What must you do after calling a prescription for a refill in to the pharmacy quizlet?

What part of the country must a CII narcotic rx originate from for it to be valid

contiguous states around MA & Maine

What part of the country must a CII non-narcotic prescription originate from for it to be valid?

Schedule II rx are good for __ days after issue

CII rx can/cannot refilled

CII prx are limited to __day supplies

Dextroamphetamine & methylphenidate can be prescribed for 60 day supplies if used for _______ ______ _____ or _________

minimal brain dysfunction or narcolepsy

RX's for implantable infusion pumps w/ CII or CIII substances can be refilled for ___ days

CII rx records must be kept at the pharmacy for ___ years

Prescription must be writte on

Board of pharmacy is made up of ___members

Describe the members of the BOP and it's required positions

- at least 8 registered pharmacists with at least 7 years of consecutive experience - 2 chain RPh, 2 independent RPh, 1 long-term care facility RPh, 1 hospital RPh, 1 sterile compounding, 1 academic, 1 pharmacy tech, 1 public rep, 1 registered physician, 1 registered nurse, 1 pt safety/quality improvement expert - No more than 2 pharmacists can be from the same practice setting -No discipline from DEA w/n 10 years before appointment to board

How often are members of the BOP elected?

When is a new member of the BOP elected

Who elects a new member of the BOP

The BOP meets the ____ of every ___ to elect a secretary and president. How long will they serve under those positions?

first Tuesday of every December. 1 year

The BOP also hold annual meetings on ___ of __,____,and ____.

first Tuesday of Jan, May, and October (1, 5, 10)

How much dose the Secretary of the board earn a year? (2013)

$2250 + traveling expense to and from board meetings

How much do members of the BOP earn a year? (2013)

$1050 plus traveling expenses to and from board meeting

The BOP appoints __(number)__ agents who will inspect all drug establishments. these agents will also file criminal complaints on behalf of the board

Pharmacist registrations expire on ___, of ___ - numbered years

December 31st of even-numbered years

CDTM can only be performed in these locations

Hospitals LTCF's In- and Out-pt hospice Ambulatory Care Facilities Retail pharmacies

To be eligible to participate in CDTM, a pharmacist must:

- be currently registered - Have at least $1,000,000 in liability insurance - Have a PharmD or at least 5 years experience - Devote part of the pharmacy to a drug therapy area - Participate in 5 extra CE hours (0.5 CEUs) that address areas of practice generally related to the particular collaborative practice agreement

CDTM agreement must be limited to:

- pt 18years or older - 30 day-extension of medication with the same directions as prescribed by the practitioner (for not more than two 30 day periods) - Administartion of Vaccines - Initiations ,discontinuations, or modifications of dosagse for asthma, COPD, DM, HTN, hyperlipidemia, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, CHF, and co-morbidities for indviduals accompnaying the primary diagnosis

T or F? A pt must be given notice of CDTM

T or F A pt must sign a consent form before participating in CDTM?

T or F A pharmacist must receive a referral before receive performing CDTM?

True or False? Pharmacist may prescribe C III-V medications if allowed under a collaborative practice agreement

False. a pharmacist may only prescribe schedule VI meds under a collaborative practice agreement, if allowed by the physician

A physician must receive a copy of any rx prescribed by a pharmacist within __ .

T or F retail pharmacy can employ a medical doctor for the purpose of maintaining, establishing, or entering into a collaborative practice agreement?

False. A community pharmacy MAY, however, hire a physician or licensed medical practitioner to conduct quality assurance reviews of pharmacists engaged in CDTM

Pharmacy Tech licenses expired when?

Every 2 years on their birthday

How many members of the BOP is considered quorum?

Do pharmacists under investigation by the Board have full access to the investigation documents?

The BOP must approve or deny an application for pharmacy registration w/in ___ days

Federal Records must be kept for at least ____ years

What DEA form is used to report theft or loss of controlled substances? MA must also report to DEA in what time frame?

