Which of the following distinguishes agriculture in nonindustrial states from egalitarian societies?

Typologies, such as Yehudi Cohen's adaptive strategies, are useful tools of analysis because

a. they prove that there are casual relationships between economic and cultural variables.

b. they suggest correlations - that is, association or covariation between two or more variables, such as economic and cultural variables.

c. they suggest that economic systems are a better way of categorizing societies than elying on cultural patterns.

d. they have strong predictive powers when used in computer models.

e. they have become common language among all anthropologists.

b. they suggest correlations - that is, association or covariation between two or more variables, such as economic and cultural variables.

Which of the following statements about foraging societies is not true?

a. foraging societies are characterized by large-scale farming

b. all foraging societies depend to some extent on government assistance

c. all modern foraging societies have contact with other, nonforaging societies

d. many foragers have easily incorporated modern technology, such as rifles and snowmobiles, into their subsistence activities

e. all modern foragers live in nation-states

a. foraging societies are characterized by large-scale farming

Which of the following is associated with horticultural systems of cultivation?

a. intensive use of land and human labor

b. use of irrigation and terracing

c. use of draft animals

d. periodic cycles of cultivation and fallowing

e. location in arid areas

d. periodic cycles of cultivation and fallowing

Which of the following statements about horticulture is true?

a. it typically supports life in cities

b. it usually leads to the destruction of the soil through overuse

c. it can support permanent villages

d. it requires more labor that agriculture

e. it is usually associated with state-level societies

c. it can support permanent villages

Which of the following is the key factor that distinguishes agriculturists from horticulturists? Agriculturalists

a. clear a tract of land they wish to use by cutting down trees and setting fire to the grass

b. use their land intensively and continuously

c. generally have much more leisure time at their disposal than do foragers

d. must be nomadic to take full advantage of their land

e. subsist on more nutritious diet than do horticulturists

b. use their land intensively and continuously

Which of the following is not one of the basic economic types found in nonindustrial societies?

a. foraging

b. agriculture

c. horticulture

d. hydroponics

e. pastoralism

Which of the following is found in all adaptive strategies?

a. transhumance

b. a division of labor based on gender

c. an emphasis on elaborate technology

d. domestication of animals for food

e. a strong positive correlation between the importance of kinship and complexity of subsistence technology

b. a division of labor based on gender

Economic alienation in industrial societies comes about as a result of

a. separation from the product of one's labor

b. loss of land

c. a subculture of poverty

d. negative reciprocity

e. discontent due to low pay

a. separation from the product of one's labor

Which of the following statements about generalized reciprocity is true?

a. it is characterized by the immediate return of the object exchanged

b. it usually develops after redistribution but before the market principle

c. it is the characteristic form of exchange in egalitarian societies

d. it disappears with the origin of the state

e. it is exemplified by silent trade

c. it is the characteristic form of exchange in egalitarian societies

Which of the following inhibits stratification?

a. class endogamy

b. caste notions of purity and pollution

c. monopoly on the legitimate use of force

d. ceremonial redistribution of material goods

e. control over ideology by elites

d. ceremonial redistribution of material goods

In the nonindustrial societies, a _____ mode of production prevails.

The way a society's social relations are organized to produce the labor necessary for generating the society's subsistence and energy needs is known as the _____. _____ refer to society's major productive resources, such as land, labor, technology, and capital.

mode of production, Means of production

Economists tend to assume that producers and distributors make decisions rationally by using the _____ motive. Anthropologists, however, know that this motive is not universal.

When a farmer gives 20 percent of his crop to his landlord, he is contributing to his _____ fund.

The _____ is a festive event within a regional exchange system among the tribes of the North Pacific coast of North America. _____ anthropologists interpret this event as a cultural adaptation to alternating periods of local abundance and shortage, rejecting the belief that it illustrates economically wasteful and irrational behavior.

What is the country of Côte d'Ivoire best known for quizlet?

What is the country of Côte d'Ivoire best known for? Seven million Cote d'ivoiriens earn their living in the cocoa industry.

Which factors are associated with the beginnings of social differentiation among horticulturalists?

Horticultural societies exhibit the beginnings of social differentiation..
a high degree of craft specialization, complex political organization, and large differences in wealth and power..
intensive agriculturalists work longer hours than horticulturalists..

How does the author described the Chinese immigrants who enter the United States through New York as restaurant workers?

How does the author describe the Chinese immigrants who enter the United States through New York as restaurant workers? They frequently suffer physical and emotional stress as underpaid employees working long hours.

Why did some critics question the economic development strategies used by Western nations after World War II to address structural imbalances in the global economy?

Why did some critics question the economic development strategies used by Western Nations after the World War 2 to address structural imbalances in the global economy? Former colonies did not experience the expected levels of growth.


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