Which of the following best summarizes the difference between ethical and unethical persuasion?

Deontology is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. Deontology is often associated with philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant believed that ethical actions follow universal moral laws, such as “Don’t lie.  Don’t steal.  Don’t cheat.”

Deontology is simple to apply. It just requires that people follow the rules and do their duty. This approach tends to fit well with our natural intuition about what is or isn’t ethical.

Unlike consequentialism, which judges actions by their results, deontology doesn’t require weighing the costs and benefits of a situation. This avoids subjectivity and uncertainty because you only have to follow set rules.

Despite its strengths, rigidly following deontology can produce results that many people find unacceptable. For example, suppose you’re a software engineer and learn that a nuclear missile is about to launch that might start a war. You can hack the network and cancel the launch, but it’s against your professional code of ethics to break into any software system without permission. And, it’s a form of lying and cheating. Deontology advises not to violate this rule. However, in letting the missile launch, thousands of people will die.

So, following the rules makes deontology easy to apply. But it also means disregarding the possible consequences of our actions when determining what is right and what is wrong.

Advantages of small groups

- small groups usually have a higher quality decision making than individuals

- social facilitation occurs when individuals in the group work harder and achieve more

- small groups promote critical thinking which leads to improved decision making

Which of the following best describes a culture?

The language, values, beliefs, and traditions shared and learned by a group of people

Credible source support in a speech helps the speaker establish which of the following persuasive appeals?

Which of the following statements about communication competence is true?

We learn communication competence from our successes and failures.

Give an example and the definition of a Statement of Policy.

Statement of Policy presents a specific action or Policy.

Tobacco companies should be heavily taxed.

Katie was awakened by her roommate at 4:00 a.m. on a day when she had planned to sleep in until 9:00 a.m. Katie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" This is an example of using_______________.

It is defined by focus, concentration, and compassion and it can bring health, peace, and productivity to our everyday lives. Mindful listening focuses on the process of listening versus the payoff.

The means through which a message is conveyed.

A group's collective striving for unanimity that discourages realistic appraisals of alternatives to its chosen decision is called _________

When Crystal refused to listen to her instructor regarding a poor grade she was engaged in therapeutic listening.

Which of the following is NOT one of the common perceptual errors that can influence human communication?

None all of the above are common perceptual errors.

The tendency to give one's self more credit than is due when good things happen and to accept too little responsibility for those things that go wrong

Receiving a message then interpreting its meaning.

The process of selection, organization, and interpretation of the information you collect through your senses; what you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch.

An effective informative speech creates _________________ in that it provides reasons for your audience to want to listen and learn from your speech.

In a culture that values chronemics, which of the following would be unacceptable?

Being late to a job interview

Which of the following channels has the most "richness" as defined by social scientists as the abundance of nonverbal clues that add clarity to a verbal message?

Face-to-face conversation

The person you believe yourself to be in private moments of honest self-examination is your___________.

Colt belongs to an organization on campus designed to help people meet each other and find common interests. One of the common interest groups plays board games. When he arrived at the meeting on Friday night, he found that he was the only person there who had ever played the games Magic the Gathering and Ticket to Ride. When the group had to decide which game to play, they turned to Colt to make the decision for them. Which type of decision making approach was the group using?

Jeff always sits in a seat next to the window in Communication's class. One day, Jake sits in that seat. Jeff gets upset with Jake for taking the seat that he normally sits in. Which nonverbal concept does this situation describe?

A salesperson lying about the effectiveness of his product would be an example of which of the following?

Rate, tone, volume, pitch of voice

The rules that govern word order.

Language reveals a speaker's willingness to accept responsibility for a message. Which of the following types of statements indicates the most responsibility?

Verbal and nonverbal messages that send conflicting messages. When using sarcasm, people intentionally combine a positive verbal message (I like your new hairstyle) with a contradictory or negative nonverbal message (hostile tone).

Matthew very rarely attended class. When he was there, he sat in the back row with his head down on his desk. He didn't ask any questions nor did he ever contact the instructor during her office hours. Yet, during the last week of school, Matthew approached the instructor to say, "I don't know why I am doing poorly in your class; I'm trying very, very hard to be successful." Which nonverbal function of communication does Matthew's previous behavior all semester demonstrates contradicting behavior.

Contradicting function of communicating

In a conversation with himself, Michael says, "I think, therefore I am." What type of communication is Michael engaged in during this conversation?

Intrapersonal communication

English is your weakest subject. On the first day of English 101 you tell the student next to you, "I bet I'll get a D in this course." At the end of the semester you get a D. This result could be an example of ___.

A person's self-concept is a set of ____________.

Relatively stable perceptions of his/her self

Reagen needs to communicate with her professor about a bad grade she recently received on a test. She's not looking forward to this communication and knows that it might be rather unpleasant. She worries about it and decides just to write an email to the professor instead of going in to actually talk to the person face-to-face. This was a bad choice as the ____________ that Reagen chose is not the best means by which to communicate sensitive, emotional information.

When Joe's classmate Cheyanne didn't say anything to her in class, Joe presumed that Cheyanne was conceited. This is an example of:

Individuals who gain identity from their interdependence with other group members likely live in________.

United States students, in general, tend to dislike group work. They don't like having to coordinate schedules; they don't like having their academic fate tied to the actions of other students; they don't like everyone to receive the same grade on a group project; they are concerned about everyone "carrying his/her own weight." All of these concerns reflect the fact that the United States is a(n) ____________________.

_____________ means you feel compassion for another person while_______ means you have a personal sense of what it feels like to be in that person's shoes.

A spatical organizational pattern tends to organize a speech from beginning to end in chronological order

Which model reflects the fact that we usually send and receive messages simultaneously?

Ogden and Richard's Triangle of Meaning illustrates the fact that:

There is only an indirect relationship between a word and the thing it claims to represent.

An infomercial lying about the effectiveness of the product would be an example of which of the following?

Based on the information regarding individualistic vs. collectivistic cultures, as well as your lifetime experience as a student, which of the following accurately describes the cultural approach of United States students (and, US residents in general, for that matter).

Lacey is a Hispanic student who is attending Texas A&M in College Station,Texas where she was born and raised. She is President of the campus club Latino Unidos which promotes Hispanic culture. Many of her friends share the same cultural norms. Lacey's sense of belonging to the Hispanic culture, while also feeling connected to the encompassing culture of Texas where she grew up, is an example of______________.

Referring to "congressmen" as "congress people;" and "policemen" as "police officers;" in an effort to exert a strong influence on perception is an indication of:

When you use communication strategies to influences individuals' perceptions of you, you are engaging in _______.

One characteristic of human communication is that it is symbolic. In this symbolic communication meanings are located in __________.

A(n) ___________________________fallacy mistakenly assumes that one event causes another because they occur sequentially.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Compared to verbal communication, nonverbal communication has __________.

The tendency of American students to call their professors by the professors' first names (and the tendency for American professors to accept, even encourage, this practice) in comparison to Chinese society, speaks to our different cultural understanding of _____________________.

Steve received an e-mail from his friend, Lindsay, about a party she is throwing later this month. In the e-mail, Lindsay writes, "YOU BETTER BE THERE!" Steve is unsure if Lindsay is mad at him or if she's just trying to be funny. Steve is having troubled interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks __________.

You are the creative director for a successful talent agency. An important client has requested that your agency come up with a new commercial for one of their most popular products. Account services wants to be able to present this campaign to the client in two days. This has the potential to be an incredibly stressful project. Which type of leadership style might be most effective if you want to complete the project by the deadline?

Developing an image of ourselves from the way we think others view us is known as _________.

Which of the following best summarizes the difference between ethical and unethical persuasion?

Ethical persuasion does not intentionally mislead or lie to the audience for personal gain, while unethical persuasion misleads or lies to the audience for personal gain.

When we are searching for words to express an idea, we are involved in the process of____________

For the final group project, Tony's group felt like the solution was obvious and they agreed right away without discussing any other solutions. In this case, the group was experiencing....

A speech that analyzes the number of babies born each year with birth defects and then suggests that this could be addressed by increasing the folic acid taken by expectant mothers uses what persuasive speech structure?

Donald Trump always sits in a seat next to the window in French class. One day, Hillary Clinton sits in that seat. Donald gets upset with Hillary for taking the seat that he normally sits in. Which nonverbal concept does this situation describe?

Which of the following types of words gain their meanings by comparison?

Arbitrary elements used to represent things, processes, ideas, or events in ways that make communication possible are called______.

Teams share the same qualities as groups, but they take group work to a higher level.

