What science principles were very evident in the performance of the skills of basketball?

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Athletes tend to have better visuo-motor performance than do sedentary individuals. However, several basic visual-function and perceptual parameters remain unexplored to date. In this study, we investigated whether differences exist in visual function, performance, and processing between basketball players and individuals without a sport-involvement background.


A total of 33 healthy men with no visual impairment or pathology were divided into 2 groups, depending on the involvement in sport (semi-professional basketball players and sedentary individuals). We tested their baseline heart-rate variability in the resting position apart from subjective questionnaires to determine their physical fitness level, and we checked their visual function, performance, and processing through an extended battery of optometric tests.


The 2 groups differed in resting heart-rate variability parameters (p < 0.001), confirming their dissimilarities in regular time practising sports per week. The basketball players showed a closer breakpoint and recovery nearpoint of convergence, a higher fusional-vergence rate, better discriminability halos, and better eye–hand coordination (all p values < 0.05).


These results show evidence that athletes, basketball players in this case, exhibit better performance in several visual abilities in comparison to a group of individuals without sporting backgrounds, suggesting an improvement due to the systematic involvement of those skills during basketball practice.



Fitness level


Heart rate variability

Visual skills

Team sport

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© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport.

Table of Contents

1. Strength and Conditioning for Basketball Players and Teams

Alejandro Vaquera and Alexandru Radu

2. Physiology of Basketball Players and Teams

Christopher Holland

3. Nutrition for basketball players and teams

Juan Mielgo Ayuso and Ainhoa Prieto

4. Psychology for basketball players and teams

Alexandru V. Stewart Mardan

5. Wheelchair Basketball

Miles Thompson and Haj Bhania

6. Women basketball

Alexandru Radu and Florin Nini

7. Medical issues in basketball

Darren Cooper

8. Coaching and basketball coach education

Alexandru Radu

9. Youth basketball

Rutenis Paulauskas and Alexandru Radu


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How is science involved with playing basketball?

Basketballs bounce because of the pressurized air inside of them, gravity and Newton's Laws of Motion. When you dribble a basketball, your hand and gravity both push the ball towards the ground (Law #1). As it drops, the ball accelerates and speeds up (Law #2).

What type of science is basketball?

On the surface, whether watching a game at an NBA arena or the playground, it seems simple: pass, dribble, run, jump, and shoot. However, each of these practices is a principle of science; specifically, the science of physics, math, and the law of motion.

What is the physics application in basketball?

A basketball is surrounded by air, and air pressure increases with depth. This means that the air below the ball pushes up harder than the air above it pushes down. This pressure difference creates an upwards buoyant force on the basketball.

How do Newton's laws of motion improve performance in basketball?

The second law, in combination with the fact that the basketball is one constant mass and weight tells us that the more force applied to the ball, the faster the ball will accelerate, or travel. Stronger players can therefore throw the ball faster. The final law of motion describes the bounce of the ball.


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