Which of the following accurately describes the correlation between task interdependence?


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org management

a technique used that makes use of external conparisons to better evaluate ones current performance and identity possibly ways to improve for the future benckmarking
organizations achieve the best results when.. senior management includes an HR professional so HR constraints and values are part of the foundation on which mission and strategic plans are built
__ is the orderly study of job facts to determine what is done when, where, how, why and by whom in existing jobs or potential jobs. job analysis
Which of the following correctly shows the order of use of the three interest sources demonstrated in class? source to obtain a code number unique to specific industry. enter that code # to get to a 2nd webpage for jobs, 3rd webpage for lists of skills of those jobs
Which HR management function involves forecasting and comparing as organizations demand for labor and its supply of labor? HR planning
Internal recruiting may be beneficial in terms of ___ but may be balanced by problems with ___. high employee motivation and morale, increased political conflicts
When organizations are seeking to fill positions with the most qualified candidates they should insure the selection devices they use are both __ and __. reliable and valid
What is the worst time to tell an employee that he or she is being fired or let go? last thing in the day on a friday
Which of the following would not be recommended variable to consider in performance appraisals? loyalty to the organization
Which of the following is bad advice use of mechanistic, bureaucratic approach to bring stability to an unstable environment
Which of the following is not characteristic of an adaptive organization? more divisions of labor
When an organization chart shows vice presidents of marketing, manufacturing, finance, HR reporting directly to the president the top management group is organized as functional structure
all of the following are potential advantages of using a divisional structure of labor except reserves of resources due to duplication of resources and efforts across all divisions
a matrix structure combines elements of __ and __ functional and divisional structures
One disadvantage of using a team structure conflicting loyalities of members
all of the following are potential disadvantages of network structures
a __ is a special form of boundary-less organization virtual organization
an org that produces large numbers of uniform products with a assembly line system is using mass production
technology that can function like mass production where a client is passed from point to point for various processes is long-linked production
Kaizen processes are characterized by all of the following except assessment of stakeholder flexability and commitment
eliminating duplication of work and systems bottlenecks is a prime objective of process re-engineering
gathering samples of work from a department and evaluating quality is statistical quality control
which of the following statements best describes the process of total qualitymanagement organization wide commitment to continuous improvement
__ indicates organizations adherence with a rigorous set of internal quality standards iso certifications
an org has collected enough revenue to cover costs of resources creates break even point
__ ensures that directions and resources are right before work begins free forward
shift supervisors working alongside employees, constantly observing and intervening with immediate correctiveaction when something is not done right is concurrrent control (focus' on what happens during the work process)
a cost report that displays overruns to the budget once a projects completed during the prior month feedback control
a project management tool that breaks a project into a series of small sub-activities that highlights interrelationships amoung activities CPM/PERT
4 steps of the control process are establish objectives and standards, compare results, _____ & ____. measure performance and take corrective action as needed
severity of a disciplinary reprimand should be calculated based on ... both of the above, severity of the problem and frequency of problem
a balanced scorrcard measures all of the following except compliance with industry regulations
all of the following are financial performance measures that managers should know financial perf, customer status, internal processing and innovation learning
which was measured in class as a common problem in controlling managers fail to consider full range of underlying causes
managers may easily over-rely on __ and __ as control tools punishment and employee training
An organization is a ______. Collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose.
2) Which of the following statements does not accurately describe the activities of top managers? Top managers develop and implement action plans to accomplish organizational objectives.
3) The belief that people will rationally consider available opportunities and do whatever is necessary to achieve the greatest personal economic gain… Classical Approach
Max Weber developed bureaucratic principles using perspectives from: Being a member of upper-class society; intellectual scholarship and inquiry.
5) Which of the following accurately describes the interrelationship of the general and the task environment? lements of the general environment have an impact on various aspects of the task environment and managerial decision making focuses…
6) Achieving competitive advantage through assessments of the general and task environment is generally defined as the organization Stay current with changes in consumer/client preferences so the organization is meeting those preferences in ways that other organizations…
7) The global economy is characterized by the world-wide _____. Interdependence of resource supplies, product markets and business competition.
8) Which of the following accurately describes the typical experience of adjusting to a new culture? The adjustment process begins with confusion and after a series of ups and downs a person may reach the point of a realistic…
9) A typical mission statement identifies all of the following except: The resources used in providing the product and/or services.
10) Managers assess the general and task environments to determine organizational _____. Opportunities and threats.
Using the categories of the Boston Consulting Group, as general rule start-up businesses would be considered _____ and the hope is they would turn into what? Question marks, stars, cash cows, dogs
Which of the following about angel investors is accurate? Angel investing can serve to attract additional venture capital.