What DEA form is used to register a new pharmacy to dispense controlled substances?

What DEA form is used to renew a controlled substance registration already issued?

What DEA form is used to renew controlled substance registrations for a chain of pharmacies?

What DEA form is used to request a duplicate copy of a DEA registration?

What DEA form is used to request CII medication?

What DEA form is used by a registered agent of the DEA to inventory medications being disposed of?

41 (Registrant's Inventory of Drugs Surrendered)

What DEA form is used to apply as a Narcotic Treatment Program?

If you are not a retail pharmacy, what form do you need to complete in order to sell pseduephedrine and ephedrine?

510 (chemical disbributor of SLCP's)

Electronic rx must be sortable by:

1. Prescriber Name 2. Patient name 3. Medication 4. Date

When taking an inventory, what schedule(s) of substances must be counted exactly?

When taking an inventory, what schedule(s) of substances can be estimated? Unless..

Schedule III-V can be estimated on initial and biennial inventories unless the bottle contains more than 1000 units, in which case it must be an exact count

When a DEA registration is initially issued, what must take place next?

If no controlled medications are present when DEA registration is issued, must you perform an initial inventory?

Yes, the registrant should record a "zero" inventory

Do initial and biennial inventories need to be forwarded to the DEA?

No, just filed for 2 years

Inventories must include:

1. date of inventory 2. whether the inventory was taken at the beginning or end of business 3. Name of each substance 4. Finished form of each substance (eg. 10mg tabs) 5. Number of units in each commercial container 6. Number of commercial containers 7. Count of substance (CII exact, CIII-V - estimation unless >1000 units)

DEA recommends but not require every inventory to include:

Name, address, DEA# of the registrant, and the signature of the person or persons responsible for taking the inventory

Biennial Inventories can be performed when?

Any date as long as its within 2 years from the previous inventory

Biennial Inventories can be performed when?

Any date as long as its within 2 years from the previous inventory

Newly scheduled controlled substance inventories must be taken when?

whenever a substance not previously scheduled is scheduled or when a drug changes schedules. It must be performed as of the effective scheduling change date

What schedule(s) require DEA 222 form?

T or F? A DEA 222 form is required for each distribution, purchase, or transfer of schedule I or II substances

When federal law and state law differ, a pharmacy is required to follow which law?

The law that is more strict

Unexecuted DEA 222 forms can initially be requested by checking "______" on the DEA 224 form

What is required for the order of additional DEA 222 forms?

1. Valid DEA registration number 2. Name of business 3. Contact phone number

Each book of DEA 222 forms contains how many sets of forms?

What is the maximum number of DEA222 book a pharmacy can have?

On a DEA 222 form, the purchaser is responsible for filling in the:

1. Number of packages
2. Size of the package
3. Name of the item

Each 222 form must be signed and dated by a person authorized to sign a _______ or a person with _____ of ________.

Registration Application or a person with power of attorney

When CII items are received, the pharmacist must document on the purchaser's copy (copy ____), the actual number of packages received and the date received.

True or False? It is illegal to attach a copy of the supplier's invoice to a DEA 222 form.

False. DEA 222 forms must be filed in a separate location than other pharmacy documents, but invoices can be attached to them.

An order from a DEA 222 form must not be filled if the order is:

not complete, legible, or properly prepared, executed, or endorsed, or if the order shows any alteration, erasure, or change of any description.

If a supplier refuses to accept an order, what must they send?

A statement that the order is not accepted and an explanation as to why it was refused. They must also send back copies 1 and 2 of the 222 form.

True or False? A supplier can substitute identical products differing in package size provided the quantity received does not exceed the quanitty ordered, and that the NDC number reflects the item that was shipped.

True (Eg. 500 count bottle of 2 mg Tablets can be subbed to five 100 count bottles of 2 mg tablets)

Is there a limit on the number of "power of attorney's" a registrant can authorize?

