Which of the following is not true regarding self-concept during middle childhood quizlet

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middle childhood

Terms in this set (75)

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding physical growth in middle childhood?

Growth rates slow during middle childhood.

About what percentage of children are obese in middle childhood?


Leah, age 8, is teased at school for being overweight and she's self-conscious about her body image. How can Leah's parents best support her in losing weight?

Encouraging physical play and joining her in increasing physical activity.

Adam spends a lot of time indoors watching television and playing video games for fun. What does this primarily sedentary lifestyle put him at risk for?

childhood obesity

Which of the following statements regarding physical growth is most likely to be true of John and Judy, both six years old?

John and Judy have likely begun to lose their primary teeth.

Arjun's mom is baking a cake. He realizes that once the batter is mixed, the ingredients cannot be separated out. Which principle of concrete operational thought is Arjun using here?


Sophia is trying to learn material for an exam. Which component of memory will store the information she is learning?

long-term memory

Eight-year-old Seth is the class comedian. How might his jokes differ from those he would have told at age 4?

the jokes have punchlines

As children reach middle childhood, they adapt new strategies to meet goals. Which of these developments or strategies does NOT demonstrate this cognitive change?

They begin prioritizing every minute detail, trying to learn everything.

While children in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development are more logical thinkers, what type of thinking is still too challenging for them at this stage?

Hypothetical thinking

Both preschoolers and school-aged children experience a vast increase in vocabulary. What is the term used for the rapid association between related words, that school-aged children use with their new vocabulary explosion?


Jill, who is in third grade, is studying her multiplication times tables, repeating the information over and over again in an attempt to store these figures in her long term memory, quizzing herself regularly. What strategy is Jill using?


Ivan, an 8-year-old, no longer thinks a row of pennies in front of him contains more pennies than a row of the same number of pennies with less spacing between coins. What Piagetian concept does this demonstrate Ivan has mastered?


Jenamin was diagnosed with dyslexia early in her fifth grade school year. Even though she had dyslexia, she was a good reader then. Now, at the end of the school year, her reading scores are lagging far behind those of the other students. Which explanation makes the most sense given this scenario.

Her teachers may be interpreting difficulties with reading material as due to dyslexia, so they might work with her as much as the teachers in her earlier grades did.

Adrik is having difficulties in school. He is not reading well, but this seems to be because he cannot focus on the readings. Adrik also has difficulty paying attention when he is completing his math work. Which of the following learning disabilities is likely affecting Adrik?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Pamela is taking a state achievement test. What is being measured in the test?

what she has already learned

Yazmine is taking an IQ test. Which of the following skills might be measured with this test?

Linguistic skills

Jess is in school. He is walking slowly from music class back to his room and waves at his friend Ovid. What state is Jess in?

street corner state

state in which the child is playful, energetic, excited, and expresses personal opinions, feelings, and beliefs

street corner state

this state is one in which the student focuses on a task or tries to stay focused on a task, is passive, compliant, and often frustrated

student state

occurs when parents or siblings visit the school. Children in this state may enjoy special privileges such as going home early or being exempt from certain school rules in the mother's presence, or it can be difficult if the parent is there to discuss trouble at school with a staff member

home state

a time in which the child is contemplative, quiet, or prayerful. It is a often only a very brief part of the day

sanctity state

cultural values, concepts, behaviors and roles that are part of the school experience but are not part of the formal curriculum

hidden curriculum

Garner's theory that there are many kinds of intelligence. The modern version of the theory recognizes 9 forms of intelligence

theory of multiple intelligences

Sternberg's theory that recognizes three forms of intelligence: academic, creative, and practical

triarchic theory of intelligence

Which of the following is not one of the multiple intelligences proposed in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?


Labeling a child as learning disabled can lead to the child lacking self-confidence and performing poorly in school. What is this phenomenon called?

The self-fulfilling prophecy

Michael, who has an autism spectrum disorder, walks into his classroom and discovers that the teacher has rearranged the desks and he becomes highly agitated and uncomfortable. What is the best possible explanation for Michael's behavior?

Michael has difficulties adjusting to changes in routines and how things surrounding him are organized.

Dyslexia involves difficulty in which learning area?


What is "hidden curriculum?"

The underlying values and belief systems of the school and its members that do not constitute formal curriculum, but affect children's learning experience.

Sternberg's concern over what he perceived as an over-emphasis on aptitude testing led him to propose a triarchic theory of intelligence, which includes all of the following components, EXCEPT:


Cultural influences on students informally teach all of the following messages, EXCEPT:

Homework does not build greater responsibility

Jordan has always had issues sitting still in the classroom, because he has trouble filtering out all of the extra noises and sights and paying attention to the teacher above all the stimuli. What disorder does Jordan likely have?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

When is autism frequently diagnosed?

When a child reaches school-age

The average day of third-grade students places them in what state, as described by Brofenbrenner's ecological systems model, for the majority of the time?

student state

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding learning difficulties?

They may change over time.

Ariela is a dancer and gymnast. Which theory of intelligence, Gardner's or Sternberg's would most fully capture the kind of intelligence Ariela displays, and what is this type of intelligence called?

Gardner; bodily-kinesthetic

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are frequently characterized by marked deficits in which of the following areas?

Reading social cues

Debbie, a 9-year-old has developed early, and older men make physical advances at her, expecting her to act as old as she looks. What are these older men doing to Debbie, mentally?

False self-training

The impact of divorce on children varies depending on a wide array of factors. Which of these short-term factors is among the strongest impacts on children of divorced parents?

Financial/ economic issues

According to Carol Gilligan, Kohlberg's theories were biased against women, based on all of the following observations, EXCEPT?

