense. As an organization, you will need to consider your allocation methodology for reporting these expenses.


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Which is required to prepare a statement of functional expenses?

The Statement of Functional Expenses requires that expenses be reported by functional classification as either (a) program related or (b) support service related. Support expenses include management, general administrative, and fund-raising expenses required to operate.

What is included in the statement of functional expenses?

As a subsidiary report to your financial statement, the Statement of Functional Expenses is a detailed list of the nature of each expense (salaries, payroll taxes, rent, professional services) by functional area. This report is necessary also when comparing actual expenses to budgets in each of your functional areas.

Is a statement of functional expenses required?

The statement of functional expenses is considered an ancillary report that can be added to the primary set of financial statements. Thus, it is not necessary (unless demanded by a recipient of the financial statements), but can contain useful information.

Which of the following are functional expense classifications?

Statement of Functional Expenses The functional classifications include: programs, management and general and fundraising.


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