No, one or more individuals can be authorized

Who must sign the power of attorney?

The same person who signed the most recent application for registration or renewal and the person being granted power of attorney

When can power of attorney be revoked by the registrant?

Does power of attorney need to be sent to the DEA?

If the pharmacy does not receive a shipment of CII's what is the first step?

Contact the supplier and verify that they received the DEA 222 form.

If a DEA 222 form was lost or stolen what are the next steps?

1. Complete a new form for your order.
2. With that form attach a statement with the serial number of the first form, the date of the first form, and a statement verifying that you did not receive the items.
3. A copy of this statement should also be kept on file with copy three of the first and second forms.
4. Contact local DEA diversion field office immediately and provide them with the serial number(s) of the lost form(s)

If a book of DEA 222 forms is stolen, what should you do?

Contact your local DEA diversion field office and provide them with the serial numbers of the forms. If you do not know them, give them the approximate date of issuance of the forms.

Controlled Substance Ordering System

CSOS uses a ___ ___ ______ technology.

Public Key Infrastructure

Electronic CSOS users obtain a CSOS _____ ________ for electronic ordering

When ordering CIII-V substances, keep a receipt (invoice or packing slip) on which it records the date the drugs were received and record that the order is accurate. Receipts should include:

1. Name of each substance
2. Final Form of the substance
3. Number of dosage units in each commercial package
4. Number of packages received

True or False? A prescription is an order for medication to be dispensed to or for an ultimate user

True or False? A prescription is an order for medication which is dispensed for immediate administration to the ultimate user.

Is an order to dispense a drug to an inpatient for immediate administration in a hospital a prescription?

List Requirements on a Prescription (Federal)

1. Date
2. Name, Address, DEA # of practitioner
3. Name and Address of Patient
4. Medication Name
5. Strength
6. Dosage Form
7. Quantity
8. Directions for use and any cautionary statements required
9. Refills, if any
10. Signature (must be signed the same day it is dated)

A prescription must be written in...

True or False? A prescription can be signed by an agent authorized by the practitioner.

False, a manual signature from the prescribing practitioner is necessary to be a valid prescription.

Who are the most common types of practitioners that can prescribe? (5)

1. Medical Physicians
2. Dentists
3. Podiatrists
4. Veterinarians
5. Mid-level Practitioners

What mid-level practitioners can prescribe in Massachusetts?

Nurse practitioners and Physician Assistants

A prescription is sent and received electronically, but the prescribing physician calls and wants to change the dose of a medication. Every electronic RX is printed down and filed away. Is it sufficient to pull the hardcopy and write the changed dose on it and file it away?

No, if a prescription is sent and received electronically, any annotations to the prescription must also be saved electronically. (CVS Example: Rescan the prescription after the note has been completed)

Prior to October 1, 1985, DEA registration numbers started with the letter "__"

Today, DEA registration numbers usually start with the letter "__" or "__"

Mid-level practitioner's DEA numbers start with the letter "__"

The second letter in a DEA number is almost always what?

The first letter of the practitioner's last name

In what circumstance is a person exempt from registering with the DEA?

An active official in the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Federal Bureau of Prisons, or Public Health Service who is authorized to administer, dispense, and prescribe but not procure, or purchase controlled substances in the course of his or her official duties.

When prescribing controlled substances, an official of the US armed forces includes what specific things on the prescription?

1. The branch of government
2. Service Identification number

When prescribing controlled substances, an official of the Public Health Service includes what specific things on the prescription?

1. State Public Health Service
2. Service Identification number (which is their social security number)

If members of the US armed forces or Public Health Service want to run a private medical practice on the side, do they need to register with the DEA?

Yes, they must obtain a separate registration

True or False? Mid-level practitioners can prescribe CII medications?

Yes, in massachusetts nurse practitioners and physician assistants can prescribe schedule II - V substances.

Is there a federal time limit within which a Schedule II prescription must be filled?

No. However, in MA you have 30 days after the date of issue. The first day does not count.

