Which of the following group of people are regarded as the interest groups towards social responsibility of business *?

While there are almost as many definitions out there as there are people trying to define it, in its simplest terms community engagement seeks to better engage the community to achieve long-term and sustainable outcomes, processes, relationships, discourse, decision-making, or implementation.

To be successful, it must encompass strategies and processes that are sensitive to the community-context in which it occurs.

Source: Australian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment

Engagement is not generally driven by a 'model' so much as by a framework of guiding principles, strategies, and approaches. This framework is based on principles that respect the right of all community members to be informed, consulted, involved and empowered. Community engagement employs and range of tools and strategies to ensure success. It also places a premium on fostering and enhancing trust as a critical element in long-term, sustainable engagement and effective governance.

The word 'community' is also a broad term used to define groups of people, whether they are stakeholders, interest groups, or citizen groups. A community may be a geographic location (community of place), a community of similar interest (community of practice), or a community of affiliation or identity such as industry or sporting club. (Adapted from: Department of Environment and Primary Industries )

Community Engagement is…the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that will improve the health of the community and its members It often involves partnerships and coalitions that help mobilize resources and influence systems, change relationships among partners, and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices (CDC, 1997).

'Community engagement' is therefore a strategic process with the specific purpose of working with identified groups of people, whether they are connected by geographic location, special interest, or affiliation to identify and address issues affecting their well-being.

The linking of the term 'community' to 'engagement' serves to broaden the scope, shifting the focus from the individual to the collective, with the associated implications for inclusiveness to ensure consideration is made of the diversity that exists within any community.

In practice, community engagement is a blend of science and art. The science comes from sociology, public policy, political science, cultural anthropology, organizational development, psychology, social- psychology and other disciplines. It also comes from organizing concepts drawn from the literature on community participation, community development, constituency building, and community psychology. The art comes from the understanding, skill, and sensitivity used to apply and adapt the science in ways that fit the community and the purposes of specific engagement efforts. The results of these efforts may be defined differently and can encompass a broad range of structures (e.g., coalitions, partnerships, collaborations), but they all fall under the general rubric of community engagement and are treated similarly in this in our discussions (Adapted from ATSDR, 2011)

Community engagement can be complex and labor-intensive and require dedicated resources such as time, funding, and people with the necessary skills. Citizens and leaders in communities across the United States, and indeed in many parts of the world, are struggling to make the right choices for the communities and issues they address. Building and implementing effective strategies requires a solid grounding in the best tools, techniques, and information available.


"Principles of Community Engagement: First Edition." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC/ATSDR Committee on Community Engagement, 1997.

"Principles of Community Engagement: Second Edition." Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), 2011.

Until fairly recently, most large businesses were driven almost exclusively with a single goal in mind: profit. Maximizing profits was at the heart of every action taken or initiative pursued.

In the past few decades, however, more business leaders have recognized that they have a responsibility to do more than simply maximize profits for shareholders and executives. Rather, they have a social responsibility to do what’s best not just for their companies, but people, the planet, and society at large.

This realization has led to the emergence of companies that identify as socially responsible. Some even carry designations or seals, such as B Corporations (B Corps), social purpose corporations (SPCs), and low-profit limited liability companies (L3Cs).

But what is corporate social responsibility, and what are the different forms it can take?

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What Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the idea that a business has a responsibility to the society that exists around it, according to the online course Sustainable Business Strategy.

Firms that embrace corporate social responsibility are typically organized in a manner that empowers them to be and act in a socially responsible way. It’s a form of self-regulation that can be expressed in initiatives or strategies, depending on an organization’s goals.

Exactly what “socially responsible” means varies from organization to organization. Firms are often guided by a concept known as the triple bottom line, which dictates that a business should be committed to measuring its social and environmental impact, along with its profits. The adage “profit, people, planet” is often used to summarize the driving force behind the triple bottom line.

Check out our video on corporate social responsibility below, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content!

Types of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is traditionally broken into four categories: environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility.

1. Environmental Responsibility

Environmental responsibility refers to the belief that organizations should behave in as environmentally friendly a way as possible. It’s one of the most common forms of corporate social responsibility. Some companies use the term “environmental stewardship” to refer to such initiatives.

Companies that seek to embrace environmental responsibility can do so in several ways:

  • Reducing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, the use of single-use plastics, water consumption, and general waste
  • Increasing reliance on renewable energy, sustainable resources, and recycled or partially recycled materials
  • Offsetting negative environmental impact; for example, by planting trees, funding research, and donating to related causes

2. Ethical Responsibility

Ethical responsibility is concerned with ensuring an organization is operating in a fair and ethical manner. Organizations that embrace ethical responsibility aim to achieve fair treatment of all stakeholders, including leadership, investors, employees, suppliers, and customers.

Firms can embrace ethical responsibility in different ways. For example, a business might set its own, higher minimum wage if the one mandated by the state or federal government doesn’t constitute a “livable wage.” Likewise, a business might require that products, ingredients, materials, or components be sourced according to free trade standards. In this regard, many firms have processes to ensure they’re not purchasing products resulting from slavery or child labor.

3. Philanthropic Responsibility

Philanthropic responsibility refers to a business’s aim to actively make the world and society a better place.

In addition to acting as ethically and environmentally friendly as possible, organizations driven by philanthropic responsibility often dedicate a portion of their earnings. While many firms donate to charities and nonprofits that align with their guiding missions, others donate to worthy causes that don’t directly relate to their business. Others go so far as to create their own charitable trust or organization to give back.

4. Economic Responsibility

Economic responsibility is the practice of a firm backing all of its financial decisions in its commitment to do good in the areas listed above. The end goal is not to simply maximize profits, but positively impact the environment, people, and society.

Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

Most firms are driven to embrace corporate social responsibility due to moral convictions, and doing so can bring several benefits.

Corporate social responsibility initiatives can, for example, be a powerful marketing tool, helping a company position itself favorably in the eyes of consumers, investors, and regulators. CSR initiatives can also improve employee engagement and satisfaction—key measures that drive retention. Such initiatives can even attract potential employees who carry strong personal convictions that match those of the organization.

Finally, corporate social responsibility initiatives, by their nature, force business leaders to examine practices related to how they hire and manage employees, source products or components, and deliver value to customers.

This reflection can often lead to innovative and groundbreaking solutions that help a company act in a more socially responsible way and increase profits. Reconceptualizing the manufacturing process so that a company consumes less energy and produces less waste, for example, allows it to become more environmentally friendly while reducing its energy and materials costs—value that can be reclaimed and shared with both suppliers and customers.

Are you interested in learning how to lead your organization toward positive change? Explore Sustainable Business Strategy—one of our online courses related to business in society—and discover how you can become a purpose-driven leader. Not sure which course is the right fit? Download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

Which of the following group of people are regarded as the interested group towards social responsibility of business?

The business generally interacts with owners, investors, employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, government and society. They are called as interest groups because by each and every activity of business, the interest of these groups is affected directly or indirectly.

What are the social responsibility of business towards different interest groups?

The following are the responsibilities of businesses towards their owners:.
To run the business efficiently..
To allocate and utilize capital and resources..
To ensure appreciation and growth of capital..
To provide a fair and regular return on capital invested..

What are the 4 types of social responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility is traditionally broken into four categories: environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility.

What are the social responsibilities of a business?

What is Social Responsibility?.
Justification for existence and growth..
The long-term interest of the firm..
Avoidance of government regulation..
Maintenance of society..
Availability of resources with business..
Converting problems into opportunities..
A better environment for doing business..


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