Which distribution consists of the manufacturer placing the goods or services in as many outlets as possible?

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Chapter 14 Multiple-Choice Questions

Channels, Supply Chains, and Retailing

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Chapter 10 - Marketing Channels and Supply Chain

Chapter 10

Marketing Channels and Supply Chain

True / False Questions

1. Supply chain activities are generally considered outside of the scope of marketing.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: Moderate

Learning Objective: 10-01 Explain what is meant by a marketing channel and the value created by intermediaries.

Topic: 10-01 Nature and Importance of Marketing Channels

2. A marketing channel includes the individuals and firms involved in making products and

services available.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: 10-01 Explain what is meant by a marketing channel and the value created by intermediaries.

Topic: 10-02 What is a Marketing Channel?

3. Sporty Feet produces a special brand of footwear called FootTrekkers and sells it to

wholesalers. The wholesalers are intermediaries.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: Moderate

Learning Objective: 10-01 Explain what is meant by a marketing channel and the value created by intermediaries.

Topic: 10-02 What is a Marketing Channel?

10- 1

Chapter 10 - Marketing Channels and Supply Chain

4. Shoppers' Galore issues credit cards to consumers so that they can buy now and pay later.

This is an example of a transactional function of an intermediary.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: Moderate

Learning Objective: 10-01 Explain what is meant by a marketing channel and the value created by intermediaries.

Topic: 10-03 Value Is Created by Intermediaries

5. Form utility involves efforts by intermediaries to help buyers take possession of a product

or service, such as providing various ways for payment to be made for a product—by credit

card, debit card, cash, or cheque.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: 10-01 Explain what is meant by a marketing channel and the value created by intermediaries.

Topic: 10-03 Value Is Created by Intermediaries

6. User manuals are an example of information utility.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: Moderate

Learning Objective: 10-01 Explain what is meant by a marketing channel and the value created by intermediaries.

Topic: 10-03 Value Is Created by Intermediaries

7. Proctor & Gamble sells products to consumers utilizing only retailers in the channel. This

exemplifies a direct channel.


Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: Moderate

Learning Objective: 10-02 Define multichannel marketing and explain its advantages for consumers.

Topic: 10-05 Marketing Channels for Consumer Goods and Services

10- 2

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What type of distribution places products and services in as many outlets as possible?

An intensive distribution strategy involves selling a product in as many outlets as possible. Selective distribution involves selling a product at select outlets in specific locations. Exclusive distribution involves selling a product through one or very few outlets.

What are the 4 types of distribution?

There are four types of distribution channels that exist: direct selling, selling through intermediaries, dual distribution, and reverse logistics channels. Each of these channels consist of institutions whose goal is to manage the transaction and physical exchange of products.

Which method is used to distribute directly from the manufacturer to the customer?

In a direct distribution channel, the manufacturer sells directly to the consumer. Indirect channels involve multiple intermediaries before the product ends up in the hands of the consumer.

What type of distribution is used when a manufacturer utilizes?

There are two types of distribution channels: direct and indirect. As the names would imply, direct distribution is a direct sale between the manufacturer and the consumer, and indirect distribution is when a manufacturer utilizes a wholesaler or retailer to sell their products.


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