Is there a federal quantity limit for Schedule II prescriptions?

No, however, the prescription must still be for a legitimate medical purpose.

What is the federal law for refills on a Schedule II medication?

No refills are allowed on CII's at the federal level or MA.

Individual practitioner's may issue up to ____ days worth of supply of a CII between multiple prescriptions. What must these prescriptions include?

90 days.. they must include instructions on each prescription indicating the earliest date on which the pharmacy is allowed to fill them.

True or False? To save time for the patient, a prescriber can fax a prescription for a CII Narcotic medication in order for the pharmacy to get it ready, as long as the patient brings a written hardcopy.

True, this practice is allowed. However, the written prescription is required before dispensing the medication.

Prescribers may fax CII prescriptions in three distinct scenarios. Describe them.

1. CII narcotic to be compounded and directly administered to a patient by parenteral, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intraspinal infusion.
2. The practitioner is prescribing for a resident of a long-term care facility.
3. The practitioner is prescribing for a patient enrolled in a hospice program paid for my Medicare under Title XVIII, OR enrolled in a state-licensed hospice program.

Schedule III and IV prescriptions can be refilled up to ___ times within ____ _____ after the date of issue

Refilled up to five times within 6 months of the date of issue.

Schedule III prescriptions can be refilled for a maximum ___ day supply.

In MA, Schedule II and III substances are limited to 30-day supplies.

When a schedule III or IV prescription is refilled, what information must be written on the back?

1. Dispensing Pharmacist's Initials
2. Date prescription was refilled
3. Amount of drug refilled

A pharmacy's electronic system must be able to print out a refill-by-refill audit of a specific _____ and ______ ______ of a controlled substance, by either brand or generic or both, dispensed by the pharmacy. This printout must include: (5)

Strength and Dosage Form
1. Name of the prescriber
2. Name and address of the patient
3. Quantity and date of each refill
4. Name or identification code of dispensing pharmacist
5. Original prescription number

If using a central record keeping system, the refill-by-refill audit of a specific strength and dosage form of a controlled substance must be available to your pharmacy within ____ hours

The printout which pharmacists sign after dispensing CIII-V prescriptions, signifying that everything entered in the computer that day they were checking is correct, must be available to the pharmacy within ___ hours if using an electronic system.

True or False? A pharmacy may use a manual AND an electronic system for storage and retrieval of prescription order refill information of schedules III or IV.

False, a pharmacy can only use one of those two systems. (manual or electronic).

Oral prescriptions for Schedules III-V must be accompanied by a written hardcopy within __ days.

How many times can you transfer a CIII-V medication? Are there any exceptions?

Once. Federally, if the pharmacies share a real-time, online database then you can transfer the prescription as many times as refills. However, in MA, it is one-time.

What is the procedure of the pharmacist (transferring) a Schedule III-V prescription to another pharmacy?

1. Transferring Pharmacist writes "VOID" on the face of the invalidated prescription.
2. On the back of the invalidated prescription he writes the name, address, and DEA # of the pharmacy to which it was transferred and the name of the pharmacist who is receiving it.
3.Record on a written log or electronically, the prescription number, the date, the name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription, and the name of the pharmacy to which it was transferred

What is the procedure of the pharmacist (receiving) a Schedule III-V prescription from another pharmacy?

1. Receiving pharmacist write "transfer" on the face of the transferred prescription
2. Write all the required prescription information, then also include:
a. Original date of issuance
b. Original number of refills authorized
c. Original date prescription was dispensed
d. Number of valid refills remaining on the prescription and the date of the last refill
e. Pharmacist's name
f. Pharmacy Name, address, and DEA #
g. Original prescription number

What is the procedure of the pharmacist or certified pharmacy technician transferring out a Schedule VI medication?

1. The pharmacist or Certified Pharmacy Technician must record, on a written transfer log or electronically:
a. prescription number
b. date of transfer
c. name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription
d. name of the pharmacy receiving the prescription

What is the procedure of the pharmacist (receiving) a Schedule VI prescription from another pharmacy?

