Which of the following is an example of diversity in the workplace select all that apply?

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Diversity & Inclusion Quiz Cheat Sheet

Diversity & Inclusion Quiz Cheat Sheet

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Q: What is workplace diversity?

a) The differences people bring to their jobs based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, or professional background.
b) Promoting someone based on their beliefs.
c) Giving some people more chance to express themselves over others.

Answer: a)

Diversity in the workplace means that a company hires a wide range of diverse individuals. Diversity is often misconceived as solely multicultural matters, however it also applies to diversity of: gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, language, educational, background, and so on. But today, workplace diversity does not just extend to hiring diverse individuals, but also making sure that the participation of these employees is equal. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace has extended to ensuring that companies increase the participation, performance and compensation of minorities, not just symbolic hiring to ‘tick a box’. More importantly, companies have recognised the huge value that hiring a diverse range of individuals and
personalities can add for their business.

Q: Which of the following is NOT one of the protected characteristics?

a) Age
b) Disability
c) Hair Colour

Answer: c)

Hair colour is not a protected characteristic. There are 9 protected Characteristics in the Equality Act 2010. It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of:

● Age
● Disability
● Gender Reassignment
● Marriage and Civil Partnership
● Pregnancy and Maternity
● Race
● Religion or Belief
● Sex
● Sexual Orientation

These are called protected characteristics, protected under the Equality Act 2010.

Q: What is positive discrimination?

a) Being friendlier with certain employees over others?
b) Favouring a job candidate from an under-represented group over another candidate?
c) Selecting someone from a minority group for special privileges?

Answer: b)

Favouring a job candidate from an under-represented group over another candidate. Positive discrimination is treating one person more favourably than another because they have a protected characteristic. It is generally prohibited under the Equality Act 2010, unless an occupational requirement applies. For example, an employer recruiting a person because he or she has a relevant protected characteristic rather than because he or she is the best candidate would be committing discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. It is also unlawful to set quotas to recruit or promote a specific number of people with a particular protected characteristic. There are limited circumstances in which it is lawful to require a job applicant or worker to have a particular protected characteristic, for example where an occupational requirement applies. Like a womens’ refuge requiring all members of staff to be women.

Q: Which of these would be a potential barrier that could accidentally discriminate against certain employees?

a) Holding an event on a Monday morning.
b) Using a different office across the corridor.
c) Attending a business lunch with alcoholic drinks.

Answer: c)

Having alcohol could be creating a barrier for anyone who cannot drink because of religion, although it has been done accidentally it can make a group of people feel unwanted and not included.

Q: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of diversity?

a) Increases productivity.
b) Improves the quality of management.
c) Lowers wages.

Answer: c)

Lowers wages is not a benefit of diversity in the workplace. Some reasons for prioritising workplace diversity are:

● Innovation – teams made up with various backgrounds and work experiences collectively come up with more creative ideas and ways to solve problems.
● Talent Attraction – people tend to be drawn into companies that show they value diversity and inclusion. Less diverse environments can also be hostile for those who feel  they do not fit in. When people feel cared about, and see that their peers are cared about, they stay.
● Performance of your employees improves; this may be attributed to the fact that employees are more likely to feel comfortable, happy, and confident in themselves in an inclusive environment.
● Extending your market; a diverse workplace allows you to access this vast array of knowledge. Your organisation has an opportunity to effectively market to a larger group of customers.
● Increase in revenue, The Gartner study stated, highly inclusive organisations generate 2.3x more cash flow per employee, 1.4x more revenue, and are 120% more capable of meeting financial targets. Inclusivity = revenue.

Q: Which of the following is an example of a stereotype?

a) Not hiring people with certain skin colour because you have heard that they are careless.
b) Harassing someone so much that they cannot perform their job properly.
c) Assuming that anyone with non-white skin is an immigrant.

Answer: a)

Not hiring people with a certain skin colour because you have heard that they are careless. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the groups’ personality, preferences, or ability.

Q: A minority group…

a) Has equal power over their lives as the dominant group.
b) Has less control and power over their own lives than the majority group.
c) Has more control and power over their own lives than the majority group.

Answer: b)

A minority group are any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. A minority group is distinguished by five characteristics:

  • unequal treatment and less power over their lives
  • distinguishing physical or cultural traits like skin colour or language
  • involuntary membership in the group
  • awareness of subordination
  • high rate of in-group marriage

Additional examples of minority groups might include the LGBTQ+ community, religious practitioners whose faith is not widely practised where they live, and people with disabilities.

Q: A racial group is…

a) A group set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns.
b) A group that is socially set apart because of obvious physical differences.
c) A group that is socially set apart based on religious beliefs.

Answer: b)

Racial groups are populations of people based on their genealogy, skin colour and physical traits.

Q: Discrimination is…

a) The shared experience of a community.
b) Tolerance and understanding between cultures.
c) An action that denies the rights of a person because of their cultural identity.

Answer: c)

Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or differently. Discrimination is when a person is treated unfairly or badly because the person is one of a particular group. Discrimination against somebody based on race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability is illegal.

The 4 types of discrimination are:

● Direct
● Indirect
● Harassment
● Victimisation

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