Which of the following illustrates media influence through a two-step flow of communication?

What must take place before a message is likely to persuade?

According to Myers, advertisers for beverages and clothing tend to adopt marketing strategies that use the ________ route to persuasion

When an initially discounted message becomes effective, a delayed impact of the message occurs. This is called the _____ effect

Researchers have found that trustworthiness is HIGHER/LOWER if the audience believes the communicator is NOT trying to persuade them

Miller and his colleagues (1976) reported a _____ relationship between trustworthiness and the rate at which people speak

Fear arousing messages are most effective when they

Offer a protective strategy

Studies have shown that if people are aware of opposing arguments, a _____ presentation is more persuasive and enduring

When Asch (1946) presented students with a description of someone as "intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and envious," they rated the person _____ than if the opposite order of adjectives was presented

What illustrates media influence through a two-step flow of communication?

A man buys a new laundry detergent after having it recommended by a friend, who had read that it was both effective and environmentally safe in a consumer magazine article

Exposing people to weak attacks on their attitudes, which then stimulates thinking in support of the initial attitude is known as

According to social psychologists, a group exists when two or more people interact with and influence each other, and 

Also perceive themselves as "us"

Consistent with the social facilitation effect, Michaels and his colleagues (1982) found that when good pool players were observed they did _____ than when they didn't know they were being observed

The concern for how others are evaluating us is called

Ingham (1974) found that when blindfolded participants thought they were pulling a tug of war with other participants, they ______ than when they thought they were pulling along

Sam has a tendency to contribute little effort to group assignments, as he thinks others will be sure to pick up the slack in an effort to get a good grade. This is an example of:

The best way to improve individual performance by a group is to

Evaluate each person individually

People in groups will loaf less when the

Task is challenging, appealing, or involving

According to your text, people in _____ cultures exhibit less social loafing than people in ______ cultures

Collectivistic; individualistic

The correlation between group size and the probability of deindividuation occurring is

Zimbardo reported that the anonymity of Internet chat rooms, newsgroups, and list serves seems to foster more hostile behavior than is observed in face to face interactions. This is an example of how ________ contribute(s) to deindividuation

Based on research cited in the text, who is most likely to honk aggressively at someone stopped at a green light

The driver of a convertible with the top up

A looting mob is a good example of

Students who join extracurricular groups on campus tend to find their attitudes regarding the groups' purpose increase if they stay in the group. This is an example of:

Consistent with what is known about group polarization, Schkade and Sunstein (2003) found that on federal appellate court cases, a Republican judge sitting with 2 other Republican judges voted ________ than when sitting with one Democratic judge

What are three explanations for group polarization?

  1. Informational influence
  2. Normative influence
  3. Desire to be accepted

Maggie favors the death penalty. In discussing this issue with some like-minded classmates, she hears arguments for this position that she has never considered before. After the discussion, her opinion is more extreme. This outcome is best explained by:

Informational influence processes

What are three things needed for group think?

  • Group cohesiveness
  • Isolation of the group from dissenting views
  • A directive leader who signals what they favor

Research on brainstorming reveals that people working ______ will generate ______ good ideas

Research on leadership indicates that 

Effective supervisors tend to score high on both task and social leadership

People who benefit from the group but give little in return are called:

Sally has a crush on Billy but is afraid to ask him out because she does not think he is interested in her. Billy has a crush on Sally but hasn't asked for her phone number because he thinks she'll say "no." This is a case of:

A person who is able to motivate others to identify with and commit themselves to the group's mission would best be described as a:

Which class are you MOST likely to enjoy

A class of 40 people in a room that holds 45

According to research on deindividuation and self-awareness, what should people who want to lose weight put on their refrigerator?

Realistic Group Conflict Theory

When groups compete for scarce resources

What is the effect of a fear arousing communication group of answer choices?

According to dual‐process theories fear arousal can have two effects: they can act as a motivator to induce recipients to engage in intensive message processing, and they can induce defense motivation that leads to biased message processing.

Which of the following is one of the four major factors studied by psychologists in research on effective persuasion?

The persuasion includes four basic elements—source, receiver, message and channel.

Which route to persuasion is most likely to create long lasting attitudes and behavioral changes?

An individual must have both motivation and the ability to pay attention in order to take the central route to persuasion, which typically results in a long-lasting change in attitude.

Which of the following is an example of a gain framed message?

Gain and Loss Framing Example A gain-framed message would be “Prevent skin cancer by using sun screen.” In contrast, because the outcome is not clear of screening mammographies, you would use a loss-framed message. The behavior is risky and the outcome is uncertain, since breast cancer may or may not be detected.


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