1. Pharmacist must write "transfer" on the face of the prescription
2. Write all required prescription information and then also include:
a. Original date of issuance
b. Original number of authorized refills
c. Original date of dispensing
d. Number of valid refills left on the prescription and the date of the last refill
e. name, address, DEA # of the pharmacy transferring the prescription
f. original prescription number
g. name of the pharmacist transferring
(Same procedure as CIII-V for receiving pharmacist)

Both the original and transferred prescriptions in any transfer must be kept on file for ___ years from the date of the last refill.

Statement that must be displayed on every Schedule II-IV medication

CAUTION: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for who it was prescribed.

True or False? Under Federal law, a pharmacist must ONLY dispense a controlled medication to the patient it was prescribed for or a member of their household.

True. To provide anyone else the prescription would be distributing, not dispensing.

True or False? Federal law states CII prescriptions can be partially refilled if the full quantity cannot be provided.

True. A pharmacist can note the quantity remaining on the front of the prescription. However, the remainder can only be dispensed within 72 hours of the partial fill.

Massachusetts law does not allow partial fills on CII's.

What are the situations where a CII can be legally partially filled, under federal law, for individual doses? Explain the procedure for these instances.

1. If patient is a resident of a long-term care facility
2. If patient is terminally ill.
- The prescription must note "LTCF" or "terminally ill", or you must verify with practitioner.
- Must note on the back of the prescription:
a. initials of dispensing pharmacist
b. qty dispensed
c. date
d. how much remaining

How long are CII's written for a long-term care facility patient or a terminally ill patient good for?

60 days from the issue date

True or False? Some controlled medications can be sold over the counter without a prescription.

True. Some controlled substances are not prescription drugs and can be sold by the pharmacist OTC as long as certain regulations are met.

What is the procedure for dispensing a controlled medication over-the-counter?

1. Pharmacist must do the dispensing him/herself.
2. Pharmacist can sell no more than 8oz of a controlled substance containing opium (or 48 doses) and no more than 4 oz of any other controlled substance (or 24 doses)
3. Patient must be 18 years or older
4. Pharmacy must keep a bound record book with the following information:
a. Name and address of the purchaser
b. Name and Quantity of the substance
c. Date of purchase
d. Name or Initials of the pharmacist dispensing

What information must be kept in the bound logbook used for recording sales of over-the-counter controlled substances? (4)

a. Name and address of the purchaser
b. Name and Quantity of the substance
c. Date of purchase
d. Name or Initials of the pharmacist dispensing

True or False? Central fill pharmacies cannot sell over the counter controlled substances.

True, they are not allowed.

How many hours of practical experience must a pharmacy intern log before being eligible for registration?

1500 hours of practical experience under a board-approved preceptor. 1000 hours of which must be in a pharmacy or pharmacy-related setting.

True or False? If you fail the NAPLEX or MPJE, you must pass the failed test within 2 years to have both tests count together.

False, you must pass the failed test within ONE year to have both tests count together.

True or False? Foreign graduates must have FPGEC certification, but other than that the application process is the same.

For pharmacists who are licensed in other states and in good standing, and are approved by NABP for reciprocity, what is the next step to become registered in MA?

They must fill out their application of registration for MA and then pass the MPJE.

If a pharmacist has failed to renew his or her license for a period of more than 60 days, and whose personal registration has not been suspended or revoked, can they apply for renewal?

Yes they can still reapply for renewal, but they will have to satisfy conditions imposed by the board, which may be additional CEUs

If a pharmacist has failed to renew his or her personal registration for more than two years, and their personal registration has not been suspended or revoked by the Board, can they apply for renewal?

They must first pass the MPJE and satisfy all other conditions as determined by the board.

If a pharmacist's license has been revoked or suspended for between 6 months to 2 years, what must they do before being able to reapply for registration?