Men focus on logic, while women focus on caring for others and relationships

What aspects of intimacy are vital to children's friendships in middle childhood that weren't as salient in early childhood?

Emotional disclosure, trust, and vulnerability

Minor failures do not destroy a child's self-concept during middle childhood. Rather, learning from failure can give the child a healthy sense of what?


Chuck goes to a fairly small school, yet nobody seems to notice him, and most days he's alone. What category of child is Chuck?

Neglected child

Which of the following is not a long-term consequence of divorce on children?

Grief over losses suffered

Approximately how many girls have been sexually abused in their lifetime?

About 1 in 4 girls

Teachers using synonym exercises to teach new vocabulary are taking advantage of which heightened cognitive ability to associate new words with words the child already knows?


Megan evaluates several different problem-solving techniques when approaching a task. What thought process is she engaging in, as she selects which strategy she will use to perform her task?


A child answering the Heinz dilemma with a rationale that Heinz should not steal the medicine because it is against the law demonstrates what stage of Kohlberg's moral development theory?


Modesty and competence balance to give a child going through the Eriksonian phase of industry versus inferiority, granting them an overall accurate and realistic concept of what?


Which of these is most likely to trigger agitation in a person who has an autism spectrum disorder?

A change in a daily routine

Which of the following can improve a school's culture:


A combination of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and stimulants is commonly used as an effective treatment for which disorder?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

According to Gardner, a person who spends lots of time with plants and animals, learning their habitats and preserving ecological zones, most likely possesses a high level of which of the multiple intelligences?


Josh was diagnosed with learning difficulties and has been placed in a special needs program, but none of his friends are there, and he feels lonely and unintelligent. Which of Josh's needs is not being met?

social needs

Which of the following is a safe and healthy way for a parent to encourage an overweight child to lose weight?

encourage and support increased physical activity

Josie, a 7-year-old, begins playing soccer and her parents are impressed by how well she's doing. What major physical changes contribute to Josie's abilities?

Improved motor skills with decreased physical growth rate.

Autism disorders are most frequently diagnosed

when a child reaches school age

Matt is memorizing a poem for class. He sings the poem to a familiar tune in order to aid his memory encoding, as he tries to move the information from what type of memory, into long-term memory?

working memory

What is the approximate number of boys who have been sexually abused?

1 in 10

Davin's parents divorced a few years ago, and he's mostly adjusted to the change. What is one of the likely positive outcomes he will experience?

Greater emotional independence

Which of the following is NOT a reason boys tend to report sexual abuse less often than girls?

Boys are more likely to be abused by someone outside the family

These children are often targeted for bullying, as easy targets who do not fight back.

Withdrawn-rejected children

Jessa feels increasing social pressure to look like the other girls in her class, wearing the same brands of clothing as they do. She feels like she will fit in and be well-liked if she wears similar clothing, but she just doesn't like it, so she doesn't conform. What is this brand-name pressure influencing within Jessa?

Her self-concept

Contemporary research indicates that children of divorced parents are more ________ their peers with non-divorced parents.

Similar to than different from

What stage of Kohlberg's moral development theory do children in middle childhood usually occupy?


According to Erikson, a successful resolution of the crisis in middle childhood will lead a child to a sense of what?


How is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) typically treated?

It is treated with stimulants.

The average day of third-grade students places them in what state, as described by Brofenbrenner's ecological systems model, for the majority of the time?

Student state

Teaching children languages in middle childhood involves a different process than children in early childhood. Why might teaching children languages in middle childhood be successful?

Middle childhood is a good time to learn grammatical rules

In Kohlberg's moral reasoning test, what was his main question in the study?

Why people answered in the manner they did

What physical change allows children in middle childhood to engage in longer, sustained periods of strenuous play?

increased lung capacity

Information processing theory proposes three main levels of memory to compare human memory to computer processing Which of the following is NOT one of the components of memory introduced in information processing theory?

Flash memory

School-aged children are able to tell and appreciate jokes like "knock-knock" jokes and puns, thanks to what advancement in language?

Greater sophistication in vocabulary

Which of the following statements is representative of Piaget's stage concrete operational thought a child might perform in middle childhood?

The child is able to demonstrate an understanding of cause and effect, as well as size and distance.

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The Freudian concept of the ego is best described as a. operating on the reality principle. b. operating on the pleasure principle. c. focusing solely on the morality of an issue. d. the repression of disturbing thoughts. e. striving for perfection.

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Which of the following is true regarding the role of the amygdala in memory? a. The amygdala help process implicit memories. b. The amygdala support Freud’s ideas about memory because they allow us to repress memories of trauma. c. The amygdala produce long-term potentiation in the brain. d. The amygdala help make sure we remember events that trigger strong emotional responses. e. The amygdala are active when the retrieval of a long-term memory is primed.

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Which of the following is a major influence in a child's self

Impact of Relationships A major influence on children's self-esteem is the quality of their relationships with others who play an important role in their lives (e.g., parents and other family members, peers, coaches, teach- ers).

What happens to self

Age: Self-esteem tends to grow steadily until middle school when the transition of moving from the familiar environment of elementary school to a new setting confronts children with new demands. Self-esteem either continues to grow after this period or begins to decrease.

What is crucial during middle childhood?

Having independence from family becomes more important now. Events such as starting school bring children this age into regular contact with the larger world. Friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time.

Which of the following is true of the influence of peer groups in middle childhood?

Which of the following is true of peer groups in middle childhood? The amount of time spent playing with peers doubles in middle childhood as compared to preschool. Peer groups in middle childhood usually include children from multiple ethnic backgrounds, popularity levels, and genders.


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