The group of employees that has been progressively growing proportionally smaller in organizations in recent years is: Permanent full time workers
14) Which of the following statements accurately describes the open systems model of organization? The organization creates a transformation process for turning resource inputs into outputs.
15) Henry Mintzberg identified a set of roles that managers perform. These roles are grouped into which of the following 3 categories? Decisional, informational, and interpersonal
16) The use of motion study to inform managerial thinking is associated with _____. Frank and Lillian Gibreth.
17) Mary Parker Follet’s emphasis on groups and her commitment to human cooperation were developed in her experience with _____. Social services programs; employee ownership.
18) Which of the following groups is NOT an organizational stakeholder and therefore NOT part of the task environment? None of the above, they are all organizational stakeholders.
19) VanOech’s role of explorer is most salient for: idea creation
20) Members of the World Trade Organization agree to set up mutually beneficial policies and power? For imports and exports. most favored nation states
21) The terms polychromic and monochromic focus on the number of : The range of goal-oriented tasks people typically carry out at any given time.
22) Which of the following was not addressed as a competitive imperative? Product innovation.
23) Businesses pursuing a _____ strategy seek a competitive advantage by concentrating on offering a product or service with unique features that appeal to a broad market. differentiation
24) A _____ protects one partner from the consequences of negligence on the part of another partner. ?
25) _____ are risk-taking individuals who bring ideas for action to pursue opportunities and situations to the attention of their employers. Intrapreneurs
26) OFC is a small, family owned business that manufacturers; markets fruit spreads every day at break. controlling
27) Managers who have responsibility for work activities with a direct contribution to the organizations product or services are called _____. line managers
28) Positivism is _____ and it was foundational in the development of _____. The belief that rational, scientific thought can solve all human problems and that there is a steady progress of science and society.
29) The behavioral (or HR) approach to management basically assumes that _____. People look for social and personal fulfillment from their work.
30) Issues centered on ethics, human rights and gender roles are _____ and therefore an aspect of the ____ environment. general.
31) Which of the following was included as a limiting factor (a lock) on individual creativity? Fear that making a mistake will generate problems.
32) A firm that establishes a direct investment in a foreign country through a co-ownership arrangement that pools resources, shares risk and collaboratively… Joint Venture
33) _____ cultures are those in which much communication takes place through nonverbal and situational cues in addition to the written. high context
34) Green Earth Gardening Services has been installing and maintaining landsaping for commercial clients for twenty years and want to expand. Partner A wants to… market growth and product
35) According to Porters model, an organization will find it more difficult to achieve competitive success defined as long term returns on investment when: there are few and low barriers to entry
36) Which of the following is NOT true about small businesses in US? Small businesses receive about 70% of federal dollars.
37) Which is NOT a common motivation for entrepreneurship? none
38) A work crew supervisor and plant manager are both in _____ positions? line
___ refers to the quantity and quality of work performance with resource utilization taken into account productivity
40) Brenda is calculating the inventory turnover statistics for her department. She is drawing mainly on her ___ skills. technical
41) Experience in turning a falling mining company around was the foundation for the principles of administration outlined by: Henry Fayol
42) Hawthorne Studies helped shift the attention of managers and scholars away from the technical and structural concerns emphasize: the study of social and human concerns as keys to productivity
43) New ways of making money for the firm are considered: business model innovations
44) Which of the following statements is accurate Various countries are beginning to enact mutually supportive laws against corrupt business practices
45) Which of the following is NOT a correct statement concerning Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture? ? Collectivism focuses on government structures that range from socialistic to communistic
46) Profitability, market share, human talent, financial health and cost efficiency are all examples of: performance results specified by operating objectives
47) Which of the following lists correctly identifies the different levels of strategy that typically are found in a business? Corporate, business, functional
48) Entrepreneurs share all of the following characteristics except: they minimize risk in order to ensure a stable source of income to keep the new business going
49) A business that maintains web pages for other companies contracts with restaurants to post information the restaurants and also sets up customer access to on-line restaurant reservation service. The web-page provider is applying: : subscription and intermediary business models

Which of the following are types of task interdependence?

Task interdependence can be thought of as having 3 types or forms, (1) pooled interdependence, (2) sequential interdependence, and (3) reciprocal interdependence (Figure 1).

Which of the following describes the correlation between power and influence and organizational commitment?

Which of the following describes the correlation between power and influence, and organizational commitment? People with legitimate power have the understood right to ask others to do things that are considered within the scope of their authority.

Which of the following characterizes pooled interdependence multiple choice?

Which of the following characterizes pooled interdependence? Group members complete their work assignments independently, and then this work is simply "piled up" to represent the group's output.

Which of the following types of teams generally requires a full time commitment from team members quizlet?

Work teams are designed to be relatively permanent. Their purpose is to produce goods or provide services, and they generally require a full-time commitment from their members.


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