They must retake the MPJE and satisfy all other conditions as determined by the board.

If a pharmacist's license has been revoked or suspended for 2 years or more, what must they do before being able to reapply for registration?

They must retake the MPJE and satisfy all other conditions as determined by the board which may be retaking the NAPLEX.

If a pharmacist is renewing a license which has lapsed within 6 months of them completing service with the US armed forces or Public Health Service, will they have to pay any fees when reapplying?

No the fees are waived, unless they were practicing pharmacy independent of the service.

How many CE hours and in what time frame must a registrant complete to renew their license?

How many CE hours must a MA pharmacist complete each year? Are these any limitations on the content you must use?

20 hours every calendar year of the 2 year cycle. No more than 15 hours can be from home study. At least 2 hours must be in topics concerning pharmacy law.

True or False? You can carry over CE hours from year to year.

In what scenario would a pharmacist be exempt from CE hours?

If he or she was in the US Armed Forces or Public Health Service.. or the year you graduate from pharmacy school.

What is the limit on number of CE hours a registrant can accumulate in one day?

Do you need to complete CE hours during the calendar year in which you graduate from pharmacy school?

The MA Board of Pharmacy Continuing Education Committee is made up of __ members.

You must submit a request to teach a CE at least __ days prior to the program.

CE Providers must retain program records for __ years after the program date.

Pharmacists must retain CE records for ---- years

Pharmacists who are CE providers will receive credit for their program ___ time(s).

Describe when it is allowable for a practitioner to provide an oral prescription for a CII.

1. Necessary, no alternative (including giving a drug that is not a CII), and not reasonably possible for a written prescription to be obtained
2. Quantity is no more than is necessary to treat the emergency.
3. All required components of the prescription are present excluding the practitioners signature
4. The pharmacist has made a good faith effort to validate the authenticity of the prescriber.
5. Within seven days, a written hardcopy is received for the exact amount that was prescribed for the emergency supply and with the date of the emergency supply
6. Must state, "Authorization for Emergency Dispensing"
7. If mailed, must be postmarked by the 7th day
8. Attach hardcopy to the original oral prescription

True or False? A practitioner with prescriptive powers may own or manage a pharmacy.

False. They may not own or manage a pharmacy.

A pharmacy in Massachusetts must maintain these following items at all times: (9)

1. MA interchangeable drug list (MLID), the orange book, addition, and exception list
2. Current copy or electronic copy (with quarterly updates) of a compendia approved by the pharmacy manager
3. Current set of MA regulations (247 CMR)
4. Balance capable of measuring at least 13 milligrams which is tested and sealed annually
5. Equipment necessary to conduct the practice of pharmacy as detailed in the most current version of USP
6. Labels with the pharmacy name and address
7. Sanitary appliances, including a sink capable of hot and cold water, located near the pharmacy filling area
8. At least one bound logbook dedicated to the sale of OTC controlled substances
9. At least one bound logbook dedicated to the sale of alcoholic beverages (if applicable)

The prescription area for a new pharmacy must be at least ___ sq ft

When phoning a pharmacy for a prescription refill the medical assistant should include which of the following information?

The medical assistant document the medication refill in the patient's medical record, including their name or initials, the date and time, a description of the task performed, and the name of the physician authorizing the refill.

What are the steps of processing a prescription?

Following are five major steps involved in each prescription or filling process..
Receiving and Reviewing Prescription..
Translating the Prescription..
Data Entry..
Filling the Prescription..
Patient Counselling..

How do I refill a prescription?

Go to the pharmacy where you originally filled your prescription, request a refill, and either wait for it or come back to pick it later. By phone. Use the pharmacy's phone number listed on your medicine label to call in your refill.

What is the last step of the prescription process?

Prescription Given to the Patient Once the prescription(s) are filled, then the medicine can be given to the patient. Patients can obtain their medicine via in-person pickup, drive-thru, and/or delivery depending on the pharmacy.

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