Which of the following accurately state a reason to characterize Beowulf as an epic

Beowulf introduces the reader to the life of a thegn. Which of the following best describes the role of the thegn?


Between which movements do historians situate literature in the Middle Ages?


How does The Cross, as speaker, portray Jesus in The Dream of the Rood?


In Beowulf, what does the representation of Hrothgar suggest about rulers?


In Beowulf, what is the significance of the term whale-road?


In Beowulf, what is the significance of the term wyrd?


In Beowulf, what is the significance of wergild?


In Caedmon's Hymn, the poet borrows the language of which literary form?


In The Wanderer, what is the speaker's primary conflict?


King Alfred was associated with which of the following events?


Pride in one's accomplishments was important to the Anglo-Saxon thegn. If so, why does Hrothgar say in Beowulf: do not give way to pride?


The Battle of Maldon describes which historical event?


What is problematic about calling Beowulf part of Old English literature?


What is the primary focus of Bede's Ecclesiastical History?


What is the significance of Sutton Hoo?


What is the significance of the dreamer in The Dream of the Rood?


What is the significance of the line: Fate is established! in The Wanderer?


What literary term is suggested by the quote steadfast companions will stand by him from Beowulf?


What was the primary function of The Rule of Saint Benedict?


Which of the following accurately describes the way in which the comitatus ethic is represented in Beowulf, The Seafarer, and The Wanderer?


Which of the following best defines caesura?


Which of the following best defines wergild?


Which of the following best describes how Bede was a typical Christian of his time?


Which of the following epic themes are invoked in The Wanderer?


Which of the following factors helped create a solidified British political identity?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Old English?


Which of the following is not related to the term medievalism?


Which of the following provides an example of the oral-formulaic tradition?


Which of the following statements best characterizes the work of early monks in shaping future medieval church life?


Which of the following statements regarding the success and importance of the oral tradition of literature is true?


Which of the following texts provides the best example of the comitatus ethic?


Which text is an example of a poem structured as a vision to convey the theme of salvation?


Why is Caedmon's Hymn important in the history of Old English literature?


Why is the concept of feudalism important in medieval literature?


Why is the presence of the comitatus ethic in Beowulf significant?


Arthur, the good King of Britain...held a rich and royal court.


Despite the fact that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle continued well into the Norman rule of the 12th century, which king originally commissioned this work?


How did French become the dominant language of England?


How did the interaction between the English and the Bretons affect literature?


How did the Norman Conquest affect the international political situation in England?


How did the Normans revolutionize English poetry?


How do the themes of Marie de France's Lanval and Chretien de Troyes Yvain compare?


How is the lai similar to a medieval romance?


In Acrene Wisse, the mission of the anchorite was justified through what purpose?


In Acrene Wisse, what is the author's advice regarding priests?


In Lanval, how does Marie de France represent King Arthur?


In the first decades after the Norman Conquest, which of the following best describes the use of language in England?


In Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion, what is the significance of trouthe?


The adventure of another lay/Just as it happened, I'll relay.


What is the primary purpose of Chetien de Troye's medieval romances?


What is the significance of the phrase protecting the heart from Acrene Wisse?


What is the verse form of Marie de France's Lanval?


What was historically significant about Chretien de Troyes Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion?


What was the focus of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae?


What was the function of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?


Which of the following advice is offered to women in Acrene Wisse?


Which of the following are characteristics of a medieval romance?


Which of the following best defines Middle English?


Which of the following characteristics are not essential to knightly chivalry as described by Chretien de Troyes?


Which of the following cultural changes occurred as a result of the Norman invasion?


Which of the following is not a major category of the romance genre?


Which of the following is not a theme in Chretien de Troyes Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion?


Which of the following is not an example of a lai?


Which of the following is not an example of Arthurian legend?


Which of the following most accurately explains the Bretons influence on medieval literature?


Which of the following texts was inspired by Historia Regum Britanniae?


Which of the following would most likely be the theme of a medieval romance?


Why was Acrene Wisse written in the vernacular language?


Chaucer and Langland were contemporaries, but there were several differences between their writing styles. Which of the following best describes these differences?


Chaucer’s pilgrims are a representative section of late medieval society. Which of the following economic situations is evident among this group?


Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales”?


Complete the following statement. Chaucer wrote his elegiac poem, “The Book of the Duchess,” to praise the young Duchess of Lancaster who tragically died of:


How was mystical literature significant?


In Chaucer’s “The Miller’s Tale,” why would the miller’s determination to speak following the knight appear unsettling to the 14th century audience?


In “Everyman,” which of the following provides the path to redemption in the afterlife?


In “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” what is the significance of “barley bread”?


The home of Chaucer’s royal patron and friend, John of Gaunt, was burned during the Peasants’ Revolt of 138. What events led to this revolt?


The turbulent years of the 14th century witnessed a blending of language and culture that led to the rise of Middle English. Which of the following events led to the nickname “the era of catastrophes”?


What distinguishes morality plays from mystery plays?


What does Chaucer write concerning the devastating effect of the Black Death upon English social, cultural, and economic life in “The Canterbury Tales”?


What is the significance of the title of “Everyman”?


What is the significance of the “Green Knight”?


What led to the alliterative revival?


Which genre is based on interactions between three feudal classes?


Which of the following best defines alliterative verse?


Which of the following best defines mysticism?


Which of the following best describes the significance of the following line from Julian of Norwich’s “Revelations of Divine Love”: “all manner of things shall be well”?


Which of the following characters from “The Canterbury Tales” might represent the rising middle-class of the 14th century?


Which of the following genres applies to Langland’s “Piers Plowman”?


Which of the following is the best example of a morality play?


Which of the following is the best example of a mystery play?


Which of the following lines provides an example of alliterative verse?


Which of the following texts are associated with the alliterative revival?


Which of the following texts provides the best example of medieval estates satire?


Which of the following themes appears in “The Miller’s Tale”?


Which of the following themes is not explored in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”?


Why is the Battle of Hastings relevant to the development of Middle English?


Why was the alliterative revival associated with nationalism and nostalgia?


“The Second Shepherds’ Play” is part of which play cycle?


Which of the following accurately state a reason to characterize Beowulf as an epic poem?

Which of the following accurately state a reason to characterize Beowulf as an epic? -It depicts a hero battling forces that threaten the world.

What is Beowulf best described as?

Beowulf is best described as an arrogant, superhuman hero. Beowulf reflects the value of the code of the warrior. The literary device of "death-dealing" and "terror-monger" are examples of kenning. Beowulf's nemesis is a demonic monster that is surprised by Beowulf's superhuman strength.

What details of the battle and its setting are characteristic of an epic Beowulf?

What details of the battle and its setting are characteristic of an epic? an underwater battle hall with a "high- arching roof," a fiery lake, and the battle pits a fearless hero against a powerful, supernatural, creatures.

Which of the following best summarizes the theme of Beowulf?

Which of the following best summarizes the theme of Beowulf? Valor will triumph.


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