Competent communication requires that individuals __________.

Show an expanded range of responses

The ability to construct a variety of frameworks for viewing an issue is known as _________.

Brad and Angelina are having an argument. During the course of the argument, Angelina reveals that she is upset with Brad because he spends too much time at work and not enough time with her. She says she feels abandoned and lonely and needs support. Brad tries to reassure Angelina, but nothing he says seems to make a difference. What would be the most appropriate course of action for Brad to take at this moment?

Express empathy for Angelina

Hidden agendas tend to create conflict when individual motives do not correspond with the group goals.

You have sensitive information that you want to remain private. The safest medium for transmitting this information would be __________.

The abstraction ladder is a range of more-to-less abstract terms describing an event or object.

One difference between rules and norms in a group is that rules are explicit and norms are unstated.

A culture where men and women share equal responsibility for household chores would most likely be considered_______________.

A group could be defined as a crowd of onlookers watching a Walking Dead scene being shot.

In most cases groups have more resources, can produce more solutions to a problem, are more accurate, generate higher commitment, and encourage more diversity than individuals working alone.

Saying that someone "passed away" instead of saying that s/he "died" is an example of a(n):

Meanings are in ______________, not in words.

Which of the following describes the degree of congruence between what a listener understands and what the sender was attempting to communicate?

Sara used critical listening style when she made sure to listen to her boss's instructions to gain information about the project she was completing.

Demi and Aston went on a date. During dinner, Demi consistently made eye contact with Ashton and nodded her head as he was talking. However, instead of focusing exclusively on Ashton, Demi was thinking about the game she was missing. Which type of faulty listening behavior was Demi exhibiting?

You are at a noisy soccer game. Suddenly you hear your name mentioned in the group of people near the refreshment stand. Which step of the listening process best describes what occurred in this situation?

Jason had received some upsetting news just before beginning his shift as a waiter. All evening long, Jason was taking people's orders incorrectly. He was also having trouble listening to his manager's direction. Which reason best explains Jason's poor work performance?

He was having a problem with psychological noise.

The lack of richness in computer mediated communication can be beneficial in managing impressions others have of us.

Which of the following involves the use of silence and statements of encouragement to bring about a response from another person?

Saying to someone who is giving you directions, "You're telling me to drive down to the traffic light by the high school and turn toward the mountains, right?" is an example of:

Kim Kardashian is having problems in her marriage and decided to talk with her sister Khloe. Khloe listens and then offers some advice about how Kim might be able to improve her marriage. Khloe is engaging in____________.

You turn the topic of conversation toward yourself rather than show interest in the other person. You are being a(n) __________.

Kourtney and Scott make plans to have a quiet weekend in their apartment. Promptly at 9 p.m. Friday night, Kourtney's mom arrives for a surprise weekend visit. Startled, Kourtney stares at her mom and says in a monotone, "Hi, it's sure great to see you." Which function of nonverbal communication is Kourtney likely using?

When your significant other holds your hand during a concert, what type of nonverbal communication is being used?

People most often occupy the __________________ distance zone when dealing with friends.

_________ is a method for creatively generating ideas in groups by minimizing criticism and encouraging a large quantity of ideas without regard to their workability or ownership by individual members.

The study of body movement, gesture and posture is called kinesics.

Cohesiveness always increases the productivity of a group.

Agreement between group members about a decision is called _________.

Competence is the audience's perception of two factors, enthusiasm and likeability.

CSI values things like birthday and retirement celebrations, days off to do community service, and workspaces overflowing with personal pictures and mementos. Other schools like University of Idaho choose to draw strict lines between work and personal lives preferring to keep families and personal celebrations outside of the workplace. In either case, these items make up the schools ______________.

One of the benefits of working in groups is the time needed for the decision making process.

High context cultures are cultures that avoid direct use of language; meaning is conveyed through context more than words.

In the six-step problem-solving procedure, ___________is the critical stage where group members often experience fatigue, but must remain vigilant to determine the best course of action.

Evaluate Possible Solutions

Brittany had a question in class and so she used nonverbal communication as a(n) ______ by raising her hand to signal she wanted to speak.

Which of the following needs to be present for a collection of people to be considered a group?

The _________ fallacy is used by a speaker who attempts to weaken an opponent's argument by attacking the person's integrity.

A persuasive speaker's ____________________ is the group (perhaps within a larger audience) that a speaker must persuade in order to reach his/her goal.

Which types of norms govern how members get the job done?

"Deserter," "Dominator," "Recognition Seeker," and Aggressor" are all examples of ____________.

The totality of forces that causes members to feel themselves part of a group and makes them want to remain in that group is called

When Shanna threatens her daughter with grounding if she doesn't clean up her room, this would be an example of coercion.

Power that comes from respect, liking, and trust is known as _________.

Emergent leaders _________.

Are chosen through a process of elimination

Which of the following behaviors is an example of a manipulator?

Picking at your fingernails

A line chart is best to use when showing a trend.

Cultures that emphasize punctuality, schedules, and completing one task at a time are said to be ________.

When group members take strong positions and defend them against those who oppose their viewpoints, they are in the _________ stage.

A group's collective striving for unanimity that discourages realistic appraisals of alternatives to its chosen decision is called _________.

Social judgment theory suggests that the best chance of changing an audience's position on any given issue would be to present a position that falls somewhere in the audience's ___________.

Latitude of non-commitment

Christy felt strongly about a current legislative issue, so she used her critical listening skills to assess the viability of the speaker's message regarding the issue.

Many professors suggest that your _________ should have just enough information listed to jog your memory but not enough to get lost in.

Western cultures view talk as desirable and generally consider silence to be negative.

_______ is the audience's perception of two factors: enthusiasm and likeability.

The semantics of a word refers to its dictionary definition.

Linear communication models include the concept of feedback.

Which of the following terms do social scientists use to describe the multiple nonverbal cues that add clarity to a verbal message?

According to most structured problem-solving approaches developed in the last century, which of the following steps should be the first task of a problem-solving group?

Determine the group's goals

Which of the following exemplifies an effective purpose statement?

After my speech, my audience will be able to recognize three health benefits of yoga.

Which of the following options is considered to be the ideal number of subpoints for each main point in an outline?

An informative specific-purpose statement will usually be worded to stress ___________________.

Even though he is terrible at soccer, Taylor believes that his parents think he is a good soccer player. So, Taylor joins the soccer team. Using your understanding of reflected appraisal, decide which of the following best explains Taylor's reason for joining the soccer team.

Taylor actually saw himself as being a good soccer player.

Lexi received some upsetting news just before beginning her shift as a waitress. All evening long, Lexi was taking people's orders incorrectly. She was also having trouble listening to her manager's direction. Which reason best explains Lexi's poor work performance?

She was having a problem with psychological noise.

What is the most common spacing for two people who work together in an office but who do not know each other well?

Which of the following would be considered a group?

A 6 person committee developing a policy initiative

"Citizens should have the option to vote online from the comfort of their own homes" is an example of which of the following?

Abby, who was born and raised in Idaho, was excited to meet her boyfriend, Claus, who was born and raised in Germany. Claus's flight was to arrive in Los Angeles and neither Abby nor Claus had been to Los Angeles previously and so there was a lot of excitement about meeting up in a new city. However, things quickly became difficult when Claus wanted specific details of where they were going to eat and sleep, what they would do, and other specific details regarding the trip. Abby, on the other hand, looked at the whole experience as an adventure that didn't need to be planned with so much rigidity and became bothered by his request for a detailed itinerary of the trip. One cultural difference that likely explains their differing approaches to the upcoming trip is:

When a group lacks the information necessary to make an effective decision, they are suffering from:

Disinhibition is more likely to occur in mediated channels of communication than in face-to-face communication.

Which of the following best summarizes the differences between ethical and unethical persuasion?

Which of the following best summarizes the difference between ethical and unethical persuasion? Ethical persuasion is communication guided by the best interests of the audience that does not intentionally mislead or lie, while unethical persuasion misleads or lies to the audience for personal gain.

Which of the following is an unethical practice in persuasive speaking?

Which of the following is an unethical practice in persuasive speaking? Persuading someone for your own benefit.

What is the difference between informative and persuasive speech quizlet?

What distinguishes informative speaking from persuasive speaking? Informative involves teaching your audience something new. Persuasive involves convincing your listeners to change their viewpoint.

Which of the following best demonstrates the difference between a proposition of value?

Which of the following best demonstrates the difference between a proposition of value and a proposition of policy? a. Propositions of policy go one step beyond propositions of value and explore the worth of an idea, person